AP Chem Gas Laws

Boyle's Law

PV = k
P?V? = P?V?

Boyle's Law

Charles's Law

V/T = k
V?/T? = V?/T?

Charles's Law

Gay-Lussac's Law

P/T = k
P?/T? = P?/T?

Gay-Lussac's Law

Combined Gas Law

P?V?/T? = P?V?/T?

Avogadro's Law

Equal volumes of gases at the same temp and pressure have the same number of molecules!

Avogadro's Law

n/V = k
n?/V? = n?/V?

Avogadro's Law

Ideal Gas Law


Universal Gas Constant

R=0.0821 (L*atm)/(mol*K)

Molar Mass of a Gas

MM=dRT/P (Molar Mass = "dirty pee")