*A&P Chapters 1-9 Review

A plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior parts is the
a. sagittal plane
b. proximal plane
c. frontal plane
d. midsagittal plane

c. frontal plane

A plane that divides the body into superior and inferior parts is the
a. sagittal plane
b. transverse plane
c. frontal plane
d. coronal plane

b. transverse plane

Dr. C is interested in the structure of the inner ear. The field of study best suited to her interests is
a. physiology
b. anatomy
c. pathology
d. surgery

b. anatomy

The anatomical adjective that describes the wrist is
a. carpal
b. pedal
c. plantar
d. tarsal

a. carpal

The body systems involved in communication and control are the
a. lymphatic and urinary
b. respiratory and digestive
c. nervous and endocrine
d. integumentary and reproductive

c. nervous and endocrine

The most study most suitable for an anatomist would be
a. the structure of the stomach
b. the mechanism of protein digestion
c. stomach cancer
d. anabolic reactions

a. the structure of the stomach

The most superior medial region of the abdomen is the
a. hypogastric region
b. inguinal region
c. epigastric region
d. umbilical region

c. epigastric region

The study of body functions is called
a. physiology
b. anatomy
c. pathology
d. metabolism

a. physiology

A molecule of oxygen is formed by a(n)
a. exchange of electrons
b. ionic bond
c. nonpolar covalent bond
d. polar covalent bond

c. nonpolar covalent bond

A substance composed of two or more different elements participating in a chemical bond is a(n)
a. compound
b. atom
c. mixture
d. solution

a. compound

An element needed to build bones is
a. iron
b. calcium
c. chlorine
d. nitrogen

b. calcium

The atomic number of phosphorus is 15. How many protons does phosphorus have?
a. 10
b. 12
c. 15
d. More information is required to answer this question.

c. 15

The positively charged particles in the atom nucleus are called
a. neutrons
b. electrons
c. protons
d. isotopes

c. protons

The simplest form of carbohydrate is a(n)
a. disaccharide
b. monosaccharide
c. polysaccharide
d. unisaccharide

b. monosaccharide

Which of the following is a mixture?
a. sugar water
b. table salt
c. hydrochloric acid
d. sodium hydroxide

a. sugar water

Which of the following is an organic compound?
a. salt
b. water
c. glycerol
d. zinc

c. glycerol

A nucleotide contains a nitrogen base, a sugar unit, and a
a. phosphate unit
b. glycerol
c. fatty acid
d. protein unit

a. phosphate unit

Based on your knowledge of word parts, the most likely definition of the word endosome is
a. a body without
b. a colored body
c. a body within
d. a small body

c. a body within

Cells shrink when they are placed in solutions that are
a. isotonic
b. hypertonic
c. hypotonic
d. osmotic

b. hypertonic

Droplets of fluid are taken in by the cell using the process of
a. diffusion
b. pinocytosis
c. exocytosis
d. active transport

b. pinocytosis

Endocytosis and exocytosis are examples of
a. diffusion
b. gradients
c. vesicles
d. bulk transport

d. bulk transport

If a cell lacked centrioles, it would not be able to
a. synthesize proteins
b. synthesize RNA
c. divide
d. secrete protein

c. divide

Ribosomes participate in the process of
a. DNA synthesis
b. transcription
c. translation
d. mutation

c. translation

Small projections of the plasma membrane that aid in absorption of materials are
a. microvilli
b. centrioles
c. vesicles
d. lysosomes

a. microvilli

The removal of living tissue for microscopic examination is called
a. ultrasound
b. biopsy
c. magnetic resonance imaging
d. computed tomography

b. biopsy

Tissue wasting caused by a decrease in cell number is called
a. hypertrophy
b. hyperplasia
c. atrophy
d. aplasia

c. atrophy

Transitional epithelium is tissue that
a. can stretch to accomplish its function
b. changes to connective tissue
c. moves from place to place
d. secretes hormones

a. can stretch to accomplish its function

Which of the following is an epithelial tissue membrane?
a. fascia
b. peritoneum
c. meninges
d. synovial membrane

b. peritoneum

Which of the following muscle types is under voluntary control?
a. cardiac
b. skeletal
c. visceral
d. myocardial

b. skeletal

Which of the following treatments involves the use of antineoplastic agents?
a. radiation
b. surgery
c. chemotherapy
d. immunotherapy

c. chemotherapy

You are studying a slide of a body tissue, but the label has rubbed off. You see a single layer of closely packed cells that are long and narrow in structure. The tissue that is most likely to be on the slide is
a. simple squamous epithelium
b. stratified

c. simple columnar epithelium

You want to design a membrane to protect a tube from the surrounding environment. The membrane must prevent substances from passing through the tissue and must also secrete a protective substance. You decide to use a membrane already in use in the human b

b. mucous membrane

Ms. L undertook a round-the-world tour. She was incredibly unlucky and returned home with Legionnaires disease and typhoid fever. Her doctor took a blood sample for viewing under the microscope. The most abundant type of bacteria would have been shaped li

a. straight, slender rods

Ms. M is attached to a machine that monitors her blood pressure. She is learning how to prevent increases in blood pressure. This technique is an example of
a. acupuncture
b. naturopathy
c. biofeedback
d. chiropractic

c. biofeedback

Organisms that normally live on or in the body make up the
a. normal vectors
b. normal pathogens
c. spore flora
d. normal flora

d. normal flora

Penicillin is made from a
a. bacteria
b. protozoa
c. fungus
d. vector

c. fungus

Round bacteria arranged in a cluster are called
a. bacilli
b. staphylococci
c. vibrio
d. streptococci

b. staphylococci

Salmonella and E. coli are common causes of
a. cholera
b. sexually transmitted disease
c. influenza
d. food poisoning

d. food poisoning

Some bacteria produce resistant forms called
a. flagella
b. ascaris
c. endospores
d. vibrios

c. endospores

Syphilis and Lyme disease are caused by
a. vibrios
b. spirochetes
c. bacilli
d. cocci

b. spirochetes

Based on your knowledge of word parts, what color is an erythrocyte?
a. white
b. red
c. orange
d. blue

b. red

Dense connective tissue, nerves, and accessory structures of the skin are especially abundant in the
a. hypodermis
b. stratum corneum
c. follicle
d. dermis

d. dermis

Mr. M has erythematous flat areas on his arms and legs that are covered with silvery scales. His father also has the same skin condition. The most likely diagnosis is
a. atopic dermatitis
b. psoriasis
c. impetigo
d. shingles

b. psoriasis

Ms. J spent a month in Florida and returned to Ohio with a light tan. The tan reflects an increase in
a. melanin
b. carotene
c. hemoglobin
d. bile

a. melanin

Ms. L, age 2, has pustules over her arms and legs. The fluid in the pustules contains many circular bacteria organized in clusters when viewed under the microscope. The most likely diagnosis is
a. impetigo
b. shingles
c. herpes
d. psoriasis

a. impetigo

Nail-forming epidermal cells develop
a. under the nail's proximal end
b. in the stratum germinativum
c. around the apocrine glands
d. in the nail bed

a. under the nail's proximal end

*New epidermal cells come from
a. adipose tissue
b. stratum basale
c. stratum corneum
d. dermis

b. stratum basale

Redness of the skin is called
a. pallor
b. carotenemia
c. erythema
d. jaundice

c. erythema

A malleolus is found on the
a. vertebrae
b. tibia and fibula
c. radius and ulna
d. scapula

b. tibia and fibula

An air space within bone is called a
a. sinus
b. foramen
c. condyle
d. fossa

a. sinus

An osteosarcoma is a
a. malignant tumor arising in cartilage
b. malignant tumor arising in bone
c. benign tumor arising in cartilage
d. benign tumor arising in bone

b. malignant tumor arising in bone

Bone growth occurs in children in the
a. center of bone shafts
b. epiphyseal plates
c. medullary cavities
d. endosteum

b. epiphyseal plates

Cells involved in bone resorption are
a. osteoclasts
b. osteoblasts
c. fibroblasts
d. chondrocytes

a. osteoclasts

Freely movable joints are also called
a. fibrous joints
b. cartilaginous joints
c. diarthroses
d. amphiarthroses

c. diarthroses

How many pairs of true ribs are found in the adult thorax?
a. 7
b. 9
c. 5
d. 13

a. 7

How many phalanges are found in each hand?
a. 10
b. 12
c. 14
d. 16

c. 14

A single neuron and all the muscle fibers it stimulates comprise a
a. neuromuscular junction
b. motor end plate
c. motor unit
d. synapse

c. motor unit

A spasm of visceral muscle is called a
a. sprain
b. strain
c. colic
d. convulsion

c. colic

A substance produced in muscle cells during anaerobic metabolism is
a. lactic acid
b. calcium phosphate
c. acetylcholine
d. glucose

a. lactic acid

A term referring to a ring-shaped muscle is
a. orbicularis
b. levator
c. rectus
d. oris

a. orbicularis

*An antagonist to the adductor group of the thigh is the
a. rectus femoris
b. gluteus medius
c. iliopsoas
d. fibularis longus

b. gluteus medius

*An antagonist to the gastrocnemius is the
a. soleus
b. sartorius
c. gracilis
d. tibialis anterior

d. tibialis anterior

Exercise results in
a. dilation of blood vessels
b. a decrease in the number of mitochondria
c. muscle atrophy
d. an increase in the resting heart rate

a. dilation of blood vessels

In anatomic lever systems, the fulcrum is the
a. bursa
b. insertion
c. bone
d. joint

d. joint

In naming muscles, the suffix -ceps means
a. shape
b. attachment points
c. size
d. direction of fibers

b. attachment points

A collection of neuron cell bodies outside the central nervous system is called a
a. nucleus
b. ganglion
c. tract
d. nerve

b. ganglion

t a synapse, which direction does transmission usually occur?
a. from the postsynaptic cell to the presynaptic cell
b. between two postsynaptic cells
c. between two presynaptic cells
d. from the presynaptic cell to the postsynaptic cell

d. from the presynaptic cell to the postsynaptic cell

Based on your knowledge of word parts, what does cardioplegia mean?
a. pain in the heart
b. paralysis of the heart
c. dilation of blood vessels
d. paralysis of the arm

b. paralysis of the heart

Before the start of an action potential, the neuron membrane is
a. depolarized
b. repolarized
c. unpolarized
d. at rest

d. at rest

*Mr. Y was in a motor vehicle accident and is unable to move his arms or legs. Mr. Y suffers from
a. monoplegia
b. hemiplegia
c. tetraplegia
d. diplegia

c. tetraplegia

Ms. L has been experiencing muscle weakness. Her physician informs her that she has abnormal antibodies attacking the myelin sheath around neurons in her central nervous system. The most likely diagnosis is
a. poliomyelitis
b. multiple sclerosis
c. amyotr

b. multiple sclerosis

Potassium channels open late in the action potential to cause membrane
a. depolarization
b. potential
c. repolarization
d. degradation

c. repolarization

Regions innervated by the brachial plexus include the
a. pelvis and legs
b. neck and head
c. arm and shoulder
d. diaphragm and ribs

c. arm and shoulder

Sciatica reflects neuritis in a nerve from the
a. brachial plexus
b. lumbosacral plexus
c. abdominal plexus
d. cervical plexus

b. lumbosacral plexus

Sensory neuron cell bodies are found in the
a. white matter of the spinal cord
b. dorsal root ganglion
c. ventral root ganglion
d. plexuses

b. dorsal root ganglion

The correct order of impulse conduction through a reflex arc is
a. sensory neuron, receptor, effector, interneuron, motor neuron
b. receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, effector
c. receptor, motor neuron, sensory neuron, interneuron, effec

b. receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, effector

The deep groove dividing the right and left portions of the ventral white matter is the
a. posterior median sulcus
b. anterior median fissure
c. gray commissure
d. central canal

b. anterior median fissure

The fibers that conduct impulses away from the cell body are the
a. dendrites
b. axons
c. cell bodies
d. neurilemma

b. axons

The fluid found in the central canal of the spinal cord is
a. blood
b. cerebrospinal fluid
c. lymph
d. saline

b. cerebrospinal fluid

The knee-jerk reflex is a
a. simple reflex
b. spinal reflex
c. stretch reflex
d. All of the answers are correct

d. All of the answers are correct

The membrane that surrounds an entire nerve is the
a. perineurium
b. endoneurium
c. epineurium
d. neurilemma

c. epineurium

The nerve that contains only efferent fibers is the
a. sensory nerve
b. mixed nerve
c. motor nerve
d. nerve tract

c. motor nerve

The neurons that conduct impulses to the spinal cord and brain are the
a. motor neurons
b. interneurons
c. sensory neurons
d. association neurons

c. sensory neurons

The outermost membrane of the myelin sheath is called
a. neurilemma
b. gray matter
c. dendrite
d. neuroglia

a. neurilemma

The phrenic nerve arises from the
a. brachial plexus
b. lumbosacral plexus
c. abdominal plexus
d. cervical plexus

d. cervical plexus

The sympathetic chain of ganglia is located
a. near effector organs
b. in collateral ganglia
c. within cholinergic cells
d. near the spinal cord

d. near the spinal cord

The sympathetic motor neurons originate from cell bodies in the ______ and ______ regions of the spinal cord.
a. thoracic, lumbar
b. thoracic, cranial
c. cervical, lumbar
d. cranial, sacral

a. thoracic, lumbar

The tracts that carry motor impulses through the spinal cord are the
a. ascending tracts
b. descending tracts
c. gray matter
d. nerves

b. descending tracts

To what do neurotransmitters bind?
a. transporters
b. receptors
c. linkers
d. channels

b. receptors

*Which division of the nervous system exclusively controls skeletal muscles?
a. peripheral nervous system
b. central nervous system
c. somatic nervous system
d. autonomic nervous system

c. somatic nervous system

Which of the following is NOT a neurotransmitter?
a. acetylcholine
b. dopamine
c. dermatome
d. noradrenaline

c. dermatome

Which of the following is NOT an action of the sympathetic nervous system?
a. increase in blood pressure
b. stimulation of skeletal muscle
c. stimulation of the adrenal gland
d. dilation of the pupils

b. stimulation of skeletal muscle

*Which of the following is NOT an example of a neuroglial cell?
a. neuron
b. astrocyte
c. Schwann cell
d. oligodendrocyte

a. neuron

Which of the following is NOT in the central nervous system?
a. tract
b. collateral ganglion
c. white matter
d. interneuron

b. collateral ganglion

*Which part of the nervous system consists of ALL of the spinal nerves and cranial nerves?
a. peripheral nervous system
b. central nervous system
c. somatic nervous system
d. autonomic nervous system

a. peripheral nervous system

The urinary bladder is located in the
a. thoracic cavity
b. spinal cavity
c. dorsal cavity
d. pelvic cavity

d. pelvic cavity

Which example demonstrates the principle of negative feedback?
a. A decrease in blood sugar stimulates the release of a hormone that further decreases blood sugar.
b. A decrease in room temperature activates a thermostat, which further decreases heat outp

c. A rise in blood calcium levels stimulates the release of a hormone that lowers blood calcium levels.

*Which example does NOT demonstrate the principle of homeostasis?
a. A rise in plasma sodium stimulates the release of a hormone that increases sodium loss in the urine.
b. The activation of a clotting factor stimulates the production of the enzyme that a

b. The activation of a clotting factor stimulates the production of the enzyme that activates the clotting factor.

Which of the following organs is NOT in the abdominopelvic cavity?
a. small intestine
b. stomach
c. lung
d. liver

c. lung