Organic Chem 1 Lab Midterm

What is a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and what data does it usually contain?

Technical bulletin listing physical and chemical properties, hazards, etc of a lab reagent

Define rules about eating, drinking, and applying cosmetics in lab.

no eating, drinking, or applying cosmetics in lab.

What does bumping mean and how to avoid it?

Sudden release of vapor; use boiling chips

National Fire Protection Association's Diamond

0 (low) and 4 (high)
blue - health
red - fire
white - specific hazards
yellow - reactivity

What to do if spill on skin

immediately wash off skin with plenty of water, and let TA know.

If spill on person what do you do?

Use sink or safety shower as necessary. Remove clothing (all). Do not remove safety goggles b/f washing reagent from face (this will lessen the likelihood of getting reagent in eyes).

Define the term: melting point

Temperature at which solid compound is in equilibrium with its liquid

Define the term: melting point range

Temperature range between start of liquid formation till all the solid becomes liquid

Define the term: impurity

Any admixture in the compound of interest

Define: eutectic composition

when both solids are in equilibrium with the liquid

Define: eutectic temperature

the lowest possible melting point for a mixture of X and Y

Describe the purpose and technique of taking mixture m.p.

To proof identity of unknown compound: mix known and unknown compounds. If mixture mp is the same as mp of known compound, unknown and known compound are the same

Explain the phenomena (name the process): compound to melt is darkening when heating and release gas when melting


Explain the phenomena (name the process): compound disappears from capillary when attempting to measure its m.p.


Define: orientation mp

if mp is unknown then first measure the approximate melting point of the compound. Then you let appratus cool to 15 degrees below the orientation mp; new sample is heated increasing the temp at 1-2 degrees Celsius per minute to get the accurate mp.

Errors in observed mp

1) placement of too much sample into the capillary tube (poor heat transfer) - should be 2-3 mg
2) not grinding particles (poor heat transfer)

define: sweating

droplets on outside surface of sample, due to insufficient drying

define: decompose

darkening in the color of the compound as it melts

define: sublimation

passes directly from solid to vapor, the compound disappears - sample vaporizes and recrystallizes higher up in capillary tube

In distillation Term volatile is related to a chemical having (true or false):
1) Low pressure at high temperature
2) High pressure at high temperature
3) High pressure at low temperature

1) F
2) F
3) T

Define: distillation

technique used for separating compounds based on differences in their bp

Distillation was made using 15 mL of each cyclohexane and toluene. With what scale:


define: pot

where volatile compounds are heated to boiling in one container

define: condenser (explain how used)

where the vapors that are produced are then cooled and re-liquefied by passing them through a water cooled condenser

define: receiver

where the re-liquified cooled produces are collected

define: evaporation

transition from liquid to vapor on only those molecules at the liquid surface (happens at temp below the bp of compound)

define equilibrium vapor pressure:

pressure exerted by these gaseous molecules on the walls of the container

Define: boiling point

Temperature, at which vapor pressure of liquid equals external pressure

define: miscible

liquids mix

Distillation of miscible liquids best described using:

Rault's Law

Write the equation for Rault's law and define the terms

PT = P1X1 + P2X2
PT - total pressure
P1,2 - partial pressure
X1,2 - molar fraction of component

Define: distillate

when the vapors condense into a liquid, and have the same composition as the vapors formed

Define: simple distillation

if one compound is much more volatile than the other

What makes fractional distillation different from simple distillation?

it has a fractionating column between the pot and distilling head

True or False: Vapors over the mixture of cyclohexane and toluene contain the higher percentage of cyclohexane than that in mixture


B.p. of mixture of 2 liquids is always (T or F)
1) Lower than b.p. of both components
2) Higher than b.p. of both components
3) In between the of both components

1) false
2) false
3) true

True or False: Fractional distillation is preferable if difference in b.p. of mixture components is lower than 40 degrees C


State two rules not to break when performing distillation

Do not distil to dryness
Do not heat closed system

Define: recrystallization

purification process used to remove impurities from organic compounds that are solid at room temp

Define: oiling out

when a compound is insoluble in a solution at a temp above the compound's mp. As a result the compound is deposited as an oil, and not crystals

How to choose a good solvent

room temp: insoluble
bp: soluble
ice: insoulble

Define: solvent pair

two solvents are used to dissolve compound

define: filter flask

flask with a sidearm

equation for percent recovery

(mass of recrystallized compound in g /
mass of crude compound in g) (100%)

How to tell is compound is pure

it melts at a range of 1-3 degrees Celsius near its reported melting point

If crystals don't form what can you do?

1) scratch glass to give crystals sites to form
2) put seed crystal of pure compound into the soln

If solution has colored impurities

add activated carbon

How to avoid premature crystallization in the funnel stem

heat funnel, filter paper, and collection flask

Define: eluent

a solvent used as a mobile phase


thin layer chromatography

Equation for Rf

distance traveled by comp, mm /
distance traveled by solvent, mm

define: eluent front

the point that the eluent has reached

the more polar the eluent

the greater its eluting power, ability to move compounds over the absorbent surface

Name 3 main parts of Gas Chromatograph

Injector, column, detector

Chromatogram after analysis of some mixture shows several peaks. Ratio of components in the mixture is proportional to:

Area peaks

What solvent was suitable for separation of 2 polar compounds using silica gel:

toluene or ethyl ether

State 2 methods of visualizing TLC plates

Under UV-light or in iodine chamber

Write the equation for the % recovery in column chromatography

(mass of recovered compound /
mass of compound in original mixture) (100%)

Calculate the mass of components in 170 mg of 1:1:3 mixture (by mass) of ferrocene, acetylferrocene and alumina

1+1+3 = 5 parts total;
170mg/5parts = 34mg [1 part] of each ferrocene and acetylferrocene; 34x3[parts]=102mg of alumina

Describe the consequences of column dry-out during a separation

Air bubbles will form in sorbent bed. Those bubbles may prevent solvent from moving through bed, and mixture to separate

Define: Extraction

process that selectively dissolves one or more of the mixture compounds into an appropriate solvent

define: washing

reverse process of extraction, in which the impurities are removed to the second solvent, leaving the desired compound in the original solvent

define: emulsion

suspension of small droplets of one liquid into another liquid

Codistillation (including steam distillation) is possible if components of mixture are:


State why Steam distillation is preferable for compound that boils at high temperature (>250 C at 1atm)

Distillation of compound at lower temperature lower risk of thermal decomposition

Clove oil components are:

eugenole acetate

Will eugenol or eugenol acetate react with sodium hydroxide? What functional group will the reaction occur at?

on the -OH group

When two liquids are immiscible the equation used is?

Dalton's Law

Match the compounds and reagents used to separate mixture by extraction:
acetanilide NaOH
t-butylphenol none
p-Toluic acid NaHCO3

acetanilide - none
t-butylphenol - NaOH
p-Toluic acid - NaHCO3

Describe how properly release pressure buildup in separatory flask during the extraction

Turn separatory funnel upside down and carefully open stopcock

Calculate % recovery of each component if 1.0 g each acetanilide, t-butylphenol and p-toluic acid isolated from 4.3 g of 1:1:1 mixture (molar ratio)
acetanilide MW = 135 g/mol
t-butylphenol MW = 150 g/mol
p-toluic acid MW = 136 g/mol

If 1 mole of each component, mass of mixture will be 135+150+136=421g
4.3g of mixture will correspond to 4.3/421=0.0102mole of each component
Starting amounts:
Acetanilide, g = 0.0102mole x 135g/mole = 1.37g;
t-Butylphenol, g = 0.0102mole x 150g/mole = 1.


right is R
Left is S

Assuming solvolysis of 2-chloro-2-methylpropane proceeds as SN1 reaction, does rate of reaction depends on NaOH concentration?
