ATI TEAS 6 A&P Flashcards: Endocrine System

The following are the main functions of the endocrine system (List 8)

Water balance
Uterine contractions and milk release
Growth, metabolism, and tissue maturation
Ion regulation
Heart rate and blood pressure regulation
Blood glucose control
Immune system regulation
Reproductive functions control

Chemical signals, or ______________, are molecules released from one location that move to another location to produce a response.


Intercellular Chemical Signals

Intercellular chemical signals are released from one cell, are carried in the intercellular fluid, and bind to receptors that are found in other cells, but usually not in all cells of the body.

Autocrine Chemical Signals

Autocrine chemical signals: These chemical signals are released by cells and have a local effect on the same cell type. Example: prostaglandin-like chemicals that are secreted in response to inflammation

These chemical signals are released by cells and have effects on other cell types. Example: somatostatin, secreted by the pancreas, inhibits the release of insulin by other cells in the pancreas.

Paracrine Chemical Signals

These chemical signals are secreted by nerve cells and aid the nervous system. Example: acetylcholine produced during stressful encounters

Neuromodulators and Neurotransmitters


These chemical signals are secreted into the environment and modify the behavior and physiology of other individuals. Example: those produced by women can influence the length of the menstrual cycle of other women

Which chemical signal would respond to the redness caused by an infected wound?


There are two major types of receptor molecules that respond to an intercellular chemical signal:

Intracellular receptors and Membrane-bound receptors

Membrane-bound receptors

These receptors extend across the cell membrane, with their receptor sites on the outer surface of the cell membrane. They respond to intercellular chemical signals that are large, water-soluble molecules that do not diffuse across the cell membrane

Intracellular receptors

These receptors are located in either the cytoplasm or the nucleus of the cell. Signals diffuse across the cell membrane and bind to the receptor sites on intracellular receptors.

A friend is changing the tire on her car, and the jack breaks. Her hand is caught under the car. A passerby notices, runs over, and lifts the car off her hand. Which type of intercellular signal has responded?

Receptors that directly alter membrane permeability

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Target Tissue

Hormones are distributed in the blood to all parts of the body, but only certain tissues, called target tissues, respond to each type of hormone. Target tissue is made up of cells that have receptor molecules for a specific hormone.


Neurohormones are hormones secreted from cells of the nervous system.

Hormone secretion is regulated in three ways (Summarize)

Blood levels of chemicals: The secretion of some hormones is directly controlled by the blood levels of certain chemicals. For example, blood glucose levels control insulin secretion.
Hormones: The secretion of some hormones is controlled by other hormone

The negative-feedback mechanism that regulates the level of glucose in a person's blood is an example of what type of hormone secretion regulation?

Blood levels of chemical regulation

Which of the following is an effect of aging on hormone secretion?

Trouble sleeping

Chemical signals bind to proteins or ___________________________ called receptor molecules to produce a response.


_______________________________________ control the secretion of hormones.

Negative-feedback mechanisms

What are the three general responses when an intercellular signal binds to a membrane-bound receptor?

Receptors that directly alter membrane permeability; receptors with g proteins; receptors that alter the activity of enzymes

Cascade Effect

Chemical signal molecules rapidly activate many specific enzymes

The aging process affects hormone activity in one of three ways

The aging process affects hormone activity in one of three ways: their secretion can decrease, remain unchanged, or increase.

Intracellular chemical signals are produced in one part of a cell, such as the cell membrane, and travel to another part of the same cell and bind to receptors, either in the _________________ or in the _________________.

Intracellular chemical signals are produced in one part of a cell, such as the cell membrane, and travel to another part of the same cell and bind to receptors, either in the cytoplasm or in the nucleus

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