Mgt. 410 Exam 1

What are two important lessons/insights (of the five) that Gary Baughman (CEO of Fisher Price) shares?

Learn to work positively and productively with other people- Your ability to work with people will make you or break you in business. Many people seem to think that marketing wizardry, financial genius, and computer know-how are more critical. These kinds

What does Mr. Baughman say is the key to motivating and leading people (in lesson #1)?

Have good people skills and use integrity in dealings with people.

Name two areas/ways in which Mr. Ivester failed as a leader while CEO of Coke? Give a specific example with each.

He did not think about the results his actions would have- his choice to demote Carl Ware resulting in a discrimination lawsuit
He did not listen to his people- Coca-Cola was making people sick. The people around him advised him to get to Belgium and spea

Name one thing Mr. Ivester did right as a leader earlier on?

He was very hands on and made people feel important

If Mr. Ivester did so poorly as a CEO, why was he even considered for the position? In other words, why did he even get as far as he did in the organization? Was he more successful in earlier leadership positions with Coke; and if so what were the differe

Ivester was considered because he has worked his way from the ground up at Coca-Cola.
He was more successful in other positions because they were small enough that his hands on approach was still effective.
The company is now too big, his management style

Name two differences between leadership and management? Is leadership or management more important? Are they mutually exclusive (i.e., you can only have one or the other but not both)?

1. Managers implement vision, Leaders create vision
2. Management is about people who do things right. Leadership is about people who do the right thing.
They are both important, depends on the situation, and they are not mutually exclusive, you can have

Know the four main phases of the history/progression of the understanding and research of leadership.

situational/contingency approach

Name two general traits of most leaders.

Optimism and Self Confidence

Name 3 of the components of the Leadership Wheel (characteristics of successful leaders) Which one is at the center and why?

Vision, Business Acumen, and Developing Others. The one at the center is Self-Awareness and Personal Development.

What is the Personal Leadership Action Plan (PLAP) that you are doing for this class? What is the purpose for doing it (i.e., what does it have to do with leadership)?

The PLAP is a personal development plan that will help me develop as a leader by 1)To become more self-aware of who you are right now: your character, personality, skills, strengths, and weaknesses. and 2)To design and implement a program of individual se

What is the main principle in the time management and "big rocks" example?

Find what is most important in your life, and make that come first. After those "big rocks" are accounted for, the other parts of your life, "littler rocks and sand" will fit around them.

What is the message from Hugo Grotius' quote regarding ruling a kingdom?

A man cannot rule a nation if he cannot rule a city; he cannot rule a city if he cannot rule a family; he cannot rule a family if he cannot rule himself; he cannot rule himself unless his passions are subject to reason.
In a nutshell- a man needs to have

In the video of Anthony Compollo, he has a message regarding titles or ____________. What does testimony mean, Which of the two does he say we should live for and why?

Testimonies!! testimonies are what you are known for, or your accomplishments. You should live by your testimonies, because that is what people will talk about at your funeral, or will be written on your headstone.

What does John Pepper (CEO of Proctor & Gamble) say is the key to leadership?

Strong personal character forged in the daily encounters of challenge and opportunity
"Yes, personal leadership makes things happen, and strong personal character, forged in the daily encounters of challenge and opportunity, is the ultimate key to that le

State one of the three myths about teaching college students values, and describe how or why it is a myth.

A person's character is formed by the time he or she gets to college.
- people of principals and sound character still have the opportunity and ability to help shape and instill character in students.

Name two of Hatim Tyabji's (Founder and CEO of Verifone) recommendations on how to get people to follow you.

Empower people and demonstrate a culture of values and ethics

What is John Pepper's message regarding what it takes to establish an organization on moral values (i.e., what it takes for people to believe your commitment to moral values).

You must demonstrate your commitment to moral values by your individual actions and choices. Walk the walk.
"Values in a company aren't worth the paper they are printed on unless they are reflected in actions and decisions, especially the tough calls betw

Discuss one of the many examples from class (from article or powerpoint) of someone living for something noble.

Elaine Owens has fed those who are hungry for over 30 years, and has expanded her service to more people every day. She knows that there are many families who pay the bills but have no money left over to put food on the table. She is living a noble life.

Explain Ronald Reagan's thoughts regarding the relationship among character, critical choices, and the little decisions we make.

Every decision we make, even the smallest ones, have an effect on us individually or as a group. If we choose to be ethical and focus even the tiniest unimportant choices around our values, we can trust our conscience that when the big decisions come alon

Explain and reconcile the statements that (a) the decisions we make and the actions we take form our character, and (b) these thing reveal our character.

The decisions we make, no matter how big or small, and the actions that we take define our character, and reflects what type of person we are. What type of person we are is in effect our character. We are either honest or dishonest; trustworthy or not tru

What is the primary attribute or characteristic of a relationship that determines the effectiveness of a leader?


Describe two of the six components of developing and operating with trust. With each, indicate what you can do to develop these or behave in accordance with these principles.

Consistency and openness. Make sure that you are consistent with all employees and treat them all fairly. Openness- be transparent, keep people informed.

What is personality (a definition)?

the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character

What are the three general sources of personality and their relative % contribution?

Genetic- 40%
Unshared - 40%
Shared (Environment/Experience)-10%
Measurement Error- 10%

How/why is personality important to understand relating to leadership (trying to influence others)? Why might personality information about yourself and others be important and how might you use it? Given a scenario, be able to indicate how you might adju

Understanding your personality strengths and weaknesses, as well as those around you will help you become a better leader. For instance if I am an introvert, I might choose an extrovert for certain positions to help balance things out.

Briefly define the following personality traits, and indicate how each is related to performance and how each might impact leadership? What is self esteem, internal locus of control, and Type A?

1. Extraversion: sociable, gregarious, assertive, talkative,
2. Agreeableness: good natured, cooperative, trusting, tolerant
3. Conscientiousness: responsible, dependable, organized, achievement oriented
4. Emotional Stability: higher score = secure, calm

Briefly describe (a) how personality develops over time, (b) the degree to which it becomes stable and when, and (c) general shifts that occur for most people moving into adulthood.

personality develops over time as you grow up under your parents, then move on into either college or a career. b. it becomes stable when you are a young adult; but can be shifted through education, or big life events that happen in life.

What is emotional intelligence and why is it important to leadership?

Emotional Intelligence- a person's ability to perceive, identify, understand, and successfully manage emotions in self and other
Because they can better manage themselves and others- know how to react to situations.

List the five parts of emotional intelligence. Describe two of these parts and how to increase in that area.

1. Self awareness-The ability to recognize and understand your own emotions and how they affect your life and work.
2. Self regulation
3. Self motivation
4. empathy - being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes.
5. effective relationships

Describe the basic premise of Covey's 7-Habits book (i.e., his basic arguments that he bases his book on)�such as the "inside-out approach", the "personality versus character ethics", and "paradigms.

inside out approach - "The way we see the problem IS the problem"
personality vs character ethics
- Character: fairness (children understand this), integrity, honesty, human dignity(Trust), service, potential, growth(Development)
- Personality: what socie

How does Covey define effectiveness?

Effectiveness- the harmony with a natural law, a principle I call the "P/PC Balance,"
-Covey defines effectiveness as the balance of obtaining desirable results with caring for that which produces those results.

What does P/PC stand for and explain the P/PC balance.

Effectiveness lies in the balance - what I call the P/PC Balance. P stands for production of desired results, the golden eggs. PC stands for production capability, the ability or asset that produces the golden eggs.
The main point of the P/PC Balance is

What does Covey's philosophy, approach, or specific habits have to do with Leadership? (Hint: think in terms of your answer to question #1 and #5)

Covey wants us to be independant and good decision makers. He wants us to look ahead and balance our lives accordingly. Begin with the end in mind.

According to Covey, why is independence important in leadership?

You need to have control over your life before you can be an effective interdependent person.

Be able to name and describe Habits 1-3.

Habit 1- Be Proactive- take responsibility for your life.
Habit 2- Begin with the end in mind- start with the end result clear in your mind.
Habit 3- Put first things first - prioritize and make the most important things in life happen first.

Be able to briefly define what one's circle of concern and circle of influence are. What is the relationship between the two? What is the implication for us (i.e., what should we do and why, and what happens when we do)?

Circle of Concern- Our health, children, problems at work- things within our circle of concern are things we have no control over.
Circle of Influence- Things we have control over
"By determining which of these two circles is the focus of most of our time

What is meant by "the mental creation?

From habit 2, "Begin with the end in mind" - The ability to envision in your mind what you cannot at present see with your eyes. It is based on the idea that all things are created twice. After the "mental creation" or blueprint, you have the "physical cr

What does it mean to be principle-centered? Give examples of two other possible centers? Why is being principle-centered the ideal?

Looking at the world based on principles
Other possible centers: 1. money-centered; 2. work-centered
If you focus on principles, you empower everyone who understands those principles to act without constant monitoring, evaluating, correcting, or controlli

What habit is related to the Eulogy exercise that we did in the course? Why is doing such an exercise important?

Habit 2- begin with the end in mind. This is important because it helps us to understand our vision or path to get from point a to point b, instead of just going through the motions.

Explain what Covey means when he says that principles are like a lighthouse and the rocks?

Principles in life are like the lighthouses, always there, constantly showing you the light and right direction. They are permanent markers against which people can set their direction in times of storm or calm, day or night. We can crash our head against

Explain the urgent and important matrix (what are the four quadrants)? Where do we usually spend our time? Where should we spend more of our time and why? Which quadrant can we take time from to have more time where we should spend it?

Helps you think about your priorities, and determine which of your activities are important and which are, essentially, distractions.
Q1: Important, Urgent (Take away to spend in Q1)
- Crisis, pressing problems, deadlines
Q2: Important, Not Urgent (Should

How is weekly time management superior to daily planning?

It allows you to better plan ahead
Weekly time management allows for unforeseen variables to be addressed without affecting the whole day/week.

What is one aspect of Jim Blanchard's leadership style (Compassionate CEO), and how does that help him be an effective leader?

He is down to earth and humble. This helps him relate to his employees, and to build trust with them.

Explain the two "summary" behavior dimensions. Understand how they form the "Leadership Grid," and know the five spots (kinds of leadership styles) on the grid. You don't need to memorize the terms of the 5 spots, just be able to describe what they are.

The leadership styles between concern for people and concern for productivity
CCM - thoughtful attention, leads to friendly organizational atmosphere (high people, low production)
AC - Efficient working conditions, no human degree (low people, high produc

Give two examples of task-related leadership behaviors and two relationship-related leadership behaviors.

Task related-
The Ship captain in Crimson Tide
A manager worried about making quotas
Relationship related-
Denzel Washington in Crimson Tide
A manager who is considered with making their people happy to make quotas

What is the notion of Individualized Leadership styles? What does in-group and out-group mean?

Individualized Leadership- a theory based on the notion that a leader develops a unique relationship with each follower or group member, which determines how the leader behaves toward the member and how the member responds to the leader.
Ingroup- Some lea

What is the basic idea/focus of Partnership building and Network & Systems focus?

Leaders should develop positive relationships with ALL followers

Describe the basic premise of Fiedler's Contingency Theory (i.e., LPC, task-oriented vs. relationship-oriented leaders, when each style is most effective (the 3 situations), what recommendation does this theory make, and why that is not very useful). You

Fiedler's Contingency Model- A model designed to diagnose whether a leader is task oriented or relationship oriented and match leader style to the situation.
Relationship Oriented Leaders- is concerned with people.
Task oriented leader- is primarily conce

What does the Path-Goal Theory say a leader is supposed to do? What are the two ways a leader does that?

based on specifying a leader's style or behavior that best fits the employee and work environment in order to achieve a goal
Leader increases motivation toward goals by:
(1) Clarifies path to rewards
(2) Increases rewards

Explain the Hersey & Blanchard Situational Leadership Model. Explain (not just state) the four leadership styles of the model (hi/low on task and relationship), the contingency (follower readiness) and its four combinations, and when to use each leadershi

It summarizes the relationship between leader style and follower readiness. The four styles are directing, coaching, supporting, and entrusting.
S1 - (directing) - Authoritative leader, provides detailed goals and instructions
- High concern for tasks, lo

Explain the general idea of Vroom & Jago's Participative Decision Tree (what is it?). Describe the five levels of participation (or employee/group involvement)--names and descriptions. List six of the seven conditions/factors that you would ask yourself i

Vroom-Jago Contingency Model- a contingency model that focuses on varying degrees of participative leadership, and how each level of participation influences quality and accountability decisions.
Decide- You make the decision alone and either announce or

Explain two of the seven principles of leadership from the article by Mark Willes.

Leaders lead, and leaders focus. Without leadership, organizations flounder- think example of poorly ran Olive Garden. Leaders focus on what their team and they do best.

Describe the transactional leadership approach.

Motivating followers by appealing to self-interests (reward and punishment)

Describe the four components of the transformational leadership approach. What is the difference between the two approaches?

The difference is with transformational, you are raising followers to higher ideas, values, and vision (change attitudes and assumptions)
Inspirational Motivation
Intellectual Stimulation
Individualized Consideration

In general what does research have to say about the transformational approach (or its components)? Can a transformational style be learned? What is the impact on followers after their leader is trained in the transformational style?

Yes this approach can be learned, the impact on followers after their leader is trained in this style is a huge increase in overall success/performance from followers/employees

What is a vision and why is it important in leadership?

A fundamental objective expressed in idealistic terms that lead followers beyond their immediate self-interests
A leader must have a vision or else what is their company working towards? They will not have a mission or goal to challenge themselves in reac

What is charisma and why can it be important in leadership? Can charisma be a bad thing and how?

Captures the imagination and inspires unswerving allegiance and devotion, divinely inspired gift, grace, or talent, magnetic charm or appeal
Yes charisma can be a bad thing, if you use charisma to influence others towards blindly following your self-inter

Name three things people can do to become more charismatic.

Show enthusiasm and energy
Remember people's names
Provide imagery/storytelling

Explain what leadership substitutes and leadership neutralizers are.

Substitutes - factors that remove a leader's influence and make it appear unnecessary
Neutralizers - factors that make it very difficult for a leader's behavior to have any effect on follower outcomes

What are two important lessons/insights (of the five) that Gary Baughman (CEO of Fisher Price) shares?

Learn to work positively and productively with other people- Your ability to work with people will make you or break you in business. Many people seem to think that marketing wizardry, financial genius, and computer know-how are more critical. These kinds

What does Mr. Baughman say is the key to motivating and leading people (in lesson #1)?

Have good people skills and use integrity in dealings with people.

Name two areas/ways in which Mr. Ivester failed as a leader while CEO of Coke? Give a specific example with each.

He did not think about the results his actions would have- his choice to demote Carl Ware resulting in a discrimination lawsuit
He did not listen to his people- Coca-Cola was making people sick. The people around him advised him to get to Belgium and spea

Name one thing Mr. Ivester did right as a leader earlier on?

He was very hands on and made people feel important

If Mr. Ivester did so poorly as a CEO, why was he even considered for the position? In other words, why did he even get as far as he did in the organization? Was he more successful in earlier leadership positions with Coke; and if so what were the differe

Ivester was considered because he has worked his way from the ground up at Coca-Cola.
He was more successful in other positions because they were small enough that his hands on approach was still effective.
The company is now too big, his management style

Name two differences between leadership and management? Is leadership or management more important? Are they mutually exclusive (i.e., you can only have one or the other but not both)?

1. Managers implement vision, Leaders create vision
2. Management is about people who do things right. Leadership is about people who do the right thing.
They are both important, depends on the situation, and they are not mutually exclusive, you can have

Know the four main phases of the history/progression of the understanding and research of leadership.

situational/contingency approach

Name two general traits of most leaders.

Optimism and Self Confidence

Name 3 of the components of the Leadership Wheel (characteristics of successful leaders) Which one is at the center and why?

Vision, Business Acumen, and Developing Others. The one at the center is Self-Awareness and Personal Development.

What is the Personal Leadership Action Plan (PLAP) that you are doing for this class? What is the purpose for doing it (i.e., what does it have to do with leadership)?

The PLAP is a personal development plan that will help me develop as a leader by 1)To become more self-aware of who you are right now: your character, personality, skills, strengths, and weaknesses. and 2)To design and implement a program of individual se

What is the main principle in the time management and "big rocks" example?

Find what is most important in your life, and make that come first. After those "big rocks" are accounted for, the other parts of your life, "littler rocks and sand" will fit around them.

What is the message from Hugo Grotius' quote regarding ruling a kingdom?

A man cannot rule a nation if he cannot rule a city; he cannot rule a city if he cannot rule a family; he cannot rule a family if he cannot rule himself; he cannot rule himself unless his passions are subject to reason.
In a nutshell- a man needs to have

In the video of Anthony Compollo, he has a message regarding titles or ____________. What does testimony mean, Which of the two does he say we should live for and why?

Testimonies!! testimonies are what you are known for, or your accomplishments. You should live by your testimonies, because that is what people will talk about at your funeral, or will be written on your headstone.

What does John Pepper (CEO of Proctor & Gamble) say is the key to leadership?

Strong personal character forged in the daily encounters of challenge and opportunity
"Yes, personal leadership makes things happen, and strong personal character, forged in the daily encounters of challenge and opportunity, is the ultimate key to that le

State one of the three myths about teaching college students values, and describe how or why it is a myth.

A person's character is formed by the time he or she gets to college.
- people of principals and sound character still have the opportunity and ability to help shape and instill character in students.

Name two of Hatim Tyabji's (Founder and CEO of Verifone) recommendations on how to get people to follow you.

Empower people and demonstrate a culture of values and ethics

What is John Pepper's message regarding what it takes to establish an organization on moral values (i.e., what it takes for people to believe your commitment to moral values).

You must demonstrate your commitment to moral values by your individual actions and choices. Walk the walk.
"Values in a company aren't worth the paper they are printed on unless they are reflected in actions and decisions, especially the tough calls betw

Discuss one of the many examples from class (from article or powerpoint) of someone living for something noble.

Elaine Owens has fed those who are hungry for over 30 years, and has expanded her service to more people every day. She knows that there are many families who pay the bills but have no money left over to put food on the table. She is living a noble life.

Explain Ronald Reagan's thoughts regarding the relationship among character, critical choices, and the little decisions we make.

Every decision we make, even the smallest ones, have an effect on us individually or as a group. If we choose to be ethical and focus even the tiniest unimportant choices around our values, we can trust our conscience that when the big decisions come alon

Explain and reconcile the statements that (a) the decisions we make and the actions we take form our character, and (b) these thing reveal our character.

The decisions we make, no matter how big or small, and the actions that we take define our character, and reflects what type of person we are. What type of person we are is in effect our character. We are either honest or dishonest; trustworthy or not tru

What is the primary attribute or characteristic of a relationship that determines the effectiveness of a leader?


Describe two of the six components of developing and operating with trust. With each, indicate what you can do to develop these or behave in accordance with these principles.

Consistency and openness. Make sure that you are consistent with all employees and treat them all fairly. Openness- be transparent, keep people informed.

What is personality (a definition)?

the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character

What are the three general sources of personality and their relative % contribution?

Genetic- 40%
Unshared - 40%
Shared (Environment/Experience)-10%
Measurement Error- 10%

How/why is personality important to understand relating to leadership (trying to influence others)? Why might personality information about yourself and others be important and how might you use it? Given a scenario, be able to indicate how you might adju

Understanding your personality strengths and weaknesses, as well as those around you will help you become a better leader. For instance if I am an introvert, I might choose an extrovert for certain positions to help balance things out.

Briefly define the following personality traits, and indicate how each is related to performance and how each might impact leadership? What is self esteem, internal locus of control, and Type A?

1. Extraversion: sociable, gregarious, assertive, talkative,
2. Agreeableness: good natured, cooperative, trusting, tolerant
3. Conscientiousness: responsible, dependable, organized, achievement oriented
4. Emotional Stability: higher score = secure, calm

Briefly describe (a) how personality develops over time, (b) the degree to which it becomes stable and when, and (c) general shifts that occur for most people moving into adulthood.

personality develops over time as you grow up under your parents, then move on into either college or a career. b. it becomes stable when you are a young adult; but can be shifted through education, or big life events that happen in life.

What is emotional intelligence and why is it important to leadership?

Emotional Intelligence- a person's ability to perceive, identify, understand, and successfully manage emotions in self and other
Because they can better manage themselves and others- know how to react to situations.

List the five parts of emotional intelligence. Describe two of these parts and how to increase in that area.

1. Self awareness-The ability to recognize and understand your own emotions and how they affect your life and work.
2. Self regulation
3. Self motivation
4. empathy - being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes.
5. effective relationships

Describe the basic premise of Covey's 7-Habits book (i.e., his basic arguments that he bases his book on)�such as the "inside-out approach", the "personality versus character ethics", and "paradigms.

inside out approach - "The way we see the problem IS the problem"
personality vs character ethics
- Character: fairness (children understand this), integrity, honesty, human dignity(Trust), service, potential, growth(Development)
- Personality: what socie

How does Covey define effectiveness?

Effectiveness- the harmony with a natural law, a principle I call the "P/PC Balance,"
-Covey defines effectiveness as the balance of obtaining desirable results with caring for that which produces those results.

What does P/PC stand for and explain the P/PC balance.

Effectiveness lies in the balance - what I call the P/PC Balance. P stands for production of desired results, the golden eggs. PC stands for production capability, the ability or asset that produces the golden eggs.
The main point of the P/PC Balance is

What does Covey's philosophy, approach, or specific habits have to do with Leadership? (Hint: think in terms of your answer to question #1 and #5)

Covey wants us to be independant and good decision makers. He wants us to look ahead and balance our lives accordingly. Begin with the end in mind.

According to Covey, why is independence important in leadership?

You need to have control over your life before you can be an effective interdependent person.

Be able to name and describe Habits 1-3.

Habit 1- Be Proactive- take responsibility for your life.
Habit 2- Begin with the end in mind- start with the end result clear in your mind.
Habit 3- Put first things first - prioritize and make the most important things in life happen first.

Be able to briefly define what one's circle of concern and circle of influence are. What is the relationship between the two? What is the implication for us (i.e., what should we do and why, and what happens when we do)?

Circle of Concern- Our health, children, problems at work- things within our circle of concern are things we have no control over.
Circle of Influence- Things we have control over
"By determining which of these two circles is the focus of most of our time

What is meant by "the mental creation?

From habit 2, "Begin with the end in mind" - The ability to envision in your mind what you cannot at present see with your eyes. It is based on the idea that all things are created twice. After the "mental creation" or blueprint, you have the "physical cr

What does it mean to be principle-centered? Give examples of two other possible centers? Why is being principle-centered the ideal?

Looking at the world based on principles
Other possible centers: 1. money-centered; 2. work-centered
If you focus on principles, you empower everyone who understands those principles to act without constant monitoring, evaluating, correcting, or controlli

What habit is related to the Eulogy exercise that we did in the course? Why is doing such an exercise important?

Habit 2- begin with the end in mind. This is important because it helps us to understand our vision or path to get from point a to point b, instead of just going through the motions.

Explain what Covey means when he says that principles are like a lighthouse and the rocks?

Principles in life are like the lighthouses, always there, constantly showing you the light and right direction. They are permanent markers against which people can set their direction in times of storm or calm, day or night. We can crash our head against

Explain the urgent and important matrix (what are the four quadrants)? Where do we usually spend our time? Where should we spend more of our time and why? Which quadrant can we take time from to have more time where we should spend it?

Helps you think about your priorities, and determine which of your activities are important and which are, essentially, distractions.
Q1: Important, Urgent (Take away to spend in Q1)
- Crisis, pressing problems, deadlines
Q2: Important, Not Urgent (Should

How is weekly time management superior to daily planning?

It allows you to better plan ahead
Weekly time management allows for unforeseen variables to be addressed without affecting the whole day/week.

What is one aspect of Jim Blanchard's leadership style (Compassionate CEO), and how does that help him be an effective leader?

He is down to earth and humble. This helps him relate to his employees, and to build trust with them.

Explain the two "summary" behavior dimensions. Understand how they form the "Leadership Grid," and know the five spots (kinds of leadership styles) on the grid. You don't need to memorize the terms of the 5 spots, just be able to describe what they are.

The leadership styles between concern for people and concern for productivity
CCM - thoughtful attention, leads to friendly organizational atmosphere (high people, low production)
AC - Efficient working conditions, no human degree (low people, high produc

Give two examples of task-related leadership behaviors and two relationship-related leadership behaviors.

Task related-
The Ship captain in Crimson Tide
A manager worried about making quotas
Relationship related-
Denzel Washington in Crimson Tide
A manager who is considered with making their people happy to make quotas

What is the notion of Individualized Leadership styles? What does in-group and out-group mean?

Individualized Leadership- a theory based on the notion that a leader develops a unique relationship with each follower or group member, which determines how the leader behaves toward the member and how the member responds to the leader.
Ingroup- Some lea

What is the basic idea/focus of Partnership building and Network & Systems focus?

Leaders should develop positive relationships with ALL followers

Describe the basic premise of Fiedler's Contingency Theory (i.e., LPC, task-oriented vs. relationship-oriented leaders, when each style is most effective (the 3 situations), what recommendation does this theory make, and why that is not very useful). You

Fiedler's Contingency Model- A model designed to diagnose whether a leader is task oriented or relationship oriented and match leader style to the situation.
Relationship Oriented Leaders- is concerned with people.
Task oriented leader- is primarily conce

What does the Path-Goal Theory say a leader is supposed to do? What are the two ways a leader does that?

based on specifying a leader's style or behavior that best fits the employee and work environment in order to achieve a goal
Leader increases motivation toward goals by:
(1) Clarifies path to rewards
(2) Increases rewards

Explain the Hersey & Blanchard Situational Leadership Model. Explain (not just state) the four leadership styles of the model (hi/low on task and relationship), the contingency (follower readiness) and its four combinations, and when to use each leadershi

It summarizes the relationship between leader style and follower readiness. The four styles are directing, coaching, supporting, and entrusting.
S1 - (directing) - Authoritative leader, provides detailed goals and instructions
- High concern for tasks, lo

Explain the general idea of Vroom & Jago's Participative Decision Tree (what is it?). Describe the five levels of participation (or employee/group involvement)--names and descriptions. List six of the seven conditions/factors that you would ask yourself i

Vroom-Jago Contingency Model- a contingency model that focuses on varying degrees of participative leadership, and how each level of participation influences quality and accountability decisions.
Decide- You make the decision alone and either announce or

Explain two of the seven principles of leadership from the article by Mark Willes.

Leaders lead, and leaders focus. Without leadership, organizations flounder- think example of poorly ran Olive Garden. Leaders focus on what their team and they do best.

Describe the transactional leadership approach.

Motivating followers by appealing to self-interests (reward and punishment)

Describe the four components of the transformational leadership approach. What is the difference between the two approaches?

The difference is with transformational, you are raising followers to higher ideas, values, and vision (change attitudes and assumptions)
Inspirational Motivation
Intellectual Stimulation
Individualized Consideration

In general what does research have to say about the transformational approach (or its components)? Can a transformational style be learned? What is the impact on followers after their leader is trained in the transformational style?

Yes this approach can be learned, the impact on followers after their leader is trained in this style is a huge increase in overall success/performance from followers/employees

What is a vision and why is it important in leadership?

A fundamental objective expressed in idealistic terms that lead followers beyond their immediate self-interests
A leader must have a vision or else what is their company working towards? They will not have a mission or goal to challenge themselves in reac

What is charisma and why can it be important in leadership? Can charisma be a bad thing and how?

Captures the imagination and inspires unswerving allegiance and devotion, divinely inspired gift, grace, or talent, magnetic charm or appeal
Yes charisma can be a bad thing, if you use charisma to influence others towards blindly following your self-inter

Name three things people can do to become more charismatic.

Show enthusiasm and energy
Remember people's names
Provide imagery/storytelling

Explain what leadership substitutes and leadership neutralizers are.

Substitutes - factors that remove a leader's influence and make it appear unnecessary
Neutralizers - factors that make it very difficult for a leader's behavior to have any effect on follower outcomes