Organic Chemistry (Test 2)


Two largest groups are on the same side of each other.


Two largest groups are across from each other.

E/Z System

A system based on the "priority" of compounds based on atomic number.


Equivalent to trans in that the largest groups (highest priority) will be on opposite sides.


Equivalent to cis in that the largest group (highest priority) will be on the same side as each other.

R/S System

A system based on priority where atomic number determines priority.


Molecules which are mirror images of each other which are not super-imposable.


When the priority of molecules follows a clockwise pattern.


When the priority of molecules follows a counter-clockwise pattern.


Molecules with the same elements but different formations (usually due to variations in R/S classification)

Major factor for SN�

Steric effects (steric hinderance)

Major factor for SN�

Stability of the Carbocation Intermediate

Rate expression for SN�


Rate Expression for SN�


Substrate and SN�


Nucleophile and SN�

Non-Bulky Base and Strong Bases (Negative charge)

Solvent and SN�

Polar aprotic solvents

Polar aprotic solvents

CH?-SO-CH? Ethers(R-O-R) CH?-CO-CH?

Substrate and SN�


Solvent and SN�

Polar protic solvents

Polar protic solvents

H?0 , CH?OH , R-OH

Major factor for E�

Beta hydrogen and leaving group must be anti-planar from one another

Factors favoring E�

Heat, Big bulky bases

Zaitser's Rule

For dehydrohalogenation, the major product will be the most stable product

Hoffman's Rule

For dehydrohalogenation, the major product will be the least stable product

Groups where E� is possible

2� and 3� Alcohols