Chemistry Chapter 1 & 2

The speed of light in air

is independent of the wavelength and frequency of light

Elements in the same column of the periodic table ( groups labeled A) tend to have similar chemical properties because they have the same number of

Valence electrons

Ozone is considered an air pollutant in the ___, but is a valuable protective layer in the ____

Troposphere; Stratosphere

Which of the following is not likely to be a free radical?
C. Cl
D. Cl2


Increasing frequency of light goes in this order...


Isotopes of an element have the same number of ___, but different numbers of ____

Protons; neutrons

Which product of the UV decomposition of CFCs acts as the catalyst for ozone decomposition?

Chlorine radicals

In the Chapman cycle, ozone formation depends upon a sufficient concentration of oxygen atoms. Which step in the Chapman cycle produces oxygen atoms?

absorption of light (wavelength < 242 nm) by oxygen gas

Green light has a wavelength of 530.0 nm. What is the frequency of this light?

5.66 * 10 ^ 14 s-1

Blue light has a frequency of approx. 6.4 * 10 ^ 14 s-1. What is the energy of a photon of this light?

4.24 * 10 ^ -19 J

What is a highly reactive chemical species, species with unpaired electrons, and species such as H and OH?

Free readicals

Which component of the air is not an element?
1. N2
2. O3
3. H2O
4. Ar


Sulfur reacts with oxygen gas to form sulfur trioxide. Write a balanced equation to represent the reaction.
Hint: Oxygen gas is a diatomic molecule

2S + 3O2 -> 2SO3

Ozone is a secondary pollutant. A secondary pollutant is?

Not produced directly but as the product of the interaction of two or more pollutants.

The EPA limit for O3 is .08ppm. Express this number as percentage.


There are 6 * 10 ^-3 L carbon dioxide in 15 L of air. What is the concentration of carbon dioxide?

400 ppm

Catalytic converters reduce the amount of ___ in car exhaust.

Carbon monoxide, Nitrogen monoxide, and VOC's

The smallest unit of an element


a fixed number of atoms held together by chemical bonds in a certain spatial arrangement


Made up of ONE kind of atom


Many elements occur as ? which is made up or 2 atoms of one kind

Diatomic molecules

Made up of two or more DIFFERENT kinds of atoms


Who invented the Quantum theory?

Albert Einstein

? should be viewed as individual bundles of energy called ___ ( particles of light)

Radiation; Photons

When the wavelength decreases, energy and frequency ___


When the wavelength increases, energy and frequency ____


The ? of all electromagnetic waves ( light or radiaton) is the same.


Gamma rays have the ____ frequency & energy


Radio has the ____ frequency and energey


Visible span of wavelength in nanometers is

400-700, ROY G BIV

Distance traveled between successive peaks


Number of waves passing a fixed point in one second


Increase wavelength, frequency decreases, but speed of light remains ?


What in the stratosphere protects us from the UV radiation

Oxygen (O2) and Ozone (O3)

Least energetic of the 3 UV categories, Least damaging, reaches earths surface in greatest amount, longest wavelength.


More energetic than UV-A, less energetic than UV-C, more damaging than UV-A, less than UV-C, most absorbed by O3 in the stratosphere.


Most energetic of the three categories, Most damaging but totally absorbed by O2 and O3 in the stratosphere


A physical combination of two or more substances present in variable amounts.


Pure substances consist of 2 categories...

Elements or Compounds

Substances that can not be broken down into simpler ones by any chemical means


Pure substances made up of two or more elements in a fixed, characteristic chemical combination.


Naming binary compounds


What are the hydrocarbons or compounds and carbons
Mother Eats Peanut Butter

Methane CH4
Ethane C2H6
Propane C3H8
Butane C4H10

What is arranged in certain energy levels (or orbitals) around the nucleus


Level 1 of the 1s orbital has maximum of ___ electrons


Level 2 of the 2s & 2p orbital has the maximum of ___ electrons


Level 3 of the 2s & 2p orbitals has the maximum of ___ electrons


What is found in the highest energy level and help to account for many of the observed trends in chemical properties.

Outer (Valence) Electrons

What tells you the number of valence electrons on the periodic table?

Group number

What is the representation of an atom or molecule that shoes its outer (valence) electrons?

Lewis structure

Why is NO2 a free radical?

Because you count the number of outer electrons & if the sum turns out odd they are a free radical
5 + (6*2) = 17

What is a major cause of stratospheric ozone depletion?


Inert, nontoxic compounds that contain CL or F or Br


What pollutant is known as the silent killer?

Carbon monoxide

Which pollutants source is fuel combustion?

Carbon monoxide and Nitrogen dioxide

Which pollutants source is burning coal and contributes to respiratory illness?

Sulfur dioxide

Which pollutants source is created by chemical reaction between oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compouds (VOCs). Also an airway irritant, aggravates asthma, and causes permanant lung damage from repeated exposures

Ozone (secondary pollutant)

The two risk factors of air pollutants involves...

Toxicity & Exposure

The intrinsic health hazard of a substance


The amount of substance encountered
-Concentration in the air
-Length of time
-Rate of breathing


How many significant figures does 1,204 have?


How many significant figures does 0.005 have


How many significant figures does .00014 have


How many significant figures does 120,000 have


How many significant figures does 12.00 have?


How many significant figures does 800.0 have?


What group number and number of valence electrons does nitrogen have?

Group 5A; 5 outer

Free radicals contain an..

unpaired electron

The EPA limit for CO is 900 ppm. Express this number as a percentage.


The quantity 0.00000064 g expressed in scientific notation is:

6.4 x 10-7 g

Which pollutant are you more likely to encounter in dangerous concentrations indoors rather than outdoors?

Carbon monoxide

Catalytic converters reduce the amount of ________ in car exhaust.


Ozone is a secondary pollutant. A secondary pollutant is

not produced directly but as the product of the interaction of two or more pollutants.

Decreased stratospheric ozone concentrations may lead to...

increased incidences of melanomas, a decreased production of crops such as wheat, sorghum, and peas, an increased occurrence of cataracts.

The wavelength of light in the X-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum is

About the diameter of an atom cell

Chlorofluorocarbons rise to the stratosphere and

interact with UV energy to produce free radicals that destroy ozone.

Convert .00049 to ppm

490 ppm

Convert 83 ppm to a decimal


Convert .086% to ppm

860 ppm

Convert 27,000 ppm to %


Convert 86 ppb to ppm

8.6 * 10 -8 ppm

Convert .086 ppm to ppb

8.6 * 10^1 ppb

4,200 ug = _____ g

.0042 g

1600 mL = ____ L

1.6 L

Calculate the volume of nitrogen gas in 50 L of air. The concentration of nitrogen in the air is 78%.


Balance the equation..
H2SO4 + Al(OH)3 -> H2O + Al2 (SO4)3

3, 2, 6, 1

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction of nitrogen gas with oxygen gas to form nitrogen monoxide.

N2 + O2 -> 2NO

There are approx. 2*10^22 molecules and atoms in each breath we take and the concentration of CO in the air is approx 8 ppm. Approx how many molecules are in each breath we take?

2 * 10^17