The Brain Study Guide

What part of an organism is the brain?


How much does an average Brain weigh?


What system is the Brain a part of?

Nervous System

How do nerve signals get to your Brain?

Spinal cord carrys signals from body to brain

How much total energy capacity does your brain use?


What part of the Brain allows humans to be unique?

Cerebral Cortex

What are some human traits that originate in the cerebral cortex?

Thought, language, consciousness, imagine, reason

What is the part of the Brain that we see in horror films?

Cerebral cortex

What is each bump on the surface of the Brain called?


What are the grooves on the Brain called?


What lobe is referred to as the control panel of the Brain?

Frontal lobe

What are some cognitive skills that are controlled by the frontal lobe?

Problem solving, expression, and reasoning

What lobe deals with the five senses temperature, taste, pain, touch?

Parietal lobe

What lobe deals with auditory perception by turning sound into meaningful information like speech and language?

Temporal lobe

What lobe deals with the interception of visual stimuli and information?

Occipital lobe

What are the three parts that compromise the brainstem?

Midbrain, Medulla Oblongata, and Pons

What part controls eye movement?


What part controls involuntary functions like breathing and blood pressure?

Medulla Oblongata

What part is the smallest region of the brain?


What part serves as a message center to many areas of the Brain?


What part serves as a relay station for auditory and visual infornation?


What part is responsible for playing a key role in sleep and dreaming?


What does REM stand for?

Rapid Eye Movement

What part is responsible for voluntary functions like walking or swimming?


What part is responsible for hunger, thrist, or motivational behavior?


What part is responsible for balance?


What part is responsible for fear?


What part controls the pituitary gland?


What does the pituitary gland do?

Releases hormones in bloodstream

What is the pituitary gland responsible for?

Growth, Metabolism, and body composition

What assists with storage and long term memory?


What identifies different sensory information?


What does auditory mean?

Hearing or sound

What does tactile mean?


What does Gustatory mean?


What is the right hemisphere responsible for?

Art awareness, creativity, imagination, intuition, holistic thought, music awareness, left handed control

What side of the body is controlled by the right hemisphere?

The left handed side

What is the left hemisphere responsible for?

Analytic thought, language, logic, reasoning, scisnce, written numbers, right handed control

What side of the body is controlled by the left hemisphere?

Right handed side

What can have a negative effect on brain function?


Why does dehydration affect the Brain function?

Because the Brain is made up of 75% water

What is a neuron?

Bundle of nerves

How many neurons are in the Brain?

86 billion

Why are blood vessels vital for the brain?

Bring oxygen and nutrients and carry away waste

What is the brain doing during dreams?

Proving that your brain is working

How much of our brain do we use?

More than 10%

What three layers of protection for your brain?

Cranium, Three layer membrane, and cerebrospinal fluid

When does your brain develop?

Each time you learn a new fact

How long does it take for a signal from your big toe to travel to your brain?

1\100 of a second