Chapter 17 Questions

What problems did the South face following the end of the war?

Cities, towns, and farms were ruined, Banks failed, Merchants bankrupt, Faced starvation, Too much debt, High food prices, Crops destroyed, and Confederate money worthless

What does Reconstruction mean?

The process of readmitting the former Confederate states to the Union

What was Lincoln's Plan for Reconstruction?

The 10 Percent Plan

What was the 10 Percent Plan?

Offered southerners amnesty if people swore loyalty to the US and agreed slavery was illegal; A state could be readmitted once 10% of the states voters had done this
Amnesty Reconstruction Proclamation

What does amnesty mean?

Official pardon

What was the Wade Davis Bill?

A state had to meet 2 conditions before it could rejoin the Union
1. Ban Slavery
2. A majority of adult males in the state had to take the loyalty oath

Who was Wade Davis?


How was the Wade Davis Bill different from the 10 Percent Plan?

It was a bill and the plan was by Congress

What were the Reconstruction Amendments?

The 13, 14, and 15 Amendments

What was the 13th Amendment?

It made slavery illegal in the US

What changes did the 13th Amendment bring the African Americans?
(40 Acres)

Legalized marriages, reunited and searched for their families, women worked at home, placed newspaper ads seeking info about their families,
40 acres of land to compensate for their forced labor before the war

What were the Freedman's Bureau 4 goals?

Distribute food to the poor, provide education and legal help for freed people, and assist African Americans

Why was Abraham Lincoln killed?

A southerner opposed Lincoln's policies; killed by John Booth; He was upset with the surrender

After Andrew Johnson became president, what was his plan?

Wealthy southerners and former Confederate officials would need a presidential pardon to receive amnesty

What did Andrew Johnson do that shocked Radical Republicans?

He pardoned more than 7,000 people

How did Black Codes limit the freedoms of African Americans?

They required Af. Am. to sign work contracts, creating working conditions - similar to slavery, Af. Am. who could not prove that they were employed were arrested or punished with 1 year without pay and were not allowed to rent property except in cities

What were the Black Codes?

Laws that greatly limited the freedom of African Americans

Who were the Radical Republicans?

They were a group who took a harsher stance on Reconstruction ideas

What were the Radical Republicans goals in Reconstruction?

They wanted the federal government and the South to change much more before returning to the Union

What was the Freedman's Bureau Bill?

An agency providing relief for freepeople and certain poor people in the South; Many people were threatened and harassed for trying to educate the newly freed

Why did President Johnson oppose the Freedman's Bureau Bill?

Johnson insisted that Congress could not pass any new laws until the Southern states were represented in Congress

Why was the Civil Rights Act of 1866 created?

To provide African Americans with the same legal rights as White Americans; Supposed to give the Freedman's Bureau more powers; When Johnson vetoed the Freedman's Bureau, Congress countered by passing this

What was the 14th Amendment?

It gave citizenship, civil, and legal rights to African Americans; Guaranteed
citizens equal protection under the law

What did the Reconstruction Acts do in regards to the South?

They divided the South into 5 districts each controlled by a US military commander - the military would remain in control of the South until southern states rejoined the Union

How were states to be readmitted under the Reconstruction Acts?

The states had to write a new state Constitution supporting the 14th and 15th amendment to rejoin the Union

What was the result of President Johnson's impeachment trial? Describe the impeachment process.

Starts in the House of Representatives to impeach the president; trial in the Senate; 2/3 vote needed to impeach; they lacked one vote to impeach

What was the 15th amendment?

Gave African American
the right to vote

What were scalawags?

Southerners who supported Reconstruction

What were carpetbaggers?

Northerners who moved to the south as office holders

How did African Americans participate in government during Reconstruction?

Voted; Served as representatives in state legislatives and in Congress and held local offices

Who was Hiram Rhodes Revel?

First African American in the US senate

Why did southern Reconstruction focus on building railroads and bridges?

Wanted to improve transportation and economy of the South to rebuild after the war

Why did resistance to Reconstruction increase?

Southerners claimed the new government were corrupt, illegal, and unjust; disapproved of African Americans office holders; and disliked having federal troops in their states

What was the Ku Klux Klan?

A secret society opposed civil rights, "suffrage", for African Americans

How did the federal government address the Ku Klux Klan activity?

Passed laws that made it a federal crime to interfere with elections or to deny citizens equal protection under the law; Started in 1866 in Tennesses

How was the US affected by the Panic of 1873?

People blamed Republicans for the panic, almost 18,000 businesses declared bankruptcy and unemployment rose leading to protest

What issues caused the Republican Party to abandon Reconstruction?

Lost control of House of Representatives; Americans increasingly worried about economic problems and government corruption

What was the outcome of the Election of 1876?

Democrat - Samuel Tilden appeared to have won but Republican - Rutherford Hayes did win; Brought commission of members and Supreme Court justices to decide

How did the Compromise of 1877 figure into the results?

Because Democrats agreed to accept Hayes as president if troops were removed from the South - they also asked for funding for internal improvements and he appointment of a southern Democrat to the presidents cabinet

How did segregation become the key issue in the Plessy v. Ferguson case?

Plessy an African American refused to leave a restricted white only part of a train - African American were forced to use separate public schools, libraries, and parks; were not equal; Segregation was said to be allowed "separate but equal" facilities wer

What are the Jim Crow laws?

Laws passed by redeemer government that enforced segregation

Why did many African American stay on plantations?

Too costly to buy or rent or moving to the west

Why would the cycle of debt continue for sharecroppers?

There would be continuing problems with weather, poor harvest, and low crop prices; Making it nearly impossible for sharecroppers to escape debt

What were the provisions of the Homestead Act?

Any farmer who was a US citizen or planed to be one could receive 160 acres of land - in exchange, the homesteaders would promise to build a house, live on the land for 5 years, the homesteaders could fill for his/her title to the land

How did the views of government politicians differ form the Plains Indians over this land?

Plains Indians did not believe in private ownership of land

Why do you think that the Morrill Act provided for agricultural and engineering colleges in the West?

This act required each state to sell this land and use the money to build colleges to teach agriculture and engineering; Granted more than 17 million acres of federal land to the states

Who were the buffalo soldiers?

An African American cavalry; called this by the Indians; forced the Indians to leave their territories

What was the Dawes General Allotment Act?

1887; Tried to lessen traditional influences on Indian society by making land ownership private rather than shared - promised but failed to give US citizenship to tNative Americans Act took 2.3 of Native American land

What was the poll tax?

It was a special tax African Americans had to pay before they could vote

What were Exodusters?

These African Americans made an exodus, or mass departure, from the South