Social Construction of Sexuality Midterm

According to Gayle Rubin in "Thinking Sex," historical sex panics are still important to understand because...

a)None of the options was discussed as Rubin downplayed the importance of sex panics.
b)Such things no longer happen, so if we want to understand panics we must look historically.
c)Both of the options were discussed in the article as true.
d)The laws and

According to the You-Tube clip on "Disability and Sex", all of the following are myths about sexuality and disability EXCEPT :

a)people with disabilities have non-normative desires (are kinky or GLBT)
b)sex with disabilities is a hassle
c)people with disabilities are not sexual
d)If we don't talk about sex with people with disabilities they won't want it.

According to Manatu in "Love and Romance: Cultural Prescriptions for "Appropriate" Sexual Behaviors for Men and Women", what are the "rewards" for Black women characters in films who conform to the "feminine-good-girl" cultural ideal?

a)There are no rewards, suggesting that Black women are represented as cultural "others".
b)The rewards are a greater acceptance by the dominant racial group, suggesting growing equality.
c)The rewards are acceptance-at least from the Black community-and

According to Rubin, the belief that a line (which should not be crossed for fear of moral anarchy) separates sexual order and chaos exemplifies which ideological formation (hindrances from class discussions)?

a)The hierarchical valuation of sex acts
b)The domino theory of sexual peril
c)The lack of a concept of benign sexual variation
d)Sexual essentialism

According to your sociological reading and our brief class discussion on the weblink "Declaration of Romantic Intent," the sociological point of this form is

a)To emphasize how legalistic heterosexual relationships have gotten
b)Both of the answer options are true according to a sociological perspective and discussions
c)None of the answer options is true as the point was how difficult it can be to start a rom

In "The Sperm and the Egg" Emily Martin analyzes science textbooks' descriptions of sperm and eggs. She finds that science writing uses gender stereotypes about "what men and women are" in their descriptions. Which of the following statements about her fi

a)Ovulation was described as eggs "sitting on a shelf."
b)All of the options are true.
c)Spermatogenesis was described as productive and a remarkable process
d)Menstruation was described as wasteful.

According to Rubin in her "Thinking Sex" article how should intergenerational sex be viewed and evaluated?

a)As an act that lies outside of the charmed circle and should remain such
b)Any evaluation of such acts is oppressive
c)According to standards of consent, respect, and pleasure-the same as any other sex act
d)As acceptable if the partners are the same ge

According to key ideas from Rubin's "Thinking Sex" and Christina's "Are We Having...?" Christina's attempt to define sex in a way that fits her own feelings and experiences outside of the culturally accepted definition illustrates key principles from Rubi

a)Sex counts when a singular penis enters a singular vagina
b)A conscious, consenting, mutually acknowledged pursuit of sexual pleasure occurs between people
c)She never discusses anything but how the culturally accepted definition doesn't work for her.

According to Tobin's "Perils and Pleasures of Sex for Trans People," tips for having sex with (trans)people regardless of gender status include which of the following?

a)All of the answer options were offered as tips for increasing pleasure in partnered sexual activity
b)Respect your partner's boundaries
c)Make space for creativity
d)Avoid relying on assumptions about your partner

According to Breanne Fahs in "Getting, Giving, Faking, Having: Orgasm and the Performance of Pleasure," some of the findings about women who fake orgasms includes all of the following EXCEPT

a)Women who reported faking orgasms scored low on levels of self-esteem
b)Women who reported faking orgasms responded with high desire to please their partners
c)Women who reported faking orgasms had higher numbers of sexual partners over their lifetimes

According to McRuer in "Compulsory Able-bodiedness and Queerness," a critical view of disability in contemporary society does which of the following?

a)Explores how able-bodiedness is constructed in the context of cultural relations and expectations of industrial capitalism such as the importance of "work"
b)All of the answer options were suggested by the author
c)Advocates for equality of opportunity

According to Chapter Three in The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex, what should you be aware of when discussing sexual matters with your physician?

a)It is unlikely your doctor received standardized training in this area in medical school.
b)Your doctor has access to the latest information about sexuality and sexual health, so s/he is able to give advice from an objective rather than morally biased v

According to Steele, in "Doing It," in the predominant U.S. cultural understanding and definition of S-E-X, is consent required for an act to be considered sex?

a)Yes, because penetration could not take place without consent.
b)Yes, because that definition holds true across different cultures.
c)No, because the definition is clinical and objective rather than subjective and moral.
d)No, because the definition rel

According to Manatu in "Love and Romance..." what is required for Black women to freely reject the pedestal and benefits of passive, dependent femininity?

a)Enough education to see the trap of this performance and the expectations and limits it places on women.
b)Being seen as women who may need protection and support and so be able to choose or reject that option.
c)None of the above are discussed by Manat

According to Joan Nestle in "My Mother Liked to ****," her description of her mother's experiences

a)illustrates how being raised by an overly sexual parent can cause homosexuality.
b)All of the answer options are correct
c)illustrates how women can be so brutalized that they cease to enjoy sex, although they may continue to have it.
d)illustrates how

According to Steele, in "Doing It", S-E-X is constructed as ________________________.

a)A form of sexual activity that is neither respectful or pleasurable for any of the sexual actors who engage in it.
b)A "woman's game". Women are constructed as agentic sexual actors who actively surround the penis.
c)An equal playing field for men and w

According to class themes and Meika Loe in "Fixing the Broken Male Machine," the definition of erectile dysfunction (ED)

a)Reinforces the "what" of the DCS for ideal sex as being necessary for sexual health
b)Challenges certain aspects of the GSS for masculine (hetero)sexuality and allows for greater feminine agency in sexual encounters
c)Considers the full range of possibl

According to Tieffer in "Unnatural Acts," what do we learn by examining the practice of kissing cross culturally?

a)None of the options is correct, as Tieffer's point was that meanings and practices vary widely across cultures indicating sex is not natural and automatic.
b)Both of the options were argued by Tieffer.
c)That while meanings vary slightly, the essence of

According to the class syllabus, if you miss an exam what happens?

a)You must contact your instructor within 24 hours to arrange a make-up exam or you will receive a zero.
b)You get a zero for that exam score unless you produce a doctor's note in which case you will be excused.
c)Your scores on the other exams will be av

Gayle Rubin in her article "Thinking Sex," argues one of the hindrances to critically examining sexuality and forming a radical theory is the existence of sex (biological) essentialism. Yet, as discussed in class sex biological essentialist arguments have

a)It implies that marginalized sexualities have been biologically corrupted and thus the legal system should regard LGBTQ persons as 'protected classes'.
b)Sex essentialism has not been used to advocate for equality.
c)By claiming sexuality is a permanent

According to Feinberg in "Transgender Liberation,

a)All of the answer options were claimed in the article.
b)She has been able to pass mostly in society; it is only when she engages in political actions that she runs up against law enforcement and other agents of social control, but this still limits her

According to Rubin and the key ideas in her article, "Thinking Sex," the idea that "masturbation is an inferior substitute for partnered intercourse" is an example of which concept from the reading?

a)medical social control
b)sex negativity
c)old religious taboos that were primarily based on kinship forms of social organization.
d)hierarchical evaluation of sexuality and sex acts

According to Tieffer in "Unnatural Acts," what is/are a/some possible result(s) of viewing sex as natural and automatic?

a)False assumptions about the ease and consistency of "good sex"
b)Relinquishing responsibility to learn about sex and teach our kids about sex
c)Both of the answer options were discussed as possible results
d)None of the answer options is correct, as Tie

According to the You Tube clip from Key and Peele on Sexual Stereotypes about Black men, which of the following is true

a)the seemingly positive reasons for interest in sex with a black man were associated with racist assumptions.
b)The women's interest in black men was genuine and so even if misinformed was still complimentary.
c)Sexual stereotypes, while hardly ever true

According to Irvine in "The Invention of Inhibited Sexual Desire (ISD) and Sexual Addiction (SA)," the medical diagnosis of sexual addiction or inhibited desire can

a)Neither option was discussed as this article detailed the medical discovery of these conditions and the eventual rejection of the labels by most in the general population (diagnoses that didn't make it into cultural or interpersonal scripts).
b)Both opt

According to our class discussions on essentialism and social constructionism and Greta Christina's "Are We Having Sex Now or What?" the culturally accepted standard definition of sex that "counts" is which of the following?

a)based on a bodily act, allegedly connected with reproduction, and so relies on essentialist assumptions.
b)objective with categories that are mutually exclusive, exhaustive, and work for everyone, therefore it reflects essentialist assumptions.

In Fahs' "Getting, Giving, Faking, Having: Orgasm and the Performance of Pleasure," the gift metaphor was used by the author to describe the way interviewees discussed orgasms. According to Fahs, the gift metaphor reinforces the idea that

a)women's orgasms are so complex and spontaneous that they are experienced as a gift when they do happen.
b)men's and women's orgasms are seen as commodities that can be traded during sex (I'll give you one if you give me one).
c)women's orgasms are a com

According to Galler in The Myth of the Perfect Body, the admiration a disabled woman receives for surmounting obstacles is a distancing admiration which assumes

a)She is attractive to men because they can help and care for her.
b)Her achievement is a necessary compensation for a lack of sexuality, intimacy, and love.
c)She secretly needs assistance and support.
d)She does not want to be touched "down there"

According to Gayle Rubin in "Thinking Sex" and class discussion, a radical theory of sex must do which of the following?

a)Identify and denounce erotic injustice and sexual oppression.
b)Rely on a sexual essentialist perspective
c)Focus on the more "radical" elements of sexuality�deviants, the unusual, and behaviors and individuals that are considered abnormal or "dangerous

According to Manatu in "Love and Romance: Cultural Prescriptions for "Appropriate" Sexual Behaviors for Men and Women", how are Black women typically represented in films and thought of in the dominant culture?

a)As idealized versions of "passive" femininity.
b)As indistinguishable from white women.
c)As un-feminine "non-women"
d)As depressed and unhappy women who "stand by their men"

According to class discussion, which of the following would be a claim made from the social constructionist perspective?

a)Sexual orientation is caused by social forces such as cultural pressures to behave in particular ways.
b)Both of the answer options would be claimed by social constructionists.
c)None of the other answer options as social construction focuses on languag

According to class discussions on the chart on sexuality experts throughout history, which of the following statements is true?

a)The people who studied sexuality brought increasing levels of scientific objectivity to the study of sexuality and with that increasingly progressive acceptance of variation in sexual desire and behaviors.
b)The people who studied sexuality (after relig

According to class and recitation discussions on Dirty Words Day

a)The words we use for male and female genitals reflect gender expectations of aggressiveness and passivity
b)Words create "worlds" of meanings, values, and assessments that stratify certain sexual activities and categories of people.
c)Both options are t

According to class discussions, what might a social constructionist say about the concept of "pervert?

a)Even though perverts are not natural, we should let them do what they want in their own bedrooms.
b)Because sex is biologically determined, perverts have something biologically wrong with them.
c)Perverts are created by poor parental socialization.

According to class discussions, the definition of sexuality we will be using for the purposes of this class

a)is the most accurate definition that can be found in the social and biological sciences.
b)includes the sensations and desires defined as sexual by a society, with special emphasis on meanings.
c)emphasizes the repression of natural sexual expression in

According to class discussions on the assumptions of social constructionism, how many sexual identities are possible for humans?

a)Two "core" sexual identities are possible: heterosexual and gay.
b)Three "core" sexual identities are possible: heterosexual, gay, and bisexual.
c)Two "core" sexual identities but multiple variants are possible.
d)Unlimited sexual identities are possibl

According to class discussions, which of the following is an example of "bad faith?

a)Neither is an example of bad faith
b)Saying that you had to get married because your partner was pregnant.
c)Thinking that anyone can get married.
d)Both are examples of bad faith

According to class discussions, the power of perspective (being able to look through different "colored lenses") lies in

a)All of the answer options were discussed as the power of perspective.
b)Realizing what perspective is correct.
c)Being able to switch lenses and see through multiple perspectives.
d)Being able to be free of the tinted lenses and so look at things object

Which of the following is NOT an assumption of essentialism?

a)Language and scientific categories can be developed that describe the reality of the natural world accurately.
b)The source of sexual desires is the body.
c)Biology exhibits continuous variation rather than mutually exclusive categories
d)Sexual phenome

According to lecture, when we speak of inequality and injustice in the class the standard against which we are comparing and making this evaluation comes from

a)Scientifically proven standards of "fairness."
b)Feminist and Marxist ideals of equality and their critiques of white, male, upper-class, heterosexual privilege.
c)The instructor's personal opinion based upon her radical leftist idea about what is fair.

According to lecture, the hegemonic scripts for masculine and feminine (hetero)sexuality are based upon a version of masculinity and femininity that is

a)Taken from middle class and "white" cultural standards
b)Beneficial for men and harmful for women
c)No longer influential in mainstream US society
d)Universal to human behavior

According to class discussions and the chart on sexuality experts throughout history, the shift from religious experts to scientific experts in the study of sexuality

a)attracted many unqualified and suspiciously "interested" people into the study of sex.
b)caused an immediate increase in the divorce rate.
c)resulted in a completely new and different standard of acceptable sexual behavior.
d)none of the options were di

According to recorded lecture and class discussions, studying sex from a sociological perspective is important because

a)our experiences of our bodies and sexuality are mediated by culture.
b)some of the best sexuality studies throughout history have been done by sociologists.
c)All of the options were mentioned as true.
d)this is the field where the latest and best studi

According to lecture, what makes sociology so challenging or difficult for many people?

a)All of the options were mentioned as true about the difficulty of sociology.
b)The statistical analysis of research required a good deal of mathematical training
c)The terminology is very complex
d)It can "kill off" by debunking our previously held beli

According to lecture, for the DCS or HCS for Ideal Sex to "work" (be romantic) in an encounter relies on the assumption, appearance, and some might say illusion of

a)Lust and biological urges
b)Necessity and procreation
c)Perfect planning and timing
d)Spontaneity and naturalness

According to lecture, which of the following is NOT true of interpersonal sexual scripts?

a)The negotiation of them takes place within the larger context of cultural scenarios.
b)They involve negotiating (verbally and non-verbally) sexual activity with your partners
c)They have the largest potential for stimulating social change
d)They are cha

According to lecture, all of the following have been associated with the hegemonic masculine (hetero)sexual script, EXCEPT

a)Sexual prowess can be permanently earned
b)Performance is what counts
c)Men always want and are ready for sex
d)All erotic contact should end in intercourse

According to class discussion, essentialism and social constructionism

a)Are used by social scientists only to promote radical theories of sexuality.
b)Are social absolutes that determine who is a man or woman in a society.
c)Are used by social scientists to explain arrangements around sexuality.
d)Caused the contemporary so

According to lecture, which of the following is NOT an element of the hegemonic feminine (hetero)sexual script?

a)Women shouldn't talk about sex
b)Men must be taught what you like
c)Sex is bad and good
d)Women should look like Playmates

According to lecture about the hegemonic feminine heterosexual script, women are not expected to know much if anything about their genitals and sexual response because they should not be spending much time there doing anything but preparing their genitals

a)Yes, because then she will present them in a way that is appealing to the him.
b)Yes, because then he can do exactly what he wants to with the genitals and not have to worry if she's enjoying it or not.
c)No, because he may want and need her guidance ab