Chapter 9


The knowledge that enables a skater to execute graceful moves on the ice would be an example of a(n) _____ memory

normal implicit memory capabilities

When meeting a person diagnosed with temporal lobe amnesia, one would expect the person to show


Victor views the word "cat" on a screen, while Tanya hears the word "cat" over a speaker for the same length of time. The word "cat" is in Victor's _____ memory, meaning the word will linger in his sensory memory for a shorter period of time than in Tanya

not encode new information from working memory into explicit long-term memory, although he could retrieve information that entered long-term memory before his surgery

The case of H. M. supports the information-processing model proposition that there is a sharp distinction between working and explicit long-term memory because H.M. could

People cannot prevent themselves from making the automatic response of reading the printed color word, which interferes with the intended task of naming ink color.

Which statement explains the Stroop interference effect?


All the information picked up by the senses enters briefly into sensory memory and is analyzed at an unconscious level to determine its relevance to the ongoing task and its potential significance for the person's survival or well-being. This unconscious

gender of the speaker

Serena is a participant in a selective listening experiment where she is asked to immediately repeat the words coming into her left ear and ignore the words coming into her right ear. When thinking about what she heard in her right ear, Serena will BEST i


Kendra was the only participant shown a photograph of an apple. Later in the experiment, she was able to identify an unclear drawing as an apple when the other participants did not. Kendra's ability to identify the drawing as an apple was due to:

unintentional changes in culture-specific details making them more consistent with their own culture

Frederick Bartlett asked students to retell a Native American story called "The War of the Ghosts." The students tended to recount the story with:


The current conclusion drawn from studies of people with deficits in episodic memory is that the hippocampus is essential for encoding _____ memory.

automatic nature of skilled reading

The Stroop effect is due to the:


Psychologists have found it is easier for people to remember groups of adjacent items, compared to remembering items with no affiliation. The procedure of grouping together separate items in order to remember them with greater ease is called

with the meaningful hierarchy recalled more titles than those given the randomly hierarchy

Andrea Halpern gave participants a hierarchically arranged chart containing 54 song titles to be remembered. One group received a fake hierarchy, with the song titles arranged randomly. The other group received a meaningful hierarchy, with the song titles

the mental representation of any given class of objects, scenes, or events

The term schema refers to

Think of a time when he behaved like a jackanapes

Pippin is getting ready to take the GRE for entrance into graduate school. Which strategy will MOST likely help him encode the word "jackanapes" and its definition into his long-term memory?


One of the most effective ways to encode information into long-term memory is to think deeply about it. This process is called:


In the information-processing model, _____ memory is where all conscious thinking, perceiving, and decision making takes place.

knowledge of current events

All of these are examples of implicit memory EXCEPT:

a script

When Ashton attends a birthday party, he expects people will give presents, sing "Happy Birthday," and put candles on a cake. Ashton's idea of what he expects to happen at this event is known as

enormous web of concepts that are linked together by associations

According to network models of long-term memory organization, such as that of Collins and Loftus, long-term memory is BEST thought of as a(n):

sensory memory, working memory, and long-term memory

According to the information-processing model of the mind, the correct sequence through which new information from the environment is stored into more permanent memory is


Shalita is actively processing information for her general psychology exam by asking questions, drawing comparisons, and thinking of examples. The method by which this information will be placed into her long-term memory is known as


The phrase "an elephant never forgets" can translate into meaning that elephants typically have great _____ memory stores

more broken glass when the question used smashed than when it used hit

In a research by Elizabeth Loftus and J. C. Palmer, participants viewed films depicting an auto accident and then were asked a question about the accident using either the word hit or the word smashed. The participants reported

contiguity; contiguity; similarity

According to William James, people think of the properties of objects through the principle of association by _____. Then people think of other objects with these properties based on the principle of association by _____. Eventually, people associate the

supports; phonological loop

The span of short-term memory is greater for single-syllable words than for multiple-syllable words. This finding _____ the hypothesis that sub-vocal repetition maintains items in the _____ of working memory.

unconsciously replace the details they forgot with details that are culturally more familiar to them

Consider the results of Frederick Bartlett's research on culture-specific schemas. If a researcher asked participants of one culture to listen to a folktale from another culture and retell it from memory a few days later, the researcher should expect they

false-memory construction

Source confusion is thought to be a primary cause of MOST cases of

Men and women show about the same ability on attention tasks

After playing 10 hours of an action video game, how will men and women perform on attention tasks?

hierarchical organization

To remember the areas of the brain, one should think of them in terms of the largest structures to the smallest. For example, there is the cerebral cortex, the cerebral cortex has right and left hemispheres, and each hemisphere contains frontal, occipital


An amnesic patient was told, "Sierra's father was a fireman." When later asked what Sierra's father did for a living, the patient responded, "He was a fireman," but when asked how he knew that, he said, "I don't know." This patient was thereby demonstrati


The logical flow of thought depends on priming, which is a type of _____ memory

higher;elaborative rehersal

An experiment showed that college students who were taught to generate questions and think about answers as part of their studying earned _____ grades than otherwise comparable students who studied simply by rereading. This research provides evidence that


Petunia has a story for every keepsake in her home. She can remember each and every one, even though she has hundreds. Which memory technique does Petunia MOST likely use to remember all the things she has?


The process that controls the movement of information from working memory into long-term memory is


Which type of memory is NOT associated with a particular past experience?


The efficiency of memory can be increased if people organize information so the amount of information in each unit increases while the number of separate units correspondingly decreases. This process is called

social pressure

As a defense eyewitness in a case involving a driver who hit a couple walking at night, Lev was asked by the prosecutor what the couple was wearing. He said he could not remember and the prosecutor replied that a normal person would remember that detail.

Cues present at the time of encoding and testing facilitate the best retrieval from long-term memory

Timo M�ntyl� asked participants to write down properties for each word on a list of 500 nouns. He then tested the participants' ability to remember the nouns and varied the types of retrieval cues. The results provided evidence for which of these ideas?

keep information in working memory; move information from working memory into long-term memory

Maintenance rehearsal is the general term for the process by which people _____, and encoding rehearsal is the general term for the process by which people _____

visual sensory; less than 1 second

Iconic memory is another name for _____ memory and has been found to last _____.

She has the ability to speak very quickly

Jessica has a very large short-term memory span. Which statement is TRUE about Jessica?

notice only physical characteristics of the unattended message

Research on selective listening shows that participants hearing two messages and shadowing one will

People cannot prevent themselves from making the automatic response of reading the printed color word, which interferes with the intended task of naming ink color

Which statement explains the Stroop interference effect?


Abu asks Ariel what she got for her birthday last year. In this case, Abu's question is a(n) _____ cue


In the information-processing model, _____ memory is where all conscious thinking, perceiving, and decision making takes place


Zion is trying to remember the name of his first-grade teacher. The transfer of information from Zion's long-term memory to his working memory is called

small; brief

Working memory has a _____ capacity and, without rehearsal, a _____ duration

short; all

Sensory memory can hold information for a very _____ period of time, and contains _____ of the sensory input that enters the sensory system


Knowing the meaning of the word orchestra and knowing that Vladimir Horowitz was a great pianist are all pieces of knowledge that would be stored in a person's _____ memory

H. M. and patients with similar brain damage

One line of evidence for the distinction between working memory and long-term explicit memory comes from studies ofH. M. and patients with similar brain damage

generating questions about the material read

Given what researchers know about elaborative rehearsal, it makes sense that the text recommends _____ as a superior method for learning textbook material

selective viewing

Judy is so focused on watching basketball players in white shirts pass the ball to one another that she does not see a gorilla in the room. This is an example of

long term; working

In order to recite a poem Molly learned in grade school, she must retrieve it from her _____ memory and put it to use in her _____ memory

gender of the speaker

In selective listening studies, most participants were able to identify the _____ of the message they were NOT attending to


A child shows off its newfound ability to tie its shoe. The child has MOST directly demonstrated an addition to its _____ memory

central processing unit

Cognitive psychologists often compare working memory to the _____ of a computer

maintenance rehearsal

Randall consciously repeats the title of the book he needs while walking across campus to the library. Randall is utilizing _____ to increase the amount of time he is able to hold the book title in his short-term memory

construction built and rebuilt from various sources of information

The memory of an event is MOST like a


Kenji is asked about the last time he went to the movies. Kenji's knowledge of the movie, where he sat, and the identification of his movie companions are all part of his _____ memory


The brief memory trace for specific sound is known as a(n)


On her way to class, Hawah notices a fire truck. She does not think about the truck and does not consciously remember it. Later, Hawah is asked to develop a story outline. Her outline contains references to heat, bright red, and fire. If these references

episodic memory

Being able to recall one's childhood birthdays is an example of a(n) _____ memory


Working memory, also known as _____ memory, is where all conscious perception and reasoning occurs

sensory adaptation

The concept of pre-attentive processing describes the ability of the human mind to distinguish between new sensations and ones that have already undergone

children who have not yet learned to read

Who is the LEAST susceptible to the Stroop interference effect?

association by contiguity

Because Shayla often eats hot dogs at football games, the thought of one of these things makes Shayla think about the other. This can be BEST accounted for by the principle of

false eyewitness memory

After her house was robbed, Salina was asked to identify the guilty man in a lineup. While talking to the police officer, her judgment of who committed the crime inadvertently changed because of how the officer looked at each of the suspects. This is an e

more forms in the attended color and performed marginally on those presented in the unattended color, regardless of whether the form was nonsensical or familiar

Gutman and Rock required participants to attend to one color, red or green, when presented with a rapid sequence of slides containing overlapping forms. Some forms were familiar and others were nonsensical. When participants were tested for their ability

video-game players outperformed the non-video-game players

C. Shawn Green and Daphne Bavelier tested the visual attentional capacity of two groups of men; one group regularly played action video games and the other group never or very rarely played such games. On every measure the

switching; inhibition

The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test is an example of a(n) _____ task, while the Stroop task is an example of a(n) _____ task

with the meaningful hierarchy recalled more titles than those given the randomly hierarchy

Andrea Halpern gave participants a hierarchically arranged chart containing 54 song titles to be remembered. One group received a fake hierarchy, with the song titles arranged randomly. The other group received a meaningful hierarchy, with the song titles