psych test 2 quiz questions likely to appear on test

One quality used to group color, movement, and dark/light aspects of an image is

closure, proximity, continuity

True or False: The reason why binocular cues are more helpful than monocular cues for perceiving depth is that each eye gives us different information about the distance of the object from our eyes.


True or False: When using our vision, higher objects are perceived to be closer.


True or False: Color blindness is due to a deficiency or absence of rods in the retina.


Latent learning is

An organism's accumulation of knowledge/ability to adapt that is not apparent until there is incentive to show this knowledge/ability

Cocaine results in a general increase in the level of serotonin (a neurotransmitter). If cocaine is used frequently enough, an addict's body may assume that it will regularly receive a regular boost in serotonin (from the cocaine) and consequently decreas


Neuroadaptation to a drug frequently results in the person needing to use higher amounts of the drug or using the drug more frequently to experience the original effects of that drug. In this situation, the person has developed a


A repetitive and intense desire to use a drug that is harmful to the user and that causes the user to continue to use the drug even when it is negatively, and knowingly, affecting his/her life is an


When someone develops distressing physical and psychological symptoms resulting from spontaneously stopping the use of a substance without first slowly decreasing the frequency or amount of the substance, the person has developed a


When someone develops distressing physical and psychological symptoms resulting from spontaneously stopping the use of a substance without first slowly decreasing the frequency or amount of the substance, the person is experiencing


The following is not one of the effects of stimulants:
a) increased heart rate
b) hunger
c) alertness
d) faster breathing


The item that has not officially been used for nicotine replacement therapy is a:
a) lozenges
b) gum
c) tobacco straw
d) nicotine patches

Tabacco Straw

Nicotine has all but the following effects:
a) increases epinephrine levels
b) reduces mental alertness
c) increases dopamine levels
d) decreases weight gain

reduces mental alertness

Nicotine is processed faster than cocaine.


Cocaine use can cause many problematic symptoms. One symptom it does not immediately trigger is:
a) Paranoia
b) Respiratory Failure
c) Sleepiness
d) Heart attacks


The following drug is not a stimulant:
a) marijuana
b) methamphetamine
b) cocaine
d) ecstasy


LSD is a powerful hallucinogenic drug that it distorts perceptions and creates unusual sensory experiences without external sensory stimulation. It is sometimes referred to as acid.


State dependent learning suggests that when a person is sad, he is more likely to remember sad experiences than when he is happy.


Long-term potentiation (LTP) is:
a) the ability to remember over a long time
b) the potential of a neuron to last for a lifetime
c) an increase in the likelihood that a cell will fire after previous brief, rapid stimulation
d) the role of the amygdala in

an increase in the likelihood that a cell will fire after previous brief, rapid stimulation

One of the areas of the brain that stores explicit memories, or memories for facts and experiences, is:
a) the hippocampus
b) the amygdala
c) the cerebellum
d) the basal ganglia

the hippocampus

One of the areas of the brain that stores implicit memories is:
a) the hippocampus
b) the amygdala
c) the cerebellum
d) the frontal lobe

the cerebellum

One of the areas of the brain that initiates memories formation during stress is:
a) the hippocampus
b) the amygdala
c) the cerebellum
d) the frontal lobe

the amygdala

The reasons for testing your own knowledge while studying do not include:
1) Testing yourself is another way of rehearsing the information.
2) You can see what information you know and what information you still need to learn or review.
3) Repetitive tria

you are less likely to have test anxiety if you practice taking tests this way.

Which word should not be included in the following statement:
The "rules" of grouping while processing color, movement, and dark/light are:
a) proximity
b) form
c) closure
d) continuity


The type of energy that travels to the eyes and is later perceived as a visual image is:
a) potential energy
b) mechanical energy
c) electromagnetic energy
d) Red Bull energy

electromagnetic energy

Name the type of energy that travels to the ears and is later perceived as an auditory sound.
a) potential energy
b) mechanical energy
c) electromagnetic energy
d) Red Bull energy


Since sound is mechanical energy, it can not move through a vacuum because there are no particles to move in a vacuum. However, sound can travel through are ear because it moves tiny bones in the middle ear and fluid within the cochlea of the inner ear.


The sensory receptors used to transduce mechanical sound energy to neuronal action potentials are:
a) oscillating bones in the middle ear
b) hair cells in the inner ear
c) auditory nerves
d) the primary auditory cortex neurons

hair cells in the inner ear

Taste receptor cells are found in the back of the throat.


We have sensory receptors that exclusively respond to the following basic touch- related information EXCEPT FOR:
a) temperature (warm or cold)
b) pressure
c) texture
d) pain


Top-Down information processes (using our memory and experiences to interpret sensory signals) are involved with the interpretation of vision, hearing, touch, pain, and smell.


We have about 350 olfactory receptor proteins in our nasal cavities that are each used to receive a particular olfactory chemical molecule and transduce that olfactory information to neuronal impulses (action potentials) that travel to the brain so neuron


Our brain combines information from different sensory systems to better interpret information. For instance, we may easier identify a cup of coffee as coffee rather than soda as we drink from a warm cup.


TRUE or FALSE: Transduction involves retrieving sensory messages from the external world and transforming them so dendrites from the cortex can extend into the sensory organs and get the messages.

false. Transduction involves retrieving messages from the external world, transforming them, and then sending these messages out to the brain through nerves made up of AXONS belonging to sensory neurons.

true or False: Bottom up processing involves using of previous memories, knowledge, and experience to make decisions and interpret incoming sensory information.

false. Bottom up processing involves interpreting the world around us by taking in sensory information and then using this to process information at a higher level

True or False: Top down processing is the process of using our experience from higher-level processing to form expectations that guide us as we interpret information through our senses.


The amount of perfume that I need to put on before my husband notices the scent 50% of the time is called the _____________.
a) difference threshold
b) What In The World Is That Smell? instigator.
c) absolute threshold
d) sensory differentiation threshold

absolute threshold. According to Myers (2014), an absolute threshold is: "The intensity of stimulation needed to notice a stimulus 50% of the time.

TRUE or FALSE: The difference in the wavelengths of light on two different parts of a rose can be seen as two different colors half of the time and as the same color half of the time. The difference in wavelength between these colors is called the just no


Weber determined that the Just Noticeable Difference (JND) had to be proportional to the original amount of a stimulus. For example, the wavelength of light on part of the rose might be 1.2 times the wavelength of light on a different part of the rose. Th


The Signal Detection Theory states that you need the following to detect a weak signal:
a) the correct instrument and the correct intensity of a signal
b) the correct intensity of a signal and the correct psychological state
c) the correct instrument and

the correct intensity of a signal and the correct psychological state. The Signal Detection Theory states that "the correct intensity of a signal and the correct psychological state" is necessary for detecting a weak signal.

TRUE or FALSE: If we are continually exposed to a stimulus that doesn't change, our nerve cells fire more frequently so that we notice the stimulus more.

false. If we are continually exposed to a stimulus for a long period of time, our neurons fire less frequently so that we no longer notice the stimulus.

Which sense is NOT usually affected by sensory adaptation?
a) vision
b) hearing
c) smell
d) touch

vision. Vision is not usually affected by sensory adaptation because our eyes are constantly moving so we never receive the same input for long periods of time.

Researchers investigating memory phenomena measure ALL BUT the following:
a) recognition
b) realizing
c) relearning
d) recall


Memory models include information concerning how we take information in from our environment to our brain. This is termed _______________. The model also addresses how the information is retrieved. This is termed ___________. The model additionally discus

encoding, storage, retrieval

According to memory research, our whole visual field is stored as an image for a partial second as this type of memory:
a) working memory
b) echoic memory
c) long-term memory
d) iconic memory

iconic memory

While classical information-processing theories have their strengths, problems with these past theories include ALL BUT the following:
a) Theories devised a long time ago are useless because they were based on less precise measurements.
b) Our brains can

theories devised a long time ago are useless because they were based on less precise measurements

TRUE or FALSE: Working memory is like a central executive. It shares and retrieves information from our iconic memory, echoic memory, and long-term memory. This allows us to integrate information from different senses and to store a more complete conceptu


TRUE or FALSE: We encode information from sensory memory into working memory by attending to the information.


TRUE or FALSE: We encode information from working memory into long term memory by merely attending to it.

false. We must rehearse information in working memory in order to store it in long-term memory.

Deep processing of a word involves:
a) noting the letters in the word
b) noting the color of the word
c) noting the meaning of a word
d) noting the sound of a word

noting the meaning of the word