BIO 208 CARLA Set 5

The two components of the cutaneous membrane are the
epidermis and dermis.
epidermis and subcutaneous layer.
dermis and subcutaneous layer.
integument and dermis.
epidermis and superficial fascia.

epidermis and dermis

Accessory structures of the skin include
hair follicles.
sebaceous and sweat glands.
hair follicles and sebaceous and sweat glands only.
all of these.

all of these

The layer of the epidermis that contains cells undergoing division is the
stratum corneum.
stratum lucidum.
stratum germinativum.
stratum granulosum.
stratum spinosum.

stratum germinativum

An epidermal layer found only in the skin of the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet is the
stratum corneum.
stratum lucidum.
stratum germinativum.
stratum granulosum.
stratum spinosum.

stratum lucidum

The layer of the epidermis that contains melanocytes is the
stratum corneum.
stratum lucidum.
stratum germinativum.
stratum granulosum.
stratum spinosum.

stratum germinativum

In albinism, __________ is not produced.


The pigment melanin
is produced by cells called melanocytes and is found in higher concentration in individuals with darker skin.
is usually some shade of yellow or brown.
protects DNA from the damaging effects of U.V. radiation.
is produced by cells call

all of these

The layer of the skin that contains the blood vessels and nerves that supply the surface of the skin is the
papillary layer.
reticular layer.
epidermal layer.
subcutaneous layer.
hypodermal layer.

papillary layer

Glands that discharge a waxy secretion into hair follicles are
ceruminous glands.
apocrine sweat glands.
sebaceous glands.
merocrine sweat glands.
mammary glands.

sebaceous glands

Most body odor is the result of bacterial metabolism of the secretions produced by
ceruminous glands.
apocrine sweat glands.
sebaceous glands.
merocrine sweat glands.
mammary glands.

apocrine sweat glands

The condition that results from clogged sebaceous glands is
a boil.
a carbuncle.
a blister.
none of these.


A "rug burn" is an example of a(n):


Epidermal ridges
extend into the dermis.
interconnect with the dermal papillae.
cause ridge patterns on the surface of the skin.
produce patterns that are determined genetically.
all of these

all of these

When the arrector pili muscles contract
"goose bumps" are formed.
hairs are shed.
sweat is released from sweat glands.
shivering occurs.
the skin changes color.

goose bumps" are formed

The type of burn that may require a skin graft is a
first degree.
second degree.
third degree burn.
partial thickness burn.
semi-partial thickness burn.

third degree burn

When a fair-skinned person blushes, why does his or her skin turn red?
The blood supply to the skin increases.
The number of red melanocytes in the skin increases.
Melanocytes increase production of red pigments.
The blood supply to the skin decreases.

The blood supply to the skin increases

Stretch marks occur when
the skin is stretched in normal movements.
surgical incisions are made perpendicular to the skin's lines of cleavage.
the skin is so extensively stretched that its elastic capabilities are exceeded.
athletes overextend a muscle.

the skin is so extensively stretched that its elastic capabilities are exceeded.

Skin can regenerate effectively even after considerable damage has occurred because
the epidermis of the skin has a rich supply of small blood vessels.
stem cells persist in both the epithelial and connective tissue components of the skin even after injur

stem cells persist in both the epithelial and connective tissue components of the skin even after injury.

The reproducing cells of the skin are located in
the surface.
stratum corneum.
stratum lucidum.
stratum germinativum.
stratum spinosum.

stratum germinativum

When the skin is exposed to dangerous ultraviolet radiation, a "tan" can result from
decreasing melanin production.
increasing heart rate.
decreasing carotene production.
increasing melanin production.
increasing carotene production.

increasing melanin production