physical science ch.12

an organic compound consisting only of carbon and hydrogen is called a


carbon to carbon bonds are


all of the following are hydrocarbon groups except: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkalines


the group -C2H5 is called


Compounds with the same molecular formulas but with different structures are called


hydrocarbons with double bonds are the


a hydrocarbon with a carbon to carbon triple bond is an


hydrocarbons that have one to four carbon atoms are


the process where large hydrocarbons are converted into smaller ones is called


the atom or group of atoms in an organic molecule that is the site of a chemical reaction is called the

functional group

a hydroxyl, -OH, functional group is found in


the oxidation of ethanol, C2H5OH, produces

acetic acid

an organic compound is a compound that

contains carbon, whether it was formed by a living thing or not

there are millions of organic compounds but only thousands inorganic compounds because

carbon atoms can combine with up to four other atoms including other carbon atoms

you know for sure that the compound named decane has

more than 10 isomers, 10 carbon atoms in each molecule and only single bonds

an alkane with four carbon atoms would have how many hydrogen atoms in each molecule


isomers are compounds with the same

molecular formula with different structures

isomers have

different physical and chemical properties

the organic compound trimethylpentane is an isomer of


which of the following would not occur as an unsaturated hydrocarbon? alkane, alkene or alkyne?


petroleum is believed to have formed mostly from the anaerobic decomposition of buried

plankton and algae

the label on a container states that the product contains "petroleum distillates." Which of the following hydrocarbons is probably present? CH4, C5H12, C16H34, C40H82


The reaction C2H2 + Br2 -> C2H2Br2 is a

addition reaction

ethylene molecules can add to one another in a reaction to form a long chain called a


chemical reactions usually take place on an organic compound at the site of a

double bond, lone pair of electrons, or functional group

the R in ROH represents

a hydrocarbon group with a name ending in -yl

the OH in ROH represents

a functional group

What is the proof of a "wine cooler" what is 5 percent alcohol by volume?

10 proof

an alcohol with two hydroxyl groups per molecule is called an


a bottle of wine that has 'gone bad' contains


a protein is a polymer formed from the linking of many

amino acid molecules

which of the following is not converted to blood sugar by the human body?


fats from animals and oils from plants have the general structure of an


liquid oils from plants can be converted to solids by adding what to the molecules?


the basic difference between a monomer of polyethlene and a monomer of polyvinyl chloride is

the replacement of hydrogen by a chlorine

many synthetic polymers become a problem in the environment because they

do not readily decompose and tend to accumulate

which of the following terms does not describe an alkane? Paraffin, single bonds, double bonds or straight chain

double bonds

a straight chain with four carbons is called


what is the general formula for alkenes?


An organic molecule that does not contain the maximum number of hydrogen atoms is called


what is the general formula for an alkyne?


Acetylene is fuel used in welding and an important to reactant in the synthesis of plastics. Acetylene is an


aromatic hydrocarbons are often used as


fractional distillation separates different fractions by differences in their

boiling point

the rate of combustion of gasoline is quantified by

octane number

a petroleum product that is composed of hydrocarbons with 16 to 18 carbone atoms per molecule is

motor oil

the organic acid that is found in sour milk, pickles, and in your muscles as a product of carbohydrate metabolism is

lactic acid

what are the organic compounds that are used in perfumes and for artificial flavors?


sugars, starches and cellulose belong to which class of organic compounds?


a mixture of alkanes, cycloalkanes and some aromatic hydrocarbons


formed when one or more hydrogen atoms on a hydrocarbon have been replaced by some element or group of elements other than hydrogen

hydrocarbon derivatives

the atom or group of atoms in an organic molecule that is the site of a chemical reaction

functional group

a very large molecule that is a combination of many smaller, similar molecules joined together in a chainlike structure


organic molecules with acid and amino functional groups

amino acids

simple sugars, the smallest units that have the characteristics of carbohydrates and can be combined to make larger complex carbohydrates


two monosaccharides joined together


polymers consisting of monosaccharide units joined together in straight or branched chains


a group of complex carbohydrates composed of many glucose units that plants use as a stored food source


a polysaccharide that is abundant in plants, forming the fibers in cell walls that preserve the structure of plant materials
