History USII 4 Quizlet Set

Transcontinental Railroad

The first railroad from coast to coast

Transcontinental Railroad (What 2 immigrant groups helped build it?)

Chinese and Irish

Transcontinental Railroad (Where did the 2 railroads meet?)

Golden Spike-Utah

Reservations (Why were they so bad?)

They were put on unwanted land and Native Americans didn't get the things the Government promised

Reservations (Where were they usually located?)

Great Plains

Reasons for Westward Expansion (What are the 4 reasons?)

1.Cheap land
2.New methods of transportation
3.The possibility of wealth, adventure
4.The hope of a new beginning

Geronimo (Leader of what tribe)


Sitting Bull (Leader of what tribe)


Chief Joseph (Leader of what tribe)

Nez Perce

Houses on the Great Plains (What were they made out of)


Assimilation (Define)

to blend into the general culture

Who died at the Battle of Little Bighorn?

Lieutenant Colonel George Custer

3 Reasons for Immigration to the US

1.For better opportunities for themselves and their children
2.Freedom from cruel or oppressive governments
3.Religious freedom, and adventure

Chicago (What Industry?)

Meat-packing industry

Pittsburgh (What Industry?)

Steel industry

Pittsburgh (What state?)


San Antonio (What State?)


Who did people blame for rise in poverty, crime, overcrowding, and violence?

Irish and other immigrants

Andrew Carnegie (What industry?)


Cornelius Vanderbuilt (What Industry?)


John D. Rockefeller (What Industry?)


When immigrants arrived at Ellis Island, what monument could they see?


What two immigrant groups faced discrimination during this time period?

Chinese and Irish

Vocational Education (Define)

To attend trade schools instead of colleges

Booker T Washington (What kind of Education did he believe in?)

Vocational Education and separately

W.E.B Dubois (What was his view on Civil Rights?)

He opposed Booker T. Washington's views

Segregation (Define)

The separation of people usually based on race and/or religion

Discrimination (Define)

Letting one group of people do something without letting another

Jim Crow Laws (Define)

Laws created to discriminate mostly against African Americans

Monopoly (Define)

The exclusive possession or control of the supply

Factors resulting in Growth of Industry (4 Reasons)

1.Arrival of millions of immigrants from all around the globe.
2.Immigrants in search of jobs.
3.Immigrants, millions of Americans were moving to the urban areas, or cities, from the rural areas, or the country.
4.More and more workers were needed to mine

Reasons for Rise of Big Business (4 Reasons)

Advancement in Transportation, Captains of Industry, Advertising, and Lower Production Costs

Temperance Movement (Define)

Alcohol was prohibited, or not allowed, it would lower crime rates, reduce poverty, and increase the overall quality of American life.

18th Amendment (Define)

It ended the legal manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States.

Progressive Movement (Define)

To expose the many problems facing the American worker and make life better for all Americans.

Progressive Movement (What did it fight for?)

Better wages, shorter workdays, workplace safety, and end child labor

Labor Unions (Define)

They are organizations that protects a worker's rights to fair wages, a shorter work day, and safe working conditions.

19th Amendment (Define)

Woman could now vote

Women's Suffrage Movement (Define)

Women's rights.

Leaders of Women's Suffrage Movement (2 Women)

Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

13th Amendment (Define)

the abolishment of slavery

14th Amendment (Define)

It gave citizenship to all persons born in the United States and equal protection under the law

15th Amendment (Define)

It ensured that all citizens had the right to vote regardless of their race, their color, or the fact that they were once slaves