Chapter 10 Sense question bank

After a sensory receptor is stimulated and sensory impulses travel to the brain, the brain becomes aware of the stimulus. This is called __________.
When other areas of the brain interpret the incoming sensory impulses, the process of __________ has occur

sensation, perception

Touch and pressure stimulate the class of receptors called _________. The senses of taste and smell rely on ______________.

mechanoreceptors; chemoreceptors

Match special sense with tissue or organ responsible for its reception:

Smell - olfactory organs
Taste - taste buds
Hearing - outer, middle, inner ear
Equilibrium - inner ear
Sight - eyes

The malleus, incus, and stapes are:

bones of the middle ear

Sentences describing general and special senses:

Changes in the environment - sensory receptors, sensory pathways, central nervous system
The receptors for touch - simple, general
Receptors for vision - special
When you experience - sensation, perception

What is the definition of the term sensation?

Results when the brain becomes aware of a stimulus.

Match special senses with specialized structures that house their receptors:

Olfactory organs - smell
Spiral organ - hearing
Maculae and cristae ampullaris - equilibrium
Retina - sight
Taste buds - taste

What is the function of lysozyme found in tear secretions?

Anti-bacterial enzyme, reducing risk of infection.

What is the function of the auditory tube?

Conducts air between tympanic cavity to nasopharynx.

The structures of the middle and inner ear are found within the ___________ bone of the skull?


The smooth mucles of the __________ regulate the diameter of the pupil.


Match each example with taste sensation it causes

proteins - umami
sugar - sweet
caffeine - bitter
salt - salty
lemon - sour

For each sense, classify them as general or special:

General Senses: touch, pressure, pain
Special Senses: taste, smell

What is meant by the term referred pain?

Visceral pain that is sensed as coming from another body part.

Taste buds are associated with bumps on the tongue called:


Pain impulses are carried via two different types of pain fibers. ____________ pain fibers are unmyelinated fibers which conduct pain impulses slowly, resulting in the sensation of dull, aching pain.
____________________ pain fibers are myelinated fibers

chronic, acute

Tactile (Meissner's) corpuscles and lamellated (Pacinian) corpuscles are classified as:


Match receptor type with environmental change that stimulates it:

Light energy - photoreceptor
Changes in concentration of chemicals - chemoreceptor
Any factor that causes tissue damage - pain receptor
Changes in heat energy - thermoreceptor
Changes in pressure or movement - mechanoreceptor

Receptors for pain respond to extremes in temperature and pressure and tissue damage. Structurally, pain receptors are:

free nerve endings