biochem test 1

which of the following has the cellular components arranged in order of increasing size?

Amino acids < Proteins < Ribosomes < Mitochondria

The macromolecules that serve in the storage and transmission of genetic information are:

nucleic acids

Humans maintain a nearly constant level of hemoglobin by continually synthesizing and degrading it. This is an example of:

dynamic steady state

The major carrier of chemical energy in all cells is:

adenosine triphosphate

The three-dimensional structure of macromolecules is formed and maintained primarily through noncovalent interactions. which of the following is not considered a noncovalent interaction?

carbon-carbon bonds

which of the following is not among the four most abundant elements in living organisms?


The bacterium E.coli requires simple organic molecules for growth and energy - it is therefore a:


Energy requiring metabolic pathways that yield complex molecules from simpler precursors are:


In eukaryotes, the nucleus is enclosed by a double membrane called the:

nuclear envelope

6 characteristics of life

chemically complex and highly organized, ability to extract energy from the environment, capacity for self-replication and self assembly, exploit chemical interplay with the environment, express programmatically defined functions, and evolve to new forms

Purpose of the plasma membrane

it is a barrior to the free passage of materials into or out of the cell, contains proteins that transfer specific ions or molecules, and contains proteins that transmit signals.

How is gram negative determined?

It has little affinity for the gentian violet dye used in gram staining

Gram negative bacteria:

have an outer membrane and peptidoglycan layer

Gram positive bacteria:

does not have an outer membrane but has a thick peptidoglycan layer

4 types of noncovalent interations

hydrogen bonds, ionic interactions between charged groups, van der waals interactions, and hydrophobic interactions

importance of noncovalent interactions in 3-D structures of macromolecules

they are weak interactions so they can form, break, and reform rapidly with less energy input which helps maintain flexibility

Relationship between living organisms and its surroundings in terms of both matter and energy

living organisms are open systems & exchange both matter and energy. It is not in equilibrium with its surroundings, and acquires energy from surroundings.

what is feedback inhibition and why is it important?

it is the regulation of a biochemical pathway in which a reaction inhibits an earlier step in the pathway. It is important because it ensures that energy is not wasted by an organisms producing molecules that it does not need.

what is the rationale significance of the Miller and Urey experiments?

it established that amino acids are the building blocks of life

Describe the elements of "chemical evolution

simple organic molecules condensed to form more complex molecules (NH3, CH4, H2, H2O)

Define the "Dynamic Steady State

Constant chemical state of the organism. Molecules are synthesized and broken down by continuous reactions. Constant flux of mass and energy between the system and the environment.


chemical reaction that results from the breakdown of more complex organic molecules into simpler substances -> release energy.


simpler substances are combined to form more complex molecules -> requires energy

Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

eukaryotic cells have nucleus and prokaryotes do not

describe the feedback mechanism

maintaining homeostasis by molecules signaling to decrease product production (negative feedback) or increase product production (positive feedback)

Major difference between plant cells and animal cells:

Plant cells have a cell wall, fixed shape, and large vacuole. Animal cells do not have a cell wall and have an irregular shape.

Two types of cell fractionation

1. Differential centrifugation - centrifugation at different speeds to break open the cell and separate organelles based on size and density.
2. Density gradient centrifugation - gradient of concentration of solution throughout the test tube with low conc

A true statement about hydrophobic interactions is that they:

are the driving force in the formation of micelles of amphipathie compounds in water.

Hydrophobic interactions make important energetic contributions to

all of the above

Osmosis is movement of a:

water molecule across a membrane

Which of the following is true about the properties of aqueous solution?

Hydrogen bonds form readily in aqueous solution

the pH of a sample of blood is 7.4, while gastric juice is pH 1.4. The blood sample has:

a million times lower [H+] than the gastric juice

The aqueous solution with the lowest pH is:

0.1M HCl

Which of the following statements about buffers is true?

When pH = pKa, the weak acid and salt concentrations in a buffer are equal.

The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:

relates the pH of a solution to the pKa and the concentrations of acid and conjugate base.

Consider an acetate buffer, initially at the same pH as its pKa (4.76). When sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is mixed with this buffer, the:

ratio of acetic acid to sodium acetate in the buffer falls

Which of the following is considered as a noncovalent bond?

All of the above (electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonds, and van der waals interactions)

The energies for hydrogen bonds are approximately:

4-20 kJ/mol

What pairs of atoms in bases are involved in hydrogen bonds?

N-H and O-H

Typical van der waals energies are about

2-4 kJ/mol

What two properties of water are important for biological interactions?

the polarity of water and the cohesive properties of water

What happens to nonpolar molecules in water?

They aggregate together

which of the following is the Henderson-Hasselbach equation?

pH = pKa + log ([A-]/[HA])

What are the primary chemical components present in the phosphate buffer at pH 7.4?

H2PO4- and HPO4 (2-)

Hydrogen bond

weak electrostatic attractions between one electronegative atom and a hydrogen atom covalently linked to a second electronegative atom

Electrostatic interaction

relatively weak charge-charge interactions between two ionized groups

hydrophobic interactions

the forces that tend to bring together two hydrophobic groups

van der Waals interactions

weak interactions between the dipoles that two close-spaced atoms induce in each other


solution has the same water concentration as the inside of the cell


The solution has greater water concentration than the cell. -> water will diffuse into the cell causing it to swell and possible burst.


The solution has lower concentration than the cell. -> water will diffuse out of the cell and into the solution causing the cell to shrink

The chirality of an amino acid results from the fact that its alpha carbon:

is bonded to four different chemical groups

of the 20 standard amino acids, on ____ is not optically active. The reason is that its side chain____.

glycine; is a hydrogen atom

two amino acids of the standard 20 contain sulfur atoms. they are?

methionine and cysteine

all of the amino acids that are found in proteins, except proline, contain:

amino group