ALD Week 1


verbal means of communicating (articulation, voice, fluency)


socially shared rules of expression (semantics, morphology, syntax, grammar, pragmatic considerations)

Acquired language and cognitive-communicative disorders arise from?

Acquired language and cognitive-communicative disorders may arise from injury to different areas of the brain.

Acquired speech disorders arise from?

injury to brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, spinal nerves, peripheral body)

Central nervous system (CNS):

brain (this is the part of the central nervous system that controls language and cognitive communicative function.) and spinal cord

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Cranial nerves and sensory nerves
these cranial nerves and spinal nerves carry information about motor function, sensory function. It controls volitional movement as well as reflexive movements. It also carries information about autonomic functions to and

CNS protection

�Bony shell
�Cerebrospinal fluid

Gray matter

cell bodies and dendrites

white matter

mylenated fibers

In CNS: nuclei (__________ ), except: basal ganglia

gray matter

�In CNS: tracts, fasciculi (_________ )

white matter

What is the association tract that interconnects Broca' s area and Wernicke' s area?

arcuate fasciculus

What is the term used to describe a crossing of information at the midline?


Brodmann's areas

delineated based on cortical cytoarchitectural differences, but have functional correlations

How do we send information from one location to the other?

This is through white matter tracts or myelinated axons, bundles of axons


�tracts interconnect primary cortical areas (primary motor and primary sensory) to deeper structures.


�tracts are the most numerous and interconnect regions of the cortex within the same hemisphere.


tracts interconnect homologous areas in the left and right hemispheres.

O2 and glucose

Remember, in order for cells to function, they must be provided with_____________ , carried in the blood.


�: pathology. We can easily identify after going through testing. Disability and handicap can be depended upon the person. They vary on many different factors. Across cultural groups, the resources that are available will impact the level of disability or


�: the consequences of the impairment on everyday life


value that the individual, family, community places on disability and the degree to which the individual is disadvantaged