Orgo test one

In IR spec strong bonds vibrate at ______ frequencies leading to a _____ wavenumber absorption

Higher, higher

What is inefficient at absorbing IR spec

symmetrical double bonded Cs and triple bonded Cs

The greater the dipole moment in IR radiation leads to

Greater absorption, then a stronger signal

Double bonds are located at what signal in IR


Triple bonds are located at what signal in IR


X-H bonds are located at what signal in IR


IR frequency equation

Frequency (v)= speed of light (c) / wavelength

IR wavenumber equation

wavenumber (V line on top)= V (frequency of light) / speed of light (constant)

What is mass spec and what is it used for

To determine the molecular weight and molecular formula of a compound, it is the study of the interaction between matter and an energy source

M+ peak indicates what

Molecular weight

Nitrogen rule in Mass spec

Even number of MW indicates even number of Ns while odd number of MW indicates odd number of Ns

Compounds containing Cl in their Mass spec will...

Have a M+2 peak will be one third of the parent peak

Compounds containing Br in their Mass spec will...

Have an M+2 peak that is the same height as the molecular ion peak

The higher the peak the more ____ the fragmentation


Signal at M-15 indicates

Loss of a methyl radical ( shown at M/z= 57)

Signal at M- 29 indicates

Loss of a ethyl radical at m/z=43

Signal at M-43 indicates

Loss of a propyl radical shown at m/z=29

Signal at M-57 indicates

Loss of a butyl radical shown at m/z=15

Signal at M-18 indicates

Loss of a H20 (characteristic of an Etoh)

Signal at M-x indicates (x being an even number)

Mclaffentry rearrangement (ketones and aldehyde)


Protons that are interchangeable by rotational symmetry


Protons that are not interchangeable by rotational symmetry but are interchangeable by reflectional symmetry


Protons that are neither interchangeable by rotational symmetry or reflection symmetry

In IR spec what appears at 1720

A ketone

In IR spec what appears at 1680

a conjugated ketone

In IR spec what appears at 1740

an ester

In IR spec what appears at as a broad spectrum around 2700-3400

a Carboxylic acid ( double bonded oxygen attached to an OH)

In IR spec what appears as 2 expressions at 3300 and 3400

Primary amine

In IR spec what appears as one expression at 3300

Secondary amine

In IR spec what appears as a broad spectrum at 1700


In IR spec what appears as a mildly broad spectrum at 3400 with hump between 3000

Etoh group

CH3 shows a signal at? (broadband decoupled, Deept-90, and Dept-135)

Broadband decoupled and dept-135

CH2 shows a signal at? (broadband decoupled, Deept-90, and Dept-135)

Broadband decoupled and a negative signal at Dept-135

CH shows a signal at? (broadband decoupled, Deept-90, and Dept-135)

All 3

C shows a signal at? (broadband decoupled, Deept-90, and Dept-135)

Only broadband decoupled