Question tags

She is married,

isn't she?

She is not dying,

is she?

They have dogs,

don't they?

He went to Africa,

didn't he?

We are not going,

are we?

He wasn't stealing,

was he?

They had a cat,

didn't they?

You bought flowers,

didn't you?

It is fun,

isn't it?

We aren't going to the hospital,

are we?

You don't know that,

do you?

They had an accident,

didn't they?

We are going to Paris,

aren't we?

You danced ballet,

didn't you?

You like him,

don't you?

You can do it,

can't you?

You care about the environment,

don't you?

You like going to the cinema,

don't you?

You have watched Grease,

haven't you?

You have gone to Greece,

haven't you?

They haven't see it,

have they?

She hasn't eaten,

has she?

He likes watermelon,

doesn't he?

My grandma has a cat,

doesn't she?

He hasn't died,

has he?

You have heard of Britney Spears,

haven't you?

He has had the flu,

hasn't he?

He doesn't like pizza,

does he?

She is blonde,

isn't she?

You have had a Barbie,

haven't you?

You are a vegetarian,

aren't you?

He is sick,

isn't he?

She is crazy,

isn't she?

I'm dead,

aren't I?

He has played football,

hasn't he?

You have watched a play,

haven't you?

You aren't engaged,

are you?

You cut your hair,

didn't you?

You love your mom,

don't you?

She has had a dog,

hasn't she?

They are a couple,

aren't they?

You have tasted coffee,

haven't you?

They love their dog,

don't they?

You had surgery,

didn't you?

She is pretty,

isn't she?