Cognitive Science (Lecture 01) - Introduction Part 1

Who was 1860's: French neurologist Paul Broca's patient & what was he limited to?

Tan" (Victor Leborgne) could only say "Tan

Brain lession/brain damage that Tan had?


Paul Broca's 2nd patient & limitation

Lazare Lelong

Lazare Lelong (Broca's 2nd Patient) word limitations:

could only say 5 words: yes, no, 3, always, and "Lelo" (his name)


loss of articulate speech


-language deficit following & due to brain injury
-other "faculties" are (relatively) spared

Aphasia occurs ________ brain injury


Broca's Area

LEFT Frontal hemisphere area of the brain


other abilities or mental capacities (nonverbal intelligence assesment tools)

Why are patient studies difficult?

No two areas of the brain are alike

Other ways to study thinking/language?

Patient studies (lesion-deficit analysis)

Analyze behavior-
components & interactions

Simulate behavior with prescribed components

Examine structure-
Selective damage (for other cognitive domains, animals)

Cognitive Neuroscience emphasizes _____________ approaches and ___________ across subfields, methods, and levels of analysis. (always keeping the brain in mind)

multiple approaches; interactions

the _________ is greater than the _____ of its parts.

Whole; Sum

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts:
Multiple approaches and findings ________ each other.


The whole is greater than the sum of its parts:
Even if you don't study brain, what should you aim for?

aim for
biologically plausible