Women and Crime Finals

According to the National Victimization Survey, __________ of victims surveyed report their victimization to law enforcement.


The way crime data is gathered is NOT important in understanding how often women engage in criminal offending.


This is a sex-gender system in which men dominate women and what is considered masculine is more highly valued than what is considered feminine.

Patriarchy is wrong

Attempts to include an amendment to the U.S. Constitution on victim's rights has been successful and many state constitutions have been amended to reflect the rights of victims in criminal cases.


The gap between crimes reported to the police and un-reported crimes is known as _____________________________________________________.

Dark figure of crime

This theory (perspective) relates how the victimization of girls early in life can lead to later criminal offending.

Feminist Pathways Perspective

Criminal law violation requires the element of ___________, or criminal intent, unless it is a strict liability crime.

mens rea

Fisher and May found

Males who feel they have less power in a situation are likely to be more fearful of crime

The relationship between the victim and offender is a strong predictor in reporting rates.


_________________ is based on six categories of victims.

Mendelsohn's Theory of Victimology

The __________ would not have been a victim of a crime if they had given better thought or care to their safety.

minor guilt victim

The experience of giving women ______________, is a strong influence of feminist research methods.

a voice

Emotional abuse is a way in which a perpetrator seeks to control their victim.


The unwanted sexual act following the deliberate intoxication of a victim is known as _______________.

drug-facilitated rape

The _______________________ phase is where a batterer increases control over a victim and the victim tries to keep her partner calm.


_______________ blamimg is the cycle of societal acceptance of myths about rapes that leads to shifting the blame from the offender to the victim.


The ____________________ provided funding for battered women's shelters and outreach education, as well as funding for domestic violence training for police and court personnel.

Violence Against Women Act

Attitudes and beliefs that are generally false but widely accepted as true when justifying male sexual aggression are known as ____________.

Rape Myths

_____________________ combines the crime of woman battering with other contexts of abuse found within a home environment, such as the abuse of children or grandparents.

Domestic Violence

The Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment illustrated that when an arrest was made in a misdemeanor domestic violence incident, recidivism rates were significantly lower compared to if police simply "counseled" the aggressor.


The majority of rapes are reported to police.


The presence of a weapon significantly increases the risk of homicide.


True or false. The stranger who lurks in the alley or hides in the bushes and surprises the rape victim is referred to as the symbolic assailant.


The _____________________ phase is where the batterer is abusive, and engages in physical and/or sexual violence to control his victim.

abusive incident

__________ include shelters resources for women fleeing violence, legal aid to represent victims of crime, provisions for the protection of children and training to increase the economic self-sustainability for women.

Protective measures

__________ is the second largest criminal activity and the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world.

Human Trafficking

The __________ suggests that approximately 2.5 million people from 127 countries are victims of trafficking.

United Nations

The most common reason for karo-kari is a woman's premarital or extra-marital relations with any man who is not her husband.


There are an estimated __________ honor killings each year around the world


This author believed the liberation of women in the 1960s and 1970s would lead to increased participation in crime

Freda Adler

Women who have been killed in the name of honor are only killed for acts of sexual impropriety.


This practice is engaged in for two purposes: to protect the girls' virginity and to eliminate the possibility of sexual pleasure for females.

Female Genital Mutilation

____________________ includes practices such as honor killings, bride burnings, customary killings and dowry deaths.

Honor-based violence

__________ address the status of women and provide them with opportunities for equal protection under the law.

Legal measures

Attachment, commitment, involvement and belief are identified as

the social bond

Most incidents of honor-based violence are committed by a male family member, such as a father, husband, brother or cousin.


According to Susan Martin's research on the interactive effects of race and sex on female police officers, the "double-whammy" effect is alive and well.


In __________, the court found that the pat down policy designed to control the introduction of contraband into the facility could be viewed as unconstitutional if conducted by male staff members against female inmates.

Jordan v. Gardner

In the case of __________ the pat down search of a male inmate (including their groin area) does not violate one's fourth amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure.

Grummett v. Rushen

A __________ is operated by a state or federal government and incarcerates offenders sentenced for more serious crimes


The idea that women's voices will transform the legal profession is characteristic of

the difference approach

Correctional counselors is a high status position in prisons, often occupied by men.


Female judges imposed longer sentences in cases of __________and are less likely to award civil damages for these cases.

simple assault

While equal opportunity legislation may have opened access for women in policing and corrections, institutional cultures and standards continued to create barriers for women in these occupations for entry and advancement.