Chapter 41


protects the brain

gill arches

support the pharynx; structure that jaws probably evolved from

vertebral column

in vertebrates; surrounds the spinal cord


flexible, lightweight material made of cells surrounded by tough protein


modified pelvic fin in male fish that transfer sperm to female

external fertilization

eggs released into environment and sperm is released over eggs

internal fertilization

eggs are fertilized inside the female's body

lateral line system

row of sensory structures that run the length of the fishes body on both sides

olfactory bulb

in the brain; analyzes information from nostrils

pectoral fins

paired fins behind the head; helps with stabilization

placoid scales

small, tooth like spines covering skin of cartilaginous fishes

rectal gland

near the cloaca; removes excess sodium and chloride ions from the blood

swim bladder

gas filled sac used to control bouyancy

lobe- finned fishes

fishes with fleshy fins supported by a series of bones

ray- finned fishes

fishes with fins supported by long, segmented, flexible bony elements called rays.


a hard plate that covers and protects the gills

caudal fin

extends from the tail and moves side to side

dorsal fins

2 fins on the back; keep the fish upright and moving in a straight line

anal fin

stomach( ventral) side; keeps fish upright

pectoral girdle

attachment point for pectoral fins

pelvic girlde

attachment point for pelvic fins


tube connecting mouth to stomach


secretes bile, located near stomach


helps break down fats


stores bile and releases it into the intestine


releases digestive enzymes into the intestine

sinus venosus

chamber of the heart that collects deoxygenated blood from the body

conus arteriosus

the elastic, final chamber that smooths the flow of blood from the heart

countercurrent flow

Water flows away from the head while blood flows toward the head.

cranial nerves

connect major sense organs directly to the brain


integrates sensory info and other info from other areas of the brain

optic tectum

receives and processes info from the visual, auditory, and lateral line systems.


helps coordinate motor output

medulla oblongata

helps control some body functions; acts as a relay station

spinal nerves

connect spinal cord with internal organs, muscles and sense organs