DOUCET-Religion- Ch. 15


A good habit that we learn which helps us to do good and avoid evil. Some virtues are prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude, humility, chastity, and prayer.

Cardinal Virtues

The four main virtues or habits of good actions. They are prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude.

What is a virtue?

an abiding habit of the soul to do good

What are the two kinds of virtues?

natural and supernatural

natural virtue

acquired by repeating good acts

supernatural virtues

include the theological virtues, they cannot be acquired or even exercised by our own power, they come to us as gifts from God

What is a moral virtue?

a habit of doing good, acquired by repeatedly doing good acts

What are the principal moral virtues?

the four cardinal virtues: prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance

What are certain virtues called cardinal virtues?

because they are pivotal and the support, or framework, for all the other moral virtues

What is the virtue of prudence?

the virtue that directs our actions to the true good in every situation and enables us to choose the right means of achieving it

What is the virtue of justice?

the virtue by which we always give to God or our neighbor what is due to him

What is the virtue of fortitude?

the virtue by which we confront with courage any difficult or danger, even death itself, for the service of God and the welfare of neighbor

What is the virtue of temperance?

the virtue by which we hold our passions and desires, especially the sensual ones, under control

What are the theological virtues?

faith, hope and charity

Why are certain virtues called theological virtues?

because they have God himself for their origin, motive and object

How do we receive the theological virtues?

together with sanctifying grace by means of the sacraments.

How do we exercise the theological virtues?

with the help of actual graces, namely the good thoughts and inspirations with which God moves and helps us in every good act that we do

Which is the most excellent amount the theological virtues?

charity - which unites us intimately to God and to our neighbor

What is faith?

the theological virtue by which we believe what God has revealed as it is taught by the Church.

What is hope?

the theological virtue by which we trust in God for the graces necessary to obey him an merit eternal life

What is charity?

the theological virtue by which we love God above all things for his own sake, and love our neighbor as ourselves because we love God

Why must we love God for his own sake?

because he is supremely good and the source of every good thing

Why must we love our neighbor?

because God has commanded that we love one another and because every human being has been created in God's image

Why are we obliged to love our enemies?

because they are also our neighbors and Jesus Christ explicitly commanded us to love our enemies

How do we give proof of our faith?

by professing it, defending it, and living according to its teachings

How do we give proof of our hope?

by living in peaceful acceptance of the promises of Christ

How do we prove our charity?

by observing the commandments of God, living in love, and giving of ourselves for the sake of the Kingdom according to our vocation.