
What is biology?

Biology is the study of live (living things).

What are characteristics of life?


Why are biolgist studying chemistry?

Biologist are studying chemistry because all living things are made of the same things like

What is a chemical reactions?

A chemical reactions is a process in which chemical bonds are broken and added together in a new way.

What is a reactant?

It's a chemical substance before a chemical reaction.

What is a product?

It's a chemical substance after a chemical reaction.

What is activation energy?

The activation energy is the amount of energy you need to start a chemical reaction.

Why do you use catalysts?

You're using catalysts because the start up chemical reactions at a lower level of energy.

What is an enzyme?

An enzyme is a biological catalyst.

What is energy?

Energy is defined as the ability to do work.

What is free energy?

Free energy is the energy in an organism available for work.