Amendments 11-27

11th Amendment

Rules for lawsuits against states

12th Amendment

new way of selecting the president and vice president

13th Amendment

abolished slavery

14th Amendment

rights of citizenship, due process and equal protection under the law

15th amendment

voting rights for former slaves

16th Amendment

Federal income taxes authorized

17th Amendment

U.S. senators to be elected by the people

18th Amendment

Sale of alcohol banned

19th amendment

woman gain right to vote

20th Amendment

Dates of the presidential and congressional terms set

21st Amendment

18th amendment repealed

22nd Amendment

President limited to two terms

23rd Amendment

People in District of Columbia given right to vote for president

24th Amendment

no poll tax in federal election

25th Amendment

Presidential disability and succession

26th Amendment

Voting age lowered to 18

27th Amendment

Congressional salaries regulated