AP Psych Brain Functions


Sensory control center: relays messages between lower brain centers and cerebral cortex. Traffic center for all sensory information, except smell. Also relays messages back from Cortex to medulla and cerebellum.

2. Pons

Coordinates movement and Controls sleep.

3. Reticular Formation

Enables arousal from sleep and relays important sensory information from spinal cord to appropriate areas of the brain.

4. Medulla (Medulla Oblongata)

Base of the Brainstem and controls heartbeat and breathing.

5. Spinal cord

Neural system that connects peripheral nervous system with the brain sending messages (afferent) to the brain and (efferent) from the brain.

6. Cerebellum

(the "little brain") enables learning and skill memory; modulates emotions; discriminates time, sound and textures; coordinates voluntary movement. Most of these processes are done unconsciously.


(Hypo = below; so below the thalamus) Controls endocrine system and is linked to emotion and reward centers. Also controls eating, body temperature, and sexual behavior.

2. Pituitary Gland

Master controller gland of endocrine system. Controlled by the Hypothalamus, the Pituitary gland is responsible for growth hormones and oxytocin which stimulates sex glands, adrenal glands and others.

3. Amygdala

thought to be control the bodies emotions especially fear and aggression.

4. Hippocampus

Helps process memories for storage.

5. Thalamus

Sensory control center: relays messages between lower brain centers and cerebral cortex. Traffic center for all sensory information, except smell. Also relays messages back from Cortex to medulla and cerebellum. (See prior page)

6. Corpus Callosum

Band of neural fibers that connects left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex and carries messages processed by one side of the brain to the other. When severed, these messages cannot be communicated and many functions are impacted.

1. Cerebrum

Two cerebral hemispheres that make up 85% of the Brain's mass/weight. Covered by the Cerebral Cortex: which is the ultimate control and information processing center for the body. The Cortex is divided into four major lobes (frontal, parietal, temporal an

2. Left Hemisphere

Primarily responsible for language (speech, reading, speaking and sign language). Also controls right side of body. Right Hemisphere: Thinking (drawing inferences, managing self-awareness. Also controls left side of body.

3. Frontal Lobe

Responsible for speaking, muscle movements and making plans/judgements.

4. Parietal Lobe

Receives sensory input for touch and body position.

5. Occipital Lobe

Receive information from visual fields.

6. Cerebellum

Coordinates voluntary movement and balance and supports learning and memories of such movement/balance.

7. Temporal Lobe

Includes auditory areas receiving input from the ears.

1. Prefrontal Cortex

Responsible for planning complex cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behaviour.

3. Motor Cortex (Left/Right)

Controls (Efferent) movements of the parts of the opposite side of the body

4. Somatosensory Cortex (Left/Right)

Processes information received (afferent) from the skin senses and movement of the opposite side of the body.

6. Visual Cortex

Receives input from the eyes and directs it for processing.

7. Wernicke's area

Responsible for language comprehension and expression (Left Temporal Lobe only)



8. Auditory Cortex

Receives input from the ears/cochlea.

10. Broca's Area

Responsible for language expression directing the muscle movement involved in speech (Left Temporal Lobe only).