sheep brain practical

frontal lobe

problem solving, memory, judgement

parietal lobe

perception, sensory input

temporal lobe

language, emotion

occipital lobe

visual processing

brocas area

speech production

werneke's area

speech comprehension

premotor cortex

controls motor actions through sensory output

somatosensory cortex

receives all sensory input from the body


regulates motor movements


largest part of the brain and deals with thought and action


breathing, communication between different parts of the brain, and sensations such as hearing, taste, and balance

medulla oblongata

breathing, digestion, and other autonomic functions

spinal cord

connects PNS to brain, and sends nerve impulses to the brain

corpora quadrigemina (inferior/superior colliculi)

located in the midbrain; contains reflex centers for vision and auditory reflexes.

pineal gland

regulates hormones (melatonin)


relay motor and sensory signals to the cerebral cortex


controls maintenance functions such as eating; helps govern endocrine system; linked to emotion and reward


A ridged or raised portion of a brain surface.


narrow groove (depression)

longitudinal fissure

separates cerebral hemispheres

transverse fissure

separates cerebrum from cerebellum

optic chiasm

An X-shaped connection between the optic nerves, located below the base of the brain, just anterior to the pituitary gland

corpus callosum

integrate motor, sensory, and cognitive performances between the cerebral cortex on one side of the brain to the same region on the other side

olfactory bulbs

two projections just under the front of the brain that receive information from the receptors in the nose located just below

dura mater

thick, outermost layer of the meninges surrounding and protecting the brain and spinal cord

pia mater

the delicate innermost membrane enveloping the brain and spinal cord.

white matter

connect various grey matter areas of the brain to each other, and carry nerve impulses between neurons

grey matter

The portions of the central nervous system that are abundant in cell bodies of neurons rather than axons, and includes regions of the brain that deals with muscle control and sensory perception