Organic Chemistry


Products that are composed almost solely of organic compounds

clothes, foods, medicines, fuel, refrigerants, and soaps

Organic products obtained from natural sources

cotton, wool, silk

Organic products synthetically produced

nylon and polyester


the main component of natural gas (CH4)


used as starting material in the preparation of the plastic polyethylene (C2H4)

Characteristic features

1. All organic compounds contain carbon atoms & most contain hydrogen atoms.
2. Carbon forms single, double, and triple bonds to other carbon atoms.
3. Some compounds have chains of atoms and some compounds have rings.
4. Organic compounds may also contai

All organic compounds contain

carbon atoms and most contain hydrogen atoms

carbon always form

four covalent bonds

hydrogen always form

one covalent bond

Carbon forms _________________________ to other carbon atoms

single, double and triple bonds

A double bond contain

four electrons

a triple bond contains

six electrons

1 carbon bond


2 carbon bonds


3 carbon bonds


Some organic compounds have

chains of atoms and some have rings

organic compounds may also contain

elements other than carbon and hydrogen


any atom that is not carbon or hydrogen

each heteroatom forms a

characteristic number of bonds, determined by its location in the periodic table

Common heteroatom

N, O, F, Cl, Br, and I

the common heteroatoms also have

nonbonding, lone pairs of electrons so that each atom is surrounded by an octect of electrons

4 =

# of bonds + # of lone pairs

Hydrogen # of bonds and # of nonbonded electron pairs

1 and 0

Carbon # of bonds and # of nonbonded electron pairs

4 and 0

Nitrogen # of bonds and # of nonbonded electron pairs

3 and 1

Oxygen # of bonds and # of nonbonded electron pairs

2 and 2

Halogen # of bonds and # of nonbonded electron pairs

1 and 3

Carbon-oxygen double bond

The most common multiple bond between carbon and a heteroatom

Condensed structures

all of the atoms are drawn in, but the two-electron bond lines and lone pairs on heteroatoms are generally omitted.

When drawing a skeletal structure assume there is

a carbon atom at the junction of any two lines or at the end of any line
there are enough hydrogens around each carbon to give it four bonds

When drawing skeletal structure draw in all

heteroatoms and the hydrogens directly bonded to each other

Drawing skeletal formulas: carbon atoms in a chain

maintain tetrahedral shape
are connected in a zigzag pattern
are drawn as two-dimensional
can be written in several conformations

a hexane molecule can be represented in several ways:

a molecular formula (such as acyclic or cyclic), a ball-and-stick model, an expanded structural formula, a condensed structural formula, a skeletal formula

functional group

is an atom or group of atoms with characteristic chemical and physical properties

a functional group contains a

heteroatom, a multiple bond, or sometimes both

Functional groups: Hydrocarbons

alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic


are compounds that contain only
carbon and hydrogen.


have only C-C single bonds and no functional group


have a C= C double bond as their functional group


have a C=C triple bond as their functional group

Aromatic hydrocarbons

contain a benzene ring,a six-membered ring with three double bonds


has a halogen


on either side


has N (protein) amino acid

Functional groups: Carbonyl groups

couponds contain a C=O group; (carbon-oxygen double bonds) are present in several different compounds

Examples of functional groups

Aldehyde, Ketone, carboxylic acid, ester, amide

Acetaldehyde forms from the

oxidation of alcohol (OH)

Carbonyle =

no H



an amide contains

a N atom directly bonded to a C = O

an amine R-NH2 contains

N atom but no C=O


the main component of natural gas which burns in the presence of oxygen


the alcohol present in wine and other alcoholic beverages, formed by the fermentation of sugar

Ethanol produced in the lab is

identical to ethanol produced in fermentation


compound responsible for the characteristic spiciness of hot peppers, is the active ingredient in several topical creams for pain relief


bitter-tasting stimulant found in coffee, tea, cold, beverages and chocolate

a carbon atom has

four valence electrons available for bonding

A C atom surrounded by 4 atoms forms

4 single bonds

A C atom surrounded by 3 atoms forms

one double bond

A C atom surrounded by two atoms generally forms

one triple bond

Has a high melting point


is not soluble in water


has the formula CH3-CH2-CH3


Has the formula HgCl2


Burns easily in the air


Has covalent bonds


an atom surrounded by two groups

linear and has a bond angle of 180

an atom surrounded by three groups is

trigonal planar and has a bond angle of 120

an atom surrounded by 4 groups

tetrahedron and has a bond angle of 109.5

All carbons having four single bonds are


Condensed structures are used for

a compound having a chain of atoms bonded together, rather than a ring; all of the atoms are drawn in, but the two-electron0bond lines are generally omitted; lone pairs on heteroatoms are omitted

a carbon bonded to 3 H's becomes


a carbon bonded to 2 H's becomes


a carbon bonded to 1 H becomes


Skeletal structures are used for

organic compounds containing both rings and chains of atoms

three important skeletal structures

1) there is a carbon atom at the junction of any two lines or at the end of any line
2) there are enough hydrogens around each carbon to give it four bonds
3) draw in all heteroatoms and the hydrogens directly bonded to them

each carbon in a skeletal structure needs

2 Hs

functional group definition

an atom or group of atoms with characteristic chemical and physical properties

a functional group contains a

heteroatom, a multiple bond, or something both


functional group

most common functional groups subdivided

compounds containing a single bond to a heteroatom
compounds containg a C=O group

Compounds containing a carbon-heteroatom single bond

alkyle halide, alcohol, ether, amine

Compounds containg a C=O group

aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid, ester, amide


has a hydrogen atom bonded directly to the carbonyl carbon

Carboxlyic aicd contains

an OH group bonded directly to the carbonyle carbon

an ester contain an

OR group bonded directly to the carbonyl carbon

Linear shape

2 groups, 2 atoms, 0 lone pairs

Trigonal planar

3 groups, 3 atoms, 0 lone pairs


4 groups, 4 atoms, 0 lone pairs

Trigonal pyramid

4 groups, 3 atoms, 1 lone pair


4 groups, 2 atoms, 2 lone pairs