Burris Government Final

House of representatives members are elected to a ____ year term


The supreme court case of marbury v Madison

courts gained the power of judicial review

a person may do as he or she chooses in the country as long as

it does not infringe on the rights of others

when arresting a person, police must give the defendant

probable cause

the free exercise clause gives people the right to

choose religion

when the political parties work together to make decisions and laws they are being ---


the due process clause guarantees the government will

protect liberties

separation of powers means

divided between executive, legislative, and judicial

the federal officer who makes arrests, secures jurors and serves legal papers is the


the 13th amendment forbids


the only crime specifically defined in the constitution is


the constitution defines equality as

all people have equal protection under the law

the title of the head of the justice department is

attorney general

what is a tax return

money returned to taxpayers who paid too much in taxes

a political party is made up of a group of people who

work to get candidates elected to office

the government of the the articles of confederation only had a

legislative branch

the british parliament first millet the power of the king when they wrote the

Magna Carta

presidential elections are held on

the first tuesday in november

drawing electoral historic lines to limit the votes of a political part is called


The most accurate way to measure public opinion is by

scientific poll

to run for president you have to be -- years, ---born citizen, and have lived in the united states for --- years

35, american, 14

the due process clause guarantees the government will protect the basic and essential --- of each individual


political socialization is the process where people form their own

attitudes and opinion

what house of congress can impeach the president?

house of representatives

police power protects the ---, ---, ---, and ---

public health, morals, safety, welfare

a sovereign nation is

in control of themselves

the british parliament first limited the power of the kind when they wrote the

magna carta

which man wrote the virginia plan and is called the father of the constitution


Limited government has power --- between branches


when the president vetoes an act of congress it is an example of

checks and balances

the united states constitution has lasted more than 200 years because it has built in provisions for accommodating


when the federal government gives states funds with "conditions or strings attached it is called a "---" grant


federalism has power divided between

states and national

with the words "we the people" the constitution establishes the principle of


the only one who can declare was on another country is

the president

the regular period of time that congress conducts its business is called a


why do we have bankruptcy laws?

to help debtors recover

what congress committee decides if a bill gets voted on?


the necessary and proper clause in the constitution was included to give congress the power to

make laws

the purpose of the filibuster is to

prevent action on a bill

a strict constructionist believes the constitution should only use the --- powers


a president can prevent a bill passed by congress from becoming a law by using


when the president recognizes a nation, it means they will send an


if no candidate for president gets a majority vote, the president is chose by who?

the house of representatives

the offices of both president and vice president become vacant, who becomes president?

speaker of the House

the title of the head of the justice department is

attorney general

the job go the national security council is to advice the president about

national security

the court that fist hears a case has -- jurisdiction


the false and malicious use of the printed word is called


reporters have protection from disclosing their sources because of ----

shield laws

the free exercise clause give people the right to

free religion

a grand jury decides

If there is enough evidence to bring an accused criminal to trial (inditement)

the write of habeas corus is used to prevent the accused from being jailed indefinitely without being

charged crime

a person who sues another person is called the


a one party system is what all --- have


to prevent voter fraud, states require voters to


people with no sense of political efficacy feel their vote

does not make an impact

the most important factor in your political socialization is your


the nomination process narrows the --- of possible ---

number, candidates