Path disorders


inflammation affecting the parenchyma of the alveoli and bronchioles

Tuberculosis (TB)

infectious, inflammatory systemic disease that affects the lungs and may disseminate to lymph nodes and other organs

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

lung disease that block airflow due to the narrowing of the bronchial tree

Chronic Bronchitis

inflammation and scarring of bronchial lining
inflammation restricts airflow and increase mucus production


destruction of the elastin protein in the lung that normally maintains the strength of the alveolar walls and bronchials that lose their elasticity and ability to recoil causing air to get trapped in the lungs


inflammatory response of the bronchial mucosa resulting in spasm of smooth muscle walls


abnormal and permanent dilation of the bronchi and bronchioles

Restrictive Lung Disease (RLD)

conditions that reduce lung expansion and decrease lung tissue compliance

Pulmonary Fibrosis AKA Interstitial Lung Disease

ongoing epithelial damage or chronic inflammation of lung tissue that leads to progressive scarring of the lungs

Cystic Fibrosis (CF)

inherited disorder of ion transport in the endocrine glands that affects the respiratory, digestive (pancreas & GI), male reproductive, musculature, and hepatic systems


collapse of the normally expanded lung tissue

Pulmonary edema

excess fluid in lungs leaks into the alveolar spaces, the interstitial tissue, or both

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)

a form of acute respiratory failure in adults that occurs after a systemic or pulmonary insult or alveolar collapse in premature infants

Pulmonary Embolism and Infarction

lodging of a blood clot (embolus) in the pulmonary artery with subsequent obstruction of blood supply

Pulmonary Hypertension (PH)

high blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries 5-10 mmHg above normal (15-18)

Cor pulmonale "pulmonary heart diease

hypertrophy of the right ventricle caused by pulmonary hypertension usually due to chronic lung disease


accumulation of air between the visceral and parietal membranes resulting in a collapse lung on the affected side


inflammation of visceral and parietal membranes

Pleural effusion

collection of fluid that accumulates between the visceral and parietal membranes


thickening of the arterial wall through the slow, progressive accumulation of fatty plaques on the inner walls of the arteries causing a narrowing in the lumen and ischemia

Coronary Artery Disease

narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries due to atherosclerotic plaque

Angina Pectoris

cardiac workload exceeds the oxygen supply in myocardial tissue and causes ischemia of the myocardium


persistent elevation of systolic pressure >/= 140 mmHg or diastolic pressure >/= 90 mmHg

Myocardial Infarction (MI)

AKA a heart attack or coronary
ischemia with resultant necrosis of myocardial tissue

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

condition where the heart cannot maintain a normal cardiac to meet the body's demands for blood and O2; inadequate pump performance from cardiac valves or the myocardium

Orthostatic Hypotension (OH)

drop in systolic pressure >/= 20 mmHg or diastolic pressure >/= 10 mmHg


disturbance of HR or cardiac rhythm

Valvular Heart Disease

impairment or deformity of valve


localized abnormal dilation or weakening in the wall of an artery or vein

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

progressive atherosclerosis causing stenotic, occlusive, and aneurysmal disease; reduction of blood flow to limbs during exercise or at rest

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

part of the thrombus can break loose (embolis) and travel to the lungs resulting in a pulmonary embolism (PE)

Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)

damaged valves in the veins result in decrease venous return, increasing venous pressure and producing venous stasis


chronic edema resulting from a accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the body

Osteoporosis (OP)

metabolic bone disease characterized by diffuse loos of bone density and bone strength; rate or bone resorption (osteoclast activity) is higher than bone formation (osteoblasts activity)

Paget's Disease

metabolic bone disease characterized by abnormal bone remodeling with increase bone resorption and excessive, unorganized new bone formation

Osteoarthritis (OA)

AKA degenerative joint disease (DJD)
originates in the cartilage and affects the underlying bone, soft tissues, and synovial fluid


degenerative disc disease (DDD) of the spine; OA of the spine

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

chronic systemic disease characterized by autoimmune inflammatory changes in the connective tissue throughout the body

Ankylosing Spondylitis

A progressive inflammatory, rheumatoid-related arthropathy affecting the sacroiliac joints, intervertebral spaces, and costovertebral joints.


metabolic disorder marked by an elevated serum of uric acid & deposition of urate crystals in the joints, soft tissues, & kidneys


a defect in the pars interarticularis between the upper and lower articulating facets


bilateral fx to the pars interarticularis leading to the vertebral body slipping anteriorly on the one below typically L4/5 or L5/S1 causing a narrowing in the intervertebral foramen & compression on the nerve roots

Myofascial Pain Syndrom (MPS)

overuse or muscle stress syndrome characterized by localized point tenderness in the muscle


chronic pain syndrome characterized by widespread pain, multiple areas of muscle tenderness, and frequently joint pain

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

AKA Lou Gegrig's disease (Hawking)? a progressive, destructive motor neuron disease, resulting in muscular atrophy? fasciculation, weakness, difficulty moving (brain & sensory function not affected)? no cure, death

Alzhemier's Disease

a progressive, degenerative disorder that destroys the neurons of the cerebral cortex, and subcortical areas leading to Alzheimer's dementia

Huntington's Disease

AKA Huntington's chorea; progressive, degenerative disease of the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex characterized by abnormalities of movement, personality disturbances, and dementia

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

progressive, degenerative disease of the myelin sheath surrounding nerves within the brain and SC


condition in which numerous neurons in the brain are fired simultaneously triggering seizure activity

Diabetic Neuropathy and Alcoholic Neuropathy

polyneuropathies affecting the motor, sensory, and autonomic systems

Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)

temporary paralysis caused by an autoimmune attack on peripheral myelin, causing weakness and usually ascending paralysis of the limbs, face and diaphragm

Post-polio Syndrome (PPS)

a neurologic disorder marked by increased weakness and/or abnormal muscle fatigue in persons who had paralytic polio many years earlier

Myasthenia gravis (MG)

autoimmune neuromuscular disorder characterized by weakness of voluntary muscles

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

painful condition related to an abnormal response of the autonamic nervous system and disturbance of vasomotor control of the affected limb


excessive secretion of one or more hormones especially growth hormone from the anterior pituitary gland


decreased or absent hormonal secretion from anterior pituitary gland

Hyperthryoidsim (Grave's Disease)

overactive thyroid with excessive hormone production of T3/4


underactive thyroid with lack or hormone production of T3/4


excessive parathyroid hormone (PTH) production that disrupts the calcium, phosphate, and bone metabolism causing high levels of calcium and low levels of phosphate in the blood


low level production of PTH causing low levels of calcium and high levels of phosphate in the blood

Adrenal insufficiency

hypofunction of the adrenal gland resulting in decreased production of cortisol and aldosterone; Addison's disease

Cushing's Syndrome

hyperfunction of the adrenal gland with excessive production of cortisol and aldosterone hormone

Type I Diabetes Mellitus (DM); insulin-dependent; juvenile-onset

pancreas fails to produce enough or any insulin resulting in hyperglycemia

Type II Diabetes Mellitus (DM); non-insulin dependent; adult-onset

pancreas produces insufficient amounts of insulin, and/or the body becomes resistant to insulin action

Phenylketonuria (PKU)

an inherited disorder of protein metabolism in which the absence of an enzyme leads to a toxic buildup of certain compounds, causing intellectual disability

Mitochondrial Disorders

genetically inherited or spontaneous mutation in the DNA that leads to impaired function of proteins found within the mitochondria

Metablic Acidosis

condition when their is an acid gain or bicarbonate loss decrease pH < 7.35

Metablic Alkalosis

condition when their is an acid loss or bicarbonate gain decrease pH < 7.45

Hiatal Hernia

enlargement of the lower esophageal sphincter allowing the stomach to pass through the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD); Esophagitis

damage to the lower esophageal sphincter that allows reflux or regurgitation of stomach contents


inflammation of the gastric mucosa

Peptic Ulcer Disease

condition where there is erosion of the GI musoca (stomach, esophagus, & duodenum)

Crohn's Disease

chronic lifelong inflammatory disorder that can affect any segment of the intestinal tract and tissues in other organs

Ulcerative Colitis

chronic inflammatory disorder of the mucosa of the large intestine and colon/ rectum

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

recurrent group of symptoms of the upper and lower GI system that interfere with the normal functioning of the colon, but no inflammation of present


inflamed or infect diverticula


digested food spends too much time in the colon


inflammation of the appendix that often results in necrosis and perforation with subsequent peritonitis


Inflammation of the membrane lining the abdominal wall and covering the abdominal organs

Rectal Fissure

tear in the lining of the anal canal


varicose veins


inflammatory process within the liver due to a virus (most common), a drug or chemical reaction, or alcohol abuse


inflammation of the gallbadder



Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

bacterial infection of the urinary tract or urethra

Kidney stones; Renal Calculi; Nephrolithiasis

crystals composed of urine components

Acute Renal Failure

sudden loss of function of the kidneys

End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

chronic kidney disease (CKD) loss of kidney function for greater than or equal to three months

Contact Dermatitis

superficial irritation of the skin resulting from localized irritation from things like moisture, poison ivy, latex, soap, jewelry, etc


chronic superficial skin inflammation due to an immune system abnormality, allergic reaction, or external irritant

Plaque Psoriasis

chronic autoimmune disease of the skin as it produced an accelerated rate of skin cell growth which then accumulates in raised red patches

Systemic Sclerosis/ Scleroderma

diffuse connective tissue disease causes fibrosis (thickening/ hardening) of the skin, joints, blood vessels and internal organs

Dry Gangrene

loss of blood supply resulting in local tissue death


fast spreading inflammation that occurs as a result of a bacterial infection of the skin and connect tissues

Wet Gangrene

swelling from the bacterial infection causes a sudden loss of blood flow