Poetry Terms 9th Grade


A special kind of literature in which words are chosen and arranged


Lines of poetry

Free Verse

Poetry that has no fixed rhyme or meter

Blank Verse

Poetry written in iambic pentameter


The use of similar or identical sounds at the end of two or more words

End Rhyme

Rhyme that occurs at the end of a line

Internal Rhyme

Rhymes occurring within lines

Approximat Rhyme

Also called near rhyme. Has words that have sounds that are similar, buy not identical

Rhyme Scheme

The pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables giving a line of poetry


A basic unit of measurement in rhythm. A foot usually consists of one accented and one or more unaccented syllables


A short musical poem that tells a story. They usually focus of a single situation that is a dramatic, often tragic episode of love, death, or physical courage.


A long narrative poem that traces the adventures of a hero

Narrative Poem

Verse that tells a story


A lyric poem of 14 lines-almost always written in iambic pentameter and usually following strict patterns of stanza division and rhyme.

Iambic Pentameter

A metrical line of feet, each of which is made up of two syllables, the first unstressed the second stressed


A 3 line poem, usually about nature, often with a suggestion of a deeper meaning...traditional 17 syllables


Voice that talks to the reader, similar to a narrator in fiction.


A grouping of two or more lines in a pattern that is repeated throughout the poem.

Sound Device

The use of words for their auditory effect to convey meaning and mood.


Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words


The repetition of vowel sounds within non-rhyming words.


The repetition of consonant sounds within words


Truth is exaggerated for emphasis or humorous effect


A technique of creating emphasis by saying less than is actually true.


The use of a word or phrase that actually imitates the sound of what it describes


A sound, word, phrase, or line is repeated for effect or emphasis


The use of similar grammatical construction to express ideas that are related or equal in importance


Human qualities are attributed to an object, animal, or idea


A figure of speech that makes comparisons of unassumingly like things using the words like or as

Epic Simile

A long, elaborate comparison that combines a number of lines.


A figure of speech that makes a comparison of two seemingly unlike things

Extended Metaphor

A figure of speech that makes a comparison of two seemingly unlike things used at some length


Two consecutive lines in a poem that rhyme


The repetition of one or more lines in each stanza


Attitudes and feelings associated with a word beyond its dictionary definition or denotation


The literal or dictionary meaning of a word

Literal Language

The ordinary language of everyday speech that states facts and ideas directly

Figurative Language

Language that communicates ideas beyond the ordinary or literal meanings

Sensory Language

Language that appeals to the senses and represents concrete objects, people, or events


A picture or likeness made with words to help a reader form a mental portrait