Psych 101 Chapter 2

Which of the following behaviors are controlled by the limbic system?

Memory and emotion

Compared to the rest of the brain, what part is the most evolved?


The pons plays an important role in which of the following?
A. Pleasurable activities such as eating, drinking, and sex
B. Sleep and arousal
C. Discrimination of objects necessary for survival

B. Sleep and arousal

Which brain area is most closely linked to emotional awareness?
A. The reticular formation
B. Amygdala
C. Cerebellum
D. Hippocampus

B. Amygdala

Which of the following is involved in stereotyped behavior patterns such as walking, sleeping, or turning to attend to a sudden noise?
A. Substantia nigra
B. Cerebral cortex
C. Reticular formation
D. Cerebellum

C. Reticular formation

Which of the following structures are part of the forebrain? (Select all that apply.)
A. Cerebral cortex
B. Reticular formation
C. Limbic system
D. Cerebellum
E. Thalamus

A. Cerebral cortex
C. Limbic system
E. Thalamus

The limbic system is involved in which of the following?
A. Regulating the body's internal state
B. Relaying sensory information
C. Balance and the control of movement
D. Memory and emotion

D. Memory and emotion

Which part of the human brain distinguishes it from the brain of other animals?
A. Midbrain
B. Forebrain
C. Hindbrain

B. Forebrain

The _______________ , is an almond-shaped structure near the base of the brain.


_________________ __________________ is a system in the midbrain that is involved in walking, sleeping, and turning to attend to a sudden noise.

reticular formation

The cerebral cortex, limbic system, thalamus, basal ganglia, and hypothalamus make up which part of the brain?


Damage to the hippocampus is likely to make it hard to _____.
A. remain upright
B. focus attention
C. form new memories
D. become angry and aggressive

C. form new memories

Which part of the brain's core is responsible for sorting information and relaying it to appropriate areas in the forebrain for further integration and interpretation?
A. Cerebellum
B. Hypothalamus
C. Reticular formation
D. Thalamus

D. Thalamus

Which brain area is most closely linked to emotional awareness?
A. Amygdala
B. Cerebellum
C. Hippocampus
D. The reticular formation

A. Amygdala

Which of the following is involved in stereotyped behavior patterns such as walking, sleeping, or turning to attend to a sudden noise?
A. Cerebral cortex
B. Cerebellum
C. Reticular formation
D. Substantia nigra

C. Reticular formation

part of the limbic system and has a special role in the storage of memories.


True or false: The thalamus handles the body's basic biological needs.


Which part of the human brain distinguishes it from the brain of other animals?
A. Forebrain
B. Midbrain
C. Hindbrain

A. Forebrain

What is the function of the basal ganglia?
A. Discrimination of objects necessary for survival
B. Higher-order thinking
C. Regulation of breathing
D. Coordination of voluntary movement

D. Coordination of voluntary movement

Which of the following is a function of the amygdala?
A. Hormone regulation
B. Survival
C. Problem-solving
D. Coordination

B. Survival

is a system in the midbrain that is involved in walking, sleeping, and turning to attend to a sudden noise.

reticular formation

Which of the following structures regulates the body's internal states?
A. Limbic system
B. Hypothalamus
C. Basal ganglia
D. Thalamus

B. Hypothalamus

which is part of the forebrain, has been implicated in drug addition because it produces a positive reward effect.


The cerebral cortex is part of the _____.
A. hindbrain
B. forebrain
C. midbrain

B. forebrain

____________ lobe is where auditory stimuli are processed


What are the frontal lobes associated with?
A. Vision, smell, and hearing
B. Intelligence and personality
C. Association areas
D. Sensory awareness

B. Intelligence and personality

vision is primarily processed in the ______ lobes
A. frontal
B. temporal
C. parietal
D. occipital

D. occipital

The _____ is the specific region of the brain responsible for higher-order cognitive functions such as planning and reasoning.
A. association cortex
B. visual association cortex
C. somatosensory cortex
D. prefrontal cortex

D. prefrontal cortex

Which of the following structures regulates the body's internal states?
A. Basal ganglia
B. Thalamus
C. Hypothalamus
D. Limbic system

C. Hypothalamus

Which part of the brain is responsible for thinking and planning?
A. Limbic system
B. Brain stem
C. Hypothalamus
D. Cerebral cortex

D. Cerebral cortex

The temporal lobe is associated with which of the following?
A. Voluntary movement
B. Vision
C. Involuntary movement
D. Hearing

D. Hearing

The frontal lobes are associated with _____ movement.
A. voluntary
B. involuntary

A. voluntary

What is the primary function of the parietal lobe?
A. Higher-order cognitive function
B. Spatial location and motor control
C. Regulation of breathing

B. Spatial location and motor control

What is the primary function of the prefrontal cortex?
A. Vision
B. Regulation of breathing
C. Cognitive reasoning
D. Hearing

C. Cognitive reasoning

What part of the brain is specifically responsible for processing information about bodily sensations?
A. Occipital lobe
B. Motor cortex
C. Somatosensory cortex
D. Wernicke's area

C. Somatosensory cortex

The cerebral cortex is part of the _____.
A. midbrain
B. forebrain
C. hindbrain

B. forebrain

is an area in the cerebral cortex located at the rear of the frontal lobe that processes information about voluntary movement.

Motor Cortex

___________ cortex refers to areas of the cerebral cortex that integrate sensory and motor information.


Spatial location and motor control are the responsibility of the __________ lobes of the brain.


The somatosensory cortex _____. (Select all that apply.)
A. processes information about bodily sensations
B. is sometimes called the corpus callosum
C. is an important region of the cerebral cortex
D. is located in the hindbrain

A. processes information about bodily sensations
C. is an important region of the cerebral cortex

Motor areas in the cortex control _____ movements.
A. involuntary
B. reflexive
C. voluntary

C. voluntary

Association areas of the brain are located in which of the following?
A. Temporal lobes
B. All lobes
C. Frontal lobes
D. Occipital lobes

B. All lobes

Association areas are important for which of the following?
A. Walking
B. Higher-order thinking
C. Primary functions
D. Breathing

B. Higher-order thinking

__________ cortex refers to areas of the cerebral cortex that integrate sensory and motor information.


Spatial location and motor control are the responsibility of the ___________ lobes of the brain.


True or false: The cerebral cortex is divided into four hemispheres.


_____ area is a region in the left hemisphere of the brain that is involved in the control of speech. People with damage in this part of the brain have problems saying words correctly.


The highest intellectual functioning, such as thinking and problem solving, occurs in the _____ cortex.
A. cerebral
B. association
C. somatosensory
D. motor

B. association

Motor areas in the cortex control _____ movements.
A. voluntary
B. reflexive
C. involuntary

A. voluntary

What is the function of Wernicke's area in the brain?
A. Control of speech
B. Higher-order reasoning
C. Understanding language
D. Vision

C. Understanding language

The brain is divided into left and right______________


What is the function of Broca's area in the brain?
A. Understanding language
B. Higher-order reasoning
C. Vision
D. Production of speech

D. Production of speech

The _________________ ____________________ is a large bundle of axons connecting the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Corpus Callosum

Association areas are important for which of the following?
A. Higher-order thinking
B. Breathing
C. Primary functions
D. Walking

A. Higher-order thinking

is an area in the cerebral cortex located at the rear of the frontal lobe that processes information about voluntary movement.

motor cortex

The brain's hemispheres can be "split" by cutting which of the following?
A. Corpus callosum
B. Hypothalamus
C. Amygdala
D. Hippocampus

A. Corpus callosum

Which part of the brain is responsible for communication between the two hemispheres?
A. Association cortex
B. Cerebral cortex
C. Cerebral hemisphere
D. Corpus callosum

D. Corpus callosum

The highest intellectual functioning, such as thinking and problem solving, occurs in the _____ cortex.
A. association
B. cerebral
C. somatosensory
D. motor

A. association

The left hemisphere of the brain controls the _____ side of the body and vice versa.
A. right
B. left
C. back
D. front

A. right

Motor areas in the cortex control _____ movements.
A. reflexive
B. voluntary
C. involuntary

B. voluntary

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.
When a brain is split by severing the corpus callosum, objects in the right visual field will only be seen in the __________ hemisphere.


Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.
After brain damage, the brain can often repair itself. The brain's ability to adapt like this is referred to as


Some people have had such severe epilepsy that their corpus callosum has been cut, reducing the spread of electrical activity from _____.
A. one hemisphere to the other
B. the cortex to the limbic system
C. the limbic system to the core areas of the brain

A. one hemisphere to the other

What is the name for the process by which new neurons are generated?
A. Tissue implant
B. Collateral sprouting
C. Substitution of function
D. Neurogenesis

D. Neurogenesis

A child with a genetic predisposition to anxiety is raised in a supportive family and does not develop these behavioral or emotional symptoms. This is best explained by the ___________________ x ____________________ ___________________

gene x environment interaction

Visual information from the _____ visual field goes to the brain's _____ hemisphere. (Select all that apply.)
A. left; right
B. right; right
C. right; left
D. left; left

A. left; right
C. right; left

Gene x environment interaction research shows how individuals with _____ genetics can differ in important ways.
A. the same
B. different

A. the same