Chapter 17 Reconstruction Questions

What problems did the South face following the Civil War

It's damaged; cities, towns, and farms were ruined. they faced starvation because of high food prices and wide spread crop failures. Their money was worthless, banks failed. All bridges and railroads are destroyed

What was President Lincoln's Plan for Reconstruction

Ten Percent Plan- offered southerners amnesty, or official pardon, for all illegal acts supporting the rebellion. Before that though, they had to swear an oath of loyalty to the U.S. and agree that slavery was illegal

How was the Ten Percent Plan different from the Wade-Davis Bill

Wade Davis Bill- much stricter, state could rejoin the Union if it banned slavery and a majority of male adults in the state had to take the loyalty oath. Also, only southerners who swore that they have never supported the Confederacy could vote or hold o

After the Civil War, why did some African Americans feel they were not free

they could not vote
White planters refused to give up land; they did not know where they could live, what work they could do, what rights they had; their freedoms were difficult to enforce

What were the goals of the Freedmen's Bureau

wanted to use Bureau's limited budget to distribute food to the poor and to provide education and legal help for freedpeople. Also helped African American war veterans

How did education for African Americans benefit both black and white southerners

Northern groups provided books and teachers to African Americans. More than 150,000 African Americans were attending more than 3000 school. Universities were created. Working adults went to class in the evening. Education will help them understand and pro

What happened to Abraham Lincoln and why

On April 14, 1865 Lincoln and his wife attended a play at Ford's Theater in Washington D.C.. John Wilkes Booth, a southerner, sneaked into the president's theater box and shot and killed him because he opposed his policies

Why did some Americans oppose President Johnson's Reconstruction plan

He decided that wealthy southerners and former Confederate officials would need a presidential pardon to receive amnesty. He pardoned more than 7000 people by 1866. For setting up new state governments, voters elected state and federal representatives. Re

What are different ways the U.S. government attempted to reconstruct the South after the Civil War

Ten-Percent plan-offered soutern amnesty for all illegal acts supporting the rebellion
Wade-Davis Bill-ban slavery and majority of males in the state had to take a loyalty oath
Wanted to give 40 acre plots of land to former slaves
Freedmen's Bureau-agency

How were some African Americans affected by the end of the war

13 amendment-slavery became illegal
legalized marriages, searched for relatives, traveled more
white southerners refused to give them land
unsure where to live, what work to do, what rights they had
more African Americans were attending schools

In what ways did Black Codes limit the freedom of African Americans

They had to sign work contracts, creating work conditions similar to slavery. If they weren't employed they could be arrested or work one year without pay. They couldn't own guns or allowed to rent property except in cities

What were Radical Republicans' goals for Reconstruction

Force change in the South, for the federal government to be involved, economic and political justice for both African Americans and poor white southerners

What was the purpose of the proposed Freedmen's Bureau Bill and why did Johnson veto it

It allowed Freedmen's Bureau to use military courts to try people accused of violating African Americans rights. Johnson vetoed it because Freedmen's Bureau was unconstitutional and Congress couldn't pass any new laws until the southern states were repres

Why was the Civil Rights Act of 1866 created

Republicans responded to Johnsons veto--act provided blacks with the same legal rights as whites

What rights did the 14th amendment protect

-defined all people born or naturalized within the U.S., except Native Americans as citizens
-guaranteed citizens the equal protection of the law
-states could not "deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"
-banned many

How did the 14th amendment affect the congressional elections of 1866

Civil rights for African Americans became a key issue in the elections, Johnsons speaking tours were a disaster with fighting/riots

How were Radical Republicans and moderate Republicans similar and different

Both disagreed with Black codes and wanted rights for African Americans. Moderate Republicans hoped the government wouldn't have to force the South to follow federal laws while Radical Republicans did

How were states to be readmitted under the Reconstruction Acts

A state had to write a new state constitution supporting the 14th amendment and had to give African American men the right to vote

What led Congress to call for the impeachment of President Johnson and what was the result of the impeachment trial

Johnson didn't support Reconstruction policies and broke the law by firing Edwin Stanton, the secretary of war, Senate Republicans failed to convict Johnson by a single vote, however the trial weakened his power as president

What other president was impeached in 1998, on what accusations and what was the result

Bill Clinton (initiated by House of Representatives) on two charges: perjury (lying under oath to a federal grand jury) and destruction of justice. Senate voted-president was acquitted on both articles of impeachment and he finished his term

To what votes did Grant appeal in the presidential election of 1868

northern voters

How did Radical Republicans take control of Reconstruction

worried southern states would keep black voters from the polls and laws were not fair so African American men gained suffrage

What rights were ensured by the 15th amendment

African American men the right to vote

What effect might the 15th amendment have on women in the United States

They will be angry because they do not have the right to vote. Womens rights activists will come back

What district consisted of only one state

District 1; Virginia

Why might Military District 5 be more difficult for federal troops to control than other districts

the geography of it and larger areas of land, close to water/port, could be violence

What reforms did Reconstruction state governments carry out

Established state-funding public school system in the South, built new hospitals, prisons, and orphanges, passed laws prohibiting discrimination against blacks, aided in construction of railroads, bridges, and buildings, and issued bonds that raised taxes

How were scalawags and carpetbaggers different

Scalawags- white southern republicans
Carpetbaggers- northern-born Republicans who moved to the South after the war

How did African Americans participate in government during Reconstruction

More than 600 won election to state legislature; 16 were elected to Congress; others held local offices in counties throughout the south; Hiram Revels became the first black in the U.S. Senate

Why did southern Reconstruction governments focus on building railroads and bridges

to help the southern economy recover from the war

Why did resistance to Reconstruction increase

White southerners did not like African Americans in office. Democrats thought reconstruction governments were corrupt, illegal, and unjust. They disliked having federal soldiers stationed in their states

How did the federal government address the activities of the Ku Klux Klan

Congress passed laws that made it a federal crime to interfere with elections or to deny citizens equal protection under the law

How was the United States affected by the Panic of 1873

There were bankruptcy, company failures, panic through the stock market. Investers began selling shares of stock more rapidly then people wanted to buy them. Companies had to buy their shares back from investors. Railroads failed, unemployment risen, ther

What issues caused the Republican party to abandon Reconstruction

Americans were worried about economic problems and government corruption

Who were the redeemers

Democrats who brought their party back to power in the South; wanted to reduce sizes of state governments and limit the rights of African Americans

In what ways were African American men restricted from voting

poll tax and required voters to pass a literacy test

How did segregation become the key issue in the Plessy vs. Ferguson case

Homer Plessy refused to leave a whites only Louisiana train car he was riding on, he was arrested and accused of breaking a state law requiring separate cars for black and whites (segregation was the case)

Why did many African Americans stay on plantations

It was costly to buy or rent farms or move west

Why would the cycle of debt continue for sharecroppers

When families needed food/supplies, they had to pay on credit(no cash), Bad weather and poor harvests did not make paying off debts easy, there was an excessive cotton supply so a lower cost

How were African Americans' rights restricted

reduced public funding for schools, was poll tax and literacy laws for voting, legal segregation, Civil rights act of 1875 became unconstitutional, 14th amendment only applied to the actions of state governments

What was the most successful industrial development in the South after Reconstruction

Textile production- business people built textile mills in many small towns to produce cotton fabric

What were the benefits and drawbacks of mill work

Benefits: alternative to farming, entire families worked in same cotton mill, employed large numbers of women and children(12 years old), women were valued workers
Drawbacks: did not enjoy work, long hours, cotton dust and lint in air caused asthma and br

What did Southern business leaders hope industry would do

strengthen the southern economy and create a new south

What issued concerned Republicans

-damages south-economy, buildings, railroads, way of life was ruined
-African American Rights- white southerners tried to limit rights; was segregation
-representatives of new state governments

What changes were enacted by the Republican Congress

-Freedmen's Bureau
-13, 14, 15 amendments
-Civil Rights Act of 1866
-reconstruction Acts

What were some causes and effects of Reconstruction

causes: damaged towns, cities, farms, buildings, railroads, and economy in the south; the lack of rights for African Americans
effects: attempts to rebuild southern industry(state governments, textiles); African Americans gaining and losing rights (segreg