Medical Model of Mental Illness Reduced


An irrational fear of an object or situation.

Specific phobia

Phobia of a particular object or specific situation e.g. animal types, natural environment types (e.g. heights, water), blood-injection types (e.g. blood, syringes), situational types (e.g. lifts, planes) and other types that do not fit (e.g. clowns, chok

3 types of characteristics of specific phobias

behavioural, emotional and cognitive.

2 behavioural characteristics of phobias

avoid and panic

4 emotional characteristics of a phobia

excessive and unreasonable fear, anxiety and panic.

2 cognitive characteristics of a phobia

selective attention and irrational beliefs.

What is the view of the Medical Model of mental illness?

It views mental illnesses just like other illnesses. They have a physical cause. They can be diagnosed by listing the symptoms. They can be treated by adjusting the physical cause.

3 explanations of mental illness from the medical model

biochemical, brain abnormality and genes

How is the biochemical explanation of mental illness studied and how is it treated?

By taking medication and treated using medication

How is the brain abnormality explanation of mental illness studied and how is it treated?

Brain scans and psychosurgery

How is the genetic explanation of mental illness studied and how is it treated?

Family, twin studies and gene counselling

What is the genetic explanation of mental illness?

People inherit mental illnesses from their parents, through genes. People with mental illnesses are more likely to have close relatives with mental illnesses too.

What is the brain abnormality explanation of mental illness?

Under or over activity in specific areas of the brain cause mental illness.

What is the biochemical explanation of mental illness?

Levels of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, GABA and serotonin (too little / too much) cause mental illness.