Chapters 9 - 12

What does the equal protection clause state?

- Part of 14th Amendment
- "No state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction"
- prohibits STATE discrimination

What is the purpose of scutiny?

is a form of judicial review that courts use to determine the constitutionality of certain laws

What are the levels of scrutiny?

1. Strict scrutiny
2. Intermediate Scrutiny
3. Rational Basis Review

Strict Scrutiny

the legislature must have passed the law to further a "COMPELLING governmental interest," and must have NARROWLY tailored the law to achieve that interest.

What types of areas must go through strict scrutiny?

race, national origin, religion

Intermediate Scrutiny

he legislature must have passed the law to further an IMPORTANT government interest by means that are SUBSTANTIALLY related to that interest.

What types of areas must go through intermediate scrutiny?

gender or sex

Rational Basis Review

The government has no LEGITIMATE interest in the law or policy; or There is no REASONABLE OR RATIONAL link between that interest and the challenged law.

What is discrimination?

the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

Racial discrimination & Brown Vs. Board of Education

- In Brown Vs. Board of Education in 1954, said that "separate but equal" is inherently unequal.
- Separate facilities for blacks and whites could never be truly equal


Process of ending separation of two groups

Two types of segregation

Two forms:
- De Jure
- De Facto

De Jure

Separation enforced by law

De Facto

Occurs when widespread individual preferences lead to separation

Purposeful Discrimination

Discriminate on basis of race or national origin

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Focused on ending legal barriers at the state and local levels that prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote

Voting Rights Act of 1965

- Prohibits racial discrimination in voting
- All Southern states fell under this act
- Increase in blacks voting


-manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class.
- State of district is irregular but obvious that is segregates the races

One - person- one - vote

Legislative districts need to be divided according to population, so each person has equal amount of representation in government

Majority Minority District

Where a racial or ethnic minority makes up a large-enough share of the electorate to assure that the community has a reasonable chance to elect the candidate of their choice

Suspect classification and strict scrutiny

All racial classifications at any level of government are subject to strict scrutiny

Quid pro quo

If you do something for me, I will do something for you

Sexual harassment is discrimination based on what act?

Title 7, Civil Rights Act of 1964

Age discrimination

-NOT in Civil Rights Act
- Congress passed age discrimination act

Heightened Scrutiny

Classifications must serve "important governmental objectives" and the classification must be "substantially related" to achieving that objective

Sexual Discrimination involves what kind of scrutiny?

Heightened Scrutiny

SCOTUS & Wealth Discrimination

- SCOTUS has struck down laws requiring large filing fees for public office
- Struck down Virginia's poll tax in 1966 because violated equal protection clause

Disabled Persons Discrimination

-Not included in Civil Rights Act
- So created Americans with disabilities Act of 1990
- MUST give reasonable accommodation

Definition of disability

Physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities

Non- citizens and Equal Protection

Within US territory, non citizens have rights because of Equal Protection under the law

Similarly Situated Persons

Persons similarly situated must be similarly

What is Due Process?

air treatment through the normal judicial system, especially as a citizen's entitlement.

What are the two types of Due process?

procedural and substansitive

Procedural Due Process

If you seek to have government action declared unconstitutional because of lack of safeguards in the process

Substantive Due process

If you seek to have action declared unconstitutional as violating constitutional right

Bill of Rights

- How fundamental rights started
- Add by first congress in 1789 after agreement allowing ratification of constitution

Fundamental right is...

Described to be a liberty by the supreme court

Which rights have not been incorporated?

-Amendment 3
-Amendment 5: Grand Jury
-Amendment 7
-Amendment 8: Excessive Fines
-Amendment 8: Excessive Bail

Fundamental Rights

-Right to vote
-Rights to Travel
-Right to privacy

Right to Vote

The vote of one person must be equal to that of another person within the same state. Both houses of a state's legislature must be based on population and equality

Right to Travel

Court prevents states from enacting laws that have the effect of impairing interstate mobility

Right to Privacy

Fundamental right to privacy in constitution but not actually stated - 9th Amendment

4th Amendment

The right of the people to secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation and particularly desc

Search Warrants

-Must describe place to be searched
-Describe person or thing to be seized

Stop & Frisk

-Relies on a "reasonable suspicion"
-If found something, then reasonable cause
-No warrant required

Citizen Encounter

- Not in US Constitution that you must identify yourself.
- Some state laws MAY REQUIRE you to do so

High Tech Searches

- Use of thermal imaging device to snoop for hot spots violates 4th Amendment

Border Exception

Warrants are not required for searches at border crossings

Police Checkpoints

-SCOTUS allowed checkpoints to check for sobriety
- Struck down checkpoints set up to see if people were using drugs

Hot Pursuit Exception

A fugitive may not run from police and escape a search merely by entering a private home or other dwelling

Plain View Exception

- Police must enter lawfully
-Evidence must be discovered inadvertently
-Should be immediately apparent

Consent to search

-Can consent to search at any time
-UP to you to know you can refuse

What constitutes probable cause?

Person must go to judge and ask for warrant. Judge will say whether or not they have enough evidence for a warrant.

Knock and Talk

Investigative technique where one or more police officers approach a private residence, knocks on the door, and requests consent from owner to search residence

Exclusionary Rule

A judicial rule that makes evidence obtained in violation of the US constitution, state, or federal laws, or court rules invalid