AAPC Anatomy - Module 2 Review Test

The primary function of the integumentary system is
a. as a sense receptor
b. manufacture of vitamin D
c. protection of underlying structures
d. body temperature regulation

c. protection of underlying structures

Which of the following glands are not part of the endocrine system?
a. Hypothalamus
b. Pituitary gland
c. Thyroid gland
d. Salivary gland

d. Salivary gland

Organs are to systems as
a. cells are to organs
b. tissues are to organs
c. cells are to systems
d. none of the above

b. tissues are to organs

The weight of the skin in most adults is about
a. 40 pounds
b. 5 pounds
c. 10 pounds
d. 20 pounds

d. 20 pounds

Urine flows through the organs of the urinary system in the following sequence
a. ureter, kidney, bladder, urethra
b. kidney, urethra, bladder, ureter
c. kidney, bladder, ureter, urethra
d. kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra

d. kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra

The integumentary system of the body includes:
a. the skin
b. hair
c. specialized sense organs
d. all of the above

d. all of the above

The skeletal system contains about
a. 326 bones
b. 206 bones
c. 411 bones
d. 157 bones

b. 206 bones

The tiny, thin-walled sacs in the lungs are called
a. alveoli
b. bronchi
c. pharynx
d. villi

a. alveoli

The accessory structures of the skin include all of the following except
a. sweat glands
b. teeth
c. nails
d. hair

b. teeth

The smallest structural unit of the body is
a. cells
b. tissues
c. DNA
d. organelles

a. cells

The heaviest organ in the body is the
a. skin
b. liver
c. large intestine
d. heart

a. skin

The largest structural unit of the body is
a. cells
b. an organ system
c. an organ
d. tissue

b. an organ system

Going from superficial to deep, the layers of the skin would be
a. stratum germinativum, stratum corneum, papillary layer, reticular layer
b. stratum corneum, stratum germinativum, papillary layer, reticular layer
c. stratum germinativum, stratum

b. stratum corneum, stratum germinativum, papillary layer, reticular layer

This type of skin cancer can develop from benign pigmented moles
a. Kaposi sarcoma
b. basal cell carcinoma
c. squamous cell carcinoma
d. melanoma

d. melanoma

The layer that is below the dermis and contains fat and blood vessels is called the
a. stratum corneum
b. dermal papillae
c. subcutaneous layer
d. stratum germinativum

c. subcutaneous layer

Burns can be caused by
a. ultraviolet light
b. electrical current
c. fire or hot surfaces
d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following contains cells full of keratin?
a. Dermis
b. Epidermis

b. Epidermis

An example of a cutaneous membrane would be
a. skin
b. the lining of a joint
c. the lining of the abdomen
d. the covering of the lung

a. skin

Which of the following contains collagen and yellow elastic fibers?
a. Dermis
b. Epidermis

a. Dermis

The glands of skin that produce a thin, watery secretion are the
a. sebaceous glands
b. apocrine glands
c. endocrine glands
d. eccrine glands

d. eccrine glands

Most mucous membranes are composed of
a. stratified squamous epithelium or simple columnar epithelium
b. pseudostratified epithelium or simple squamous epithelium
c. cuboidal epithelium or stratified squamous epithelium
d. simple columnar epithel

a. stratified squamous epithelium or simple columnar epithelium

The layer of the epidermis that is constantly undergoing mitosis is called the
a. stratum corneum
b. dermal papillae
c. subcutaneous layer
d. stratum germinativum

d. stratum germinativum

Which of the following is a function of a membrane?
a. It covers and protects the body surface.
b. It secretes a fluid that reduces the friction of the beating heart.
c. It lines cavities of the body.
d. All of the above are functions of a membra

d. All of the above are functions of a membrane.

The crescent-shaped white area of the nail is known as the
a. cuticle
b. lunula
c. nail root
d. nail body

b. lunula

The membrane lining the interior of the abdominal cavity is called the
a. visceral pleura
b. parietal peritoneum
c. parietal pleura
d. visceral peritoneum

b. parietal peritoneum