Sociology 134 Exam 2 UW


Minorities, women, and African Americans tend to vote this way


During the Reconstruction, nearly all African Americans considered themselves this party

Economic Domination

Sharecropping and debt

Political Domination

Suffrage gained and lost


The prevention of voting through acts such as terrorism, poll taxes, and literacy tests

Montgomery Bus Boycott

1955-1956: For 381 days, people walked, carpooled and took taxis to work

Principles of Civil Disobedience

Active nonviolent resistance to evil; attack forces not people

Freedom Summer

Enacted to bring education to the poorest areas of Mississippi; was very successful but caused mass violence and spurred terror

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Ended discriminatory voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, the workplace, and "public accommodations"; out lawed literacy tests and other forms of discrimination

Return of Poll Tax

New photo I.D. requirement

Shelby County v. Holder

Allowed many voter restriction laws to be passed


State which created Voter I.D. restrictions and then closed 31 DMVs

Absentee ballot

Tool of choice among voter fraudsters

Superficial Representation

the process of appointing to political positions nonwhites disconnected from the needs and problems of most nonwhite citizens

Substantive Representation

genuine political representation marked by a correspondence between the goals of nonwhite representatives and those of nonwhite citizens

Post-Racial Liberalism

De-emphasizes race; more universalism

Colorblind Universalism

race neutral solutions to race-based problems; provides no solution and may make it worse


the process by which elected politicians redraw and manipulate the borders of political districts to secure political advantage


concentrating votes of one type into a single district


spreading out voters of one type


Able to move from one side to the other

Migration to the Cities

Result of a rise in industrialism

Great Migration

Massive movement of blacks from rural South to urban North


A part of a city that is exclusively inhabited by members of one racial/ethnic group and to which virtually all members of that group are restricted

Advanced Marginality

Spatial and social segregation, exclusion from economic prosperity, and limited access to state services and consumer goods


The practice of denying mortgage loans for homes in nonwhite neighborhoods

Urban Renewal

Destroy nonwhite communities to build other buildings and businesses; Intensified minority poverty

White Flight

White moved out to suburbs beginning in 1950s; Increased with urban deindustrialization and Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Act of 1968

Prohibited discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on Race, Religion, National Origin, Gender, People with Disabilities, and Families with children

Index of Dissimilarity

A measure of segregation between any two groups, with 0 being total integration and 100 being total segregation

The New Great Migration

African Americans moving back to the South

Contested Boundaries Hypothesis

4.7 million 311 calls (2009-2013) analyzed
Complaints more frequent at "fuzzy" neighborhood boundaries than at well-defined boundaries
Fuzzy boundaries may trigger residents' need to assert their community's racial identity

Lynch Mob

Between 1880-1930, mobs murdered over 2,300 black men, women, and children- that we know of

Vagabond Laws

Criminalized poverty by outlawing begging or loitering; targeted especially black poverty; offenders could be sent to jail even for just going door-to-door for work


Prison labor camps

Convict leasing program

Forced prisoners to work for private companies for no pay, which returned them to enslavement

Prison Boom

1925 to 1975: prison population fluctuated between 100k to 200k

Women of Color

Fastest growing segment of the prison population

War on Drugs

Increase in drug control spending to stop the spread of the use of crack cocaine

Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986

Created a 100 to 1 sentencing disparity for crack vs. powder cocaine possession


Practice of the city police department in which officers stop, question, and frisk thousands of pedestrians annually

Terry v. Ohio

Dictated that Stop-and-Frisk does not violate the 4th amendment

Michael Brown

Man shot by Officer Wilson in Ferguson

Eric Garner

Killed in a chokehold on tape in NYC

Political Consequences of Incarceration

Cannot vote due to felony convictions

Economic Consequences of Incarceration

Criminal record reduces one's chance of getting a job by 50-60%

Family Consequences of Incarceration

Struggles and strains to marriage and limits parenting

United States

World's leading jailer


Believed education should develop better trained laborers; believed in more manual menial labor

Atlanta Compromise

Blacks not be equal to whites in exchange for equal education and due process

Du Bois

NAACP. Supported Equal Education and against symbolic violence

Talented Tenth

Most talented should be educated in order to uplift the rest of the community

Plessy v. Ferguson

Separate but equal" accommodations in railroad cars met 14th Amendment's right to equal protection under the law; Used to justify segregation in all public facilities

Murray vs. Pearson (1936)

Maryland Court of Appeals ruled to integrate University of Maryland School of Law

Sweatt vs. Painter (1950)

Supreme Court ruled to integrate University of Texas School of Law

Brown vs. Board of Education (1954)

NAACP Lawyers used social-scientific evidence to argue that schools were separate and unequal; Court's unanimous decision dismantled the legal basis of racial segregation

Mendez vs. Westminister School District

U.S. District Court ruled to integrate California Schools

Citizen Councils

Groups of Southern whites who attempted to abolish public education integration

Little Rock Nine

1957: nine black teens selected by NAACP to integrate Little Rock Central High School

Implicit Bias

Unconscious attitudes or prejudices that affect our understanding actions, and decisions

Educational Pipeline

Lack of education leading to high instances of incarceration

Cultural Capital

The sum total of one's knowledge of established and revered cultural material and practices

Social Capital

The sum of all resources one accrues by virtue of being connected to a network of people

Hidden Curriculum

Unspoken values, dispositions, and social and behavioral expectation essential to educational attainment


A specific variant of social capital having to do with one's attachment to, and reliance on, family-based relationships

The Fallacy of Undifferentiated Difference

Takes hold of all the extremely diverse histories and social experiences of nonwhite groups and flattens them

Involuntary v. Voluntary Minorities

Historically, certain racial groups were brought to the United States against their will, while others voluntarily migrated here; ex. African Americans brought over by slave trade, Native Americans were colonized

Oppositional Culture

A collective of linguistic, behavioral, aesthetic, and spiritual attitudes and practices formed in direct opposition to mainstream white culture

Interaction Order

The (more or less) Face-to-Face domain of social life that connects large-scale structures and individual psychology and all the performances that constitute the daily work of impression management

Back Stage

Where we can relax and not have to impress others

Front Stage

Where we try to make an impression on others

Racial survival strategies

Used by people of color to navigate face-to-face interactions (testing and masking)


The act of "feeling out" members of other racial or ethnic groups to evaluate their level of racial tolerance


Self-presentation that takes on an explicitly racialized character

Double Consciousness

A way of thinking about yourself through two pairs of eyes: those of white people and those of your own racial/ethnic group

Symbolic Violence

The process whereby people of color unknowingly accept and support the terms of their own domination

Racial-genetic model

Genetic or biological factors cause racial disparities in health- very little empirical evidence

Health-behavior model

Behaviors voluntarily adopted by individuals lead to racial disparities- do not account for all racial disparities

SES Model

Socioeconomic disparities lead to health disparities-account for some but not fully

Psycho-social stress model

Stress associated with institutional and interpersonal racism-lots of empirical evidence

Structural-constructivist model

Causal connections between race and health can't be made because race is a social construction- goals and aspirations are also socially constructed

Looking-glass self

A person's self grows out of society's interpersonal interactions and the perceptions of others

Illuminated Individualism

Respecting differences, while admitting privilege and bias; treat all people fair and equally

The Veil

Race itself; can lead to double consciousness because they act white in order to be accepted

Second Sight

Looking out of the veil, while having the knowledge and gain from that