Morality Final exam Review sheet

What is the definition of the Beatitudes ?

eight attitudes or ways of life that Jesus spoke about during the Sermon on the Mount.

What was the Sermon on the Mount ?

is where Jesus gave us the beatitudes

What is the greatest Commandment ?

Thu shall love the lord your god with all your heart your mind and your soul

How does Matthew 25:31-40 affect the way we are called to love and serve others ?

the questions that we will be asked reflect our response to Jesus' call of the Beatitudes

What is the kingdom of God

is the beatitudes and how we treat one another

How do we see it?

we see it in the grass that grows and the birds that churp and in our family and friends

What is the official teaching office of the catholic church ?

The magisterium

Who makes up the this office ?

the Pope and the Bishops

What are the written sources of Catholic Moral Teaching ?

Catechism of the catholic church Papal encycals pastoral letters Statements of Vatican commision

What is Apostolic Succession ?

(in Christian thought) the uninterrupted transmission of spiritual authority from the Apostles through successive popes and bishops, taught by the Roman Catholic Church but denied by most Protestants.

What is the communion of saints ?

by which the unity of the faithful is brought and second it refers to the unity in Christ of all the redeemed those on earth and those in heaven

What is St.Paul's analogy of the body ?

Christ is the head and all other different community members serve different functions that together make one body. The church is one body in which all members play vital roles.

Sources of Morality

object chosen intention and circumstances

Object chosen

the what part of the decision. Referred to as the means


the why part of the decision Referred to as the ends


anything else that might have a positive or negitive effect

Does the ends justify the means

In order for a decision to be morally positive both the intention and the object chosen must be positive so in other words the ends don't justify the means

Can people be used as a means to an ends ?

A person because of their God given dignity can never be used as a means to an end

How does our conscience affects our morality ?

it is the thing that tells us right or wrong


is a judgement of reason where by the human person recognize's the mortal quality of a concrete act that he or she is going to preform is in the process of preforming or has all ready completed

erroneous conscience

is when you try really hard to do the right thing but it turns out to be the wrong thing

informed conscience

is how we educate ourselves through past experience education family scripture and teaching


an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.

mortal sin

personal sin that involves a serious matter sufficient reflection and full consent of will. It results in total rejection of God.

Venial Sin

personal sin that weakens but does not kill our relationship with God

What are the three requirements for a sin to be mortal ?

Grave matter (what we do) Full knowledge (knowing it is seriously wrong) Complete consent (fully willing/choose to do it anyway)

Why do we go to confession for venial sin ?

To help forgive ourselves , Priest can give advice moving forward, Receiving grace and growing as a person

sin of omission

not doing something that you should have done

sin of commission

an active step towards sinning


not caring not getting involved

sinful social structure

when we fail to recognize sin we eliminate our accountability and the choices we make become valueless

social sin

1 cycle of sin violence and injustice caused by individual sin

what are the cardinal virtues ?

temperance justice fortitude and prudance


self control and a balanced life style


the virtue stating that all people should have rights and should have their basic needs meet


this is the most important cardinal virtue because it means courage and strength when confronted with the difficulties of life


the virtue that helps us make a correct judgment about what we do and to choose the right thing to do at the right time

What does the word cardinal mean

it comes from the Latin word cardo which means hinge


character strength

Cardinal Virtue

personal character strengths that direct us toward Christ like behavior and provide discipline for our passions and emotions

theological virtues

faith hope and charity good habits given by God and directed toward him as their object or major focus


a gift from God and a human act which we believe in him and all that he has reveled; the theological virtue of seeking to know and to do God's will


trusting in God in everything that Christ has promised,and in the Holy Spirit. Hope Focuses on obtaining eternal happiness in heaven and the help from God to achieve it


is the virtue by which we love God above all things for his own sake and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God

What is the definition of Decalogue ?

the Ten commadments

What is abortion ?

the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.

What is superstition ?

The unseemly or irreverent worship of God, or giving to a creature the worship that belongs to God. Rendering unbecoming worship to God may stem either from false devotion or from a tendency toward magic. Giving divine worship to a creature is either idol

What is blasphemy ?

is speaking words of hate,defiance or reproach against God

What is atheism ?

Denial of a personal God who is totally distinct from the world he created.

What is sacrilege ?

profound or unworthy treatment of the sacraments

What is perjury ?

is takes place when one fails to keep a promise sworn under oath with no intention of keeping it

Why is the family referred to as the domestic church ?

this description affirms that families are holy communities where children first encounter God and are educated in prayer

What does the fourth commandment imply for families ?

it illuminates other relationships in society. In our brother and sisters in Christ

What are parent's responsibilities toward there children ?

Educate them in the ways of Faith prayer and virtue. Appreciate there children as sons and daughters of Christ. Respect and encourage their children's vocations. Provide a good example

How does the fourth commandment apply to other areas of our life ?

it apply's to the relationships in our daily lives

what type of influences can television, the internet and media have on the family ?

the proposal that increased television viewing leads to perception of the world being more hostile dangerous place it can also lead to unwanted pregnancies venereal diseases, a lingering sense of guilt or being taken advantage of

How does consumerism influence families ?

the commercials distract us from and set us in a different direction other than happiness

What is youth culture ?

is what we do on a day to day basis

When does human life begin ?

Life begins at conception

What was the Roe vs Wade decision and how did it impact abortion ?

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), is a landmark decision issued in 1973 by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of the constitutionality of laws that criminalized or restricted access to abortions.

What are the main points presented in the Declaration on Procured Abortion ?

life is sacred and begins at conception

What is the church teaching on abortion ?

All human life must be respected and protected from the very moment of conception. All human life is sacred and God has created each person in his image. Therefore,every individual has worth.

What does Pope John Paul's encyclical, the Gospel of life say about abortion ?

. The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus' message. Lovingly received day after day by the Church, it is to be preached with dauntless fidelity as "good news" to the people of every age and culture.
At the dawn of salvation, it is the Birth of a Child

What is the definition of euthanasia ?

has come to mean mercy killing mercifully putting to death someone who is experiencing extreme suffering as we might put to death a pet

What does Pope John Paul II mean when he speaks about euthanasia in the strict sense

he recognizes that sometimes people use the term to refer to actions that are not strictly speaking euthanasia

why is the intention and the act important to consider ?

because it involves the direct act and intention of taking someones life

What is the difference between ordinary means and extraordinary means ?

Ordinary means offers hope for a cure and Extraordinary means offers little to no hope of a cure.

What is the difference between killing someone (euthanasia) and allowing someone to die a natural death ?

In such cases medical treatments that do no more than prolong life at great expense or with excessive burden may be discontinued. Such a decision is not "mercy killing" or in the strict sense since it allows the natural death process to occur

What does the Declaration on Euthanasia say about extraordinary mean ?

when death is inevitable then is imminent spite of the means used it is permitted in conscience to take the decision to refuse forms of treatment that would only secure a precarious and burdensome prolongation.

What is physician assisted suicide ?

a form of active-voluntary euthanasia, since it involves a seriously ill person seeking out a physician to assist him or her end there own life

What is hospice ?

an intense multi-faceted spiritual based approach to assisting people through the dying process

what do they do for patients ?

they offer palliative care and they treat the whole person body emotion and spirit

What is a Living will ?

it is a living legal document that states your wish if you come become incapacitated

what is a heath care proxy ?

it is a form that is a legal document that designates what somebody wants done or not done in the event that that person could not make there decision

What is genetic engineering ?

Genetic engineering, sometimes called genetic modification, is the process of altering the DNA? in an organism's genome?.
This may mean changing one base pair? (A-T or C-G), deleting a whole region of DNA, or introducing an additional copy of a gene?.

What does the church say ?

The majority of Catholics would likely say that the Church opposes any genetic modification in humans. But that is not what our Church teaches. Actually, the Church does support human genetic engineering; it just has to be the right kind.

What are some of the facts about suicide ?

as with suicide deaths, rates of attempted suicide vary considerably among demographic groups. Males are 4 times more likely than females to die by suicide. The ratio of suicide attempts to suicide death in youth is estimated to be about 25:1, compared to

What does the church teach about suicide ?

The Bible mentions six specific people who committed suicide: Abimelech (Judges 9:54), Saul (1 Samuel 31:4), Saul's armor-bearer (1 Samuel 31:4-6), Ahithophel (2 Samuel 17:23), Zimri (1 Kings 16:18), and Judas (Matthew 27:5). Five of these men were noted

What do we do if someone is contemplating Suicide ?

we tell an adult or someone we trust

Who is Elisabeth Kubler-Ross ?

World renowned researcher and author on death and dying

What are her stages of grief ?

Denial anger bargaining acceptance moving on

What is stem cell research ?

Stem are the basic building blocks for the development of out bodies. Some of these cells are pluriplent in so far as they can develop into almost any kind of cell type.

What types are morally acceptable ?

everything in the body except embryonic cells

Why isn't embryonic stem cell research moral ?

because it takes god's gift to the earth away and takes a life away from the baby