Chapter 5 Vocab

civil rights

all rights rooted in 14th amendment's guarantee of equal protection under the law

Separate but equal doctrine

separate but equal facilities do not violate the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment

white primary

state primary election that restricted voting to whites only

grandfather clause

restricts voting to those whose grandfathers had voted before 1867

poll tax

tax that had to be paid as a qualification for voting

literacy test

test administered as a precondition for voting

De Jure Segregation

racial segregation that occurs because of laws or administrative decisions by public agencies

De Facto Segregation

racial segregation that occurs because of past social and economic conditions and residential racial patterns

civil disobedience

a nonviolent public refusal to obey allegedly unjust laws

strict scrutiny

when fundamental rights are at stake

suspect classification

race, religion, or national origin that triggers strict scrutiny by the courts when a law or government action potentially discriminates against members of the class

intermediate scrutiny

standard used by courts to determine whether a law or government action improperly discriminates against women

rational basis review

standard used by the courts to determine the constitutionality of a law or government action if neither strict scrutiny nor immediate scrutiny applies

affirmative action

policy in educational admissions and job hiring that gives special attention to traditionally disadvantaged groups

reverse discrimination

when affirmative action programs discriminates against those who do not have minority status

sexual harassment

unwanted physical or verbal conduct or abuse of a sexual nature that interferes with a recipient's life

civil law

regulates conduct between private persons over noncriminal matters

criminal law

defines crimes and provides punishment for violations


age at which a person is entitled by law to the right to manage their own affairs

common law

decisions shaped according to prevailing customs


serious crime


right to vote


movement that supports equality for women

gender discrimination

anything that denies equality of treatment to an individual or to a group because of gender