CH. 3 Quiz

?Bridget is excellent at walking, running, climbing, and kicking balls. This would suggest that Bridget has good

?motor skills.

?Carla is researching temperament by determining how often different babies exhibit irritability and anger. Which dimension of temperament is Carla assessing?

?Negative affect

?Five-day-old Max has his eyes closed and a breathing pattern that alternates between regularity and irregularity. This indicates that he is currently in the ____ newborn state.


?Five-month-old Hakeem currently weighs 20 pounds. How many calories should he be ingesting each day?


?Gina has just given birth and hears that the Apgar score for her newborn son is a 3. As a person who understands the scoring system, she would most likely

?panic, as this may indicate that her child is in a life-threatening state.

?If Andrew is shy when he is two-years-old, he is more likely to be ____ when he is four-years-old.


?If you were to remove the top of an adult's skull, the first brain tissue you would see would be the

?cerebral cortex.

?Studies of infant stepping behavior on a treadmill demonstrated that

?the pattern of alternating of steps on each leg precedes the ability to walk.

?The neural plate ultimately forms the

?brain and spinal cord.

?Tomomi has mastered balancing, stepping, and the perceptual skills necessary to negotiate her way around. Putting all these skills together to enable her to walk is a process called


?Wendell can tell that the trees on the mountain are very far away, because rather than being able to see individual trees and the spaces between them, he just perceives a big green patch. Which depth cue best describes this?

?Texture gradient

?What infant response did Gibson and Walk (1960) measure in their visual cliff research?

?Heart rate

?Which best describes a newborn's sense of smell?

?Highly developed

?Which best describes the impact of myelin on a neuron?

?It helps speed neural transmission.

?Which is not an aspect of regular (non-REM) sleep?


?Which of these is not an example of a newborn reflex?


?Which phenomenon is the best argument against the notion that the organization of the brain is predetermined genetically?

?Brain plasticity

?Which technique is recommended for making finicky eaters more open-minded about the food they eat?

?Allow children to pick among healthy foods

?Your psychology professor asks you to assist her in her experiment. She is studying brain activity by monitoring blood flow to different areas of the brain. This indicates that your professor is most likely using ____ in her study.

?functional magnetic resonance imaging

?Yvette is a malnourished child. If her parents are typical, they will probably

?interact less with Yvette because she is so lethargic.