AP Chemistry Chapter 7

electromagnetic radiation

radiant energy that exhibits wavelike behaviour and travels through space at the speed of light in a vacuum


the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs in a wave


the number of waves (cycles) per second that pass a given point in space

Planck's constant

the constant relating the change in energy for a system to the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation absorbed or emitted


the concept that energy can occur only in discrete units called quanta


a quantum of electromagnetic radiation

dual nature of light

the statement that light exhibits both wave and particulate properties


the scattering of light from a regular array of points or lines, producing constructive and destructive interference

diffraction pattern

bright spots and dark areas on a photographic plate

continuous spectrum

a spectrum that exhibits all the wavelengths of visible light

line spectrum

a spectrum showing only certain discrete wavelengths

quantum model

the electron in a hydrogen atom moves around the nucleus only in certain allowed orbits

ground state

the lowest possible energy state of an atom or molecule

standing wave

a stationary wave as on a string of a musical instrument; in the wave mechanical model, the electron in the hydrogen atom is considered to be a standing wave

wave function

a function of the coordinates of an electron's position in three-dimensional space that describes the properties of the electron


a specific wave function for an electron in an atom. The square of this function gives the probability distribution for the electron

quantum mechanical model

the modern description, primarily mathematical, of the behaviour of electrons in atoms

Heisenberg uncertainty principle

a principle stating that there is a fundamental limitation to how precisely both the position and momentum of a particle can be known at a given time

probability distribution

the square of the wave function indicating the probability of finding an electron at a particular point in space

quantum numbers

numbers which describe various properties of the orbital

principal quantum number

(n) the quantum number relating to the size and energy of an orbital; it can have any positive integer value

angular momentum quantum number

(l) distinguishes orbitals of given n having different shapes; can have any integer value from zero to n-1

magnetic quantum number

m, the quantum number relating to the orientation of an orbital in space relative to the other orbitals with the same l quantum number. It can have integral values between l and - l , including zero. (7.6)


a set of orbitals with a given azimuthal quantum number (l). (7.6)

nodal surface



an area of an orbital having zero electron probability

degenerate orbitals

a group of orbitals with the same energy

electron spin quantum number

a quantum number representing one of the two possible values for the electron spin, either +1/2 or -1/2

Pauli exclusion principle

in a given atom, no two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers

polyelectronic atoms

an atom with more than one electron

Aufbau principle

electrons enter orbitals of lowest energy first

Hund's rule

when electrons occupy orbitals of equal energy, one electron enters each orbital until all orbitals contain one electron with their spins parallel

valence electrons

the electrons in the outermost principal quantum level of an atom

core electrons

an inner electron in an atim

transition metals

several series of elements in which inner orbitals (d or f) are being filled

E = mc2

Einstein's equation proposing that energy has mass