Study guide for history last 3 chapters

To establish new and faster trade routes to Asia, to get more resources.

Why did America wish to look beyond its borders?

Alaska: We bought it from Russia. Hawaii: We overthrew the Queen of Hawaii. We annexed the country.

How did we gain Alaska? Hawaii?

We helped Panama gain independendence from Colombia, and then bought it from Panama. To connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and make out trade to Asia easier. We built it there hecause it was an isthumus and is very narrow.

How did the U.S. gain the canal zone in Panama? Why did we want to build a canal there?

American businesses, the U.S. Government. We eventually gave it back to Panama.

Who benefitted from the building of the Panama Canal?

M.A.I.N. Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism. It caused TENSION and distress.

What was going on in Europe just before WWI began that would help lead to the war?

The assasination (murder) of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

What single event actually started WWI?

President Wilson said that, "the world must be safe for democracy." And to protect our Americsn Intrests (alliances and trade partners). Germany was attacking our ships with U-boats, and the Zimmerman Letter (Germany trying to convince Mexico to join the

Why did we say we were entering WWI? What was the real reason we fought?

Wilson's plan to end the war peacefully. The formation of the league of Nations was accepted from it.

What were the Fourteen Points?

A treaty that forced Germany to cede (give up) all armed forces, territories, and colonies in Europe. It officially ended World War I. It treated them harshly and poorly, they had to pay reparations of $33 billion.

What was the Treaty of Versalilles? How did it treat Germany?

With housework becoming easier, women were going to work outside the home. By the end of the decade, women made up more than a quarter of the workforce. They gained the right vote in 1920. Women smoke, drank, and drove automobiles. Fashions changed: women

What was women's lives like during the 1920s?

Halfway through the 20's, the country had the highest standard of living. Economy was booming, we had freedom, and we won World War I. Manufacturing became more efficient.

Why are the twenties referred to as the "Roaring Twenties"?

When the stock went up, stockbrokers would sell the stock at a higher price, which would give them cash to repay the borrowed money, and still make a profit. Borrowing money to buy a stock.

What is margin buying?

Something that was made in a factory that then people buy.

What is a consumer good?

Cause: Farming industry was failing, stock market crashed, banks failed. Effect: High in employment, homelessness, gave up children to orphanages, lost confidence in banks and the stock market.

What caused the great depression? What was going on in peoples' lives?

Herbert Hoover.

Who was President when the stock market crashed?

Banks closed for four days. Only healthy banks re-opened. It helped restore confidence in banks. FDR's first major act.

What is the Banking Holiday?

FDR's established programs with three goals (the three R's). 1. Immediate relief for the needy. 2. Economic recovery. 3. Reform for the banks so that they wouldn't fail.

What is the New Deal? What was the goal?

In the Great Plains, dust storms or "black blizzards," would cover everything with dust and sand. It lasted for 10 years. Droughts and bad farming practices led to these storms.

What was the Dust Bowl?

Designed to provide jobs for 3 million young men and help families who had a tough time finding jobs during the depression. They planted forests, drained swamps, and fought fires.

What was the Civilian Conservation Corps?

A federally owned corporation that provided navigation, flood control, and electricity generation. It employed young men. It brought cheap electricity to middle America.

What was the Tennessee Valley Authority?

It provided a monthly paycheck to elderly people encouraging them to retire, opening up more jobs for the young.

What was Social Security project?

13. "Slavery is abolished in the United States." 14. "African-Americans are granted citizenship and equal protection under the law." 15. "African-Americans are given the right to vote.

What were the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments?

It provided food and medical care to both blacks (former slaves) and whites in the south. It distributed land in 40 acre plots. It provided education and reunited families.

What was the Freedman's Bureau?

Former slaves that didn't have jobs worked on a plantation. They rented the land that they worked on. They had to borrow money from the planter to buy food, seeds, tools, and supplies they needed to survive. Sharecropping led to a lifetime of property in

What was sharecropping?

The separation of race.

What is segregation?

1. White, racist Democrats rule under presidential reconstruction. 2. Republicans stripped former confederates of the right to vote. 3. Blacks are elected into office. Republicans rule the south.

Who gained power under Presidential Reconstruction? Under Congressional Reconstruction? Under Southern Reconstruction?

The amnesty act: Forgave former slave-owning Democrats and gave them the right to vote.

What led to the end of reconstruction?

To remove Republicans and blacks from political office, and restore the South to white, Democratic rule.

What was the goal of the KKK?

Forced military participation.

What is a draft?