Faith & Culture Exam 2

What is the meaning of abduction?

Inference to the best explanation

How does the Christian map provide an intellectual illuminative narrative?

Deep structure of universe- symbiotic nature

What does T.S. Eliot suggest as the Christian dilemma?

The problem of leading a Christian life in a non-Christian society is now very present to us...And as for the Christian who is not conscious of his dilemma- and he is in the majority- he is becoming more and more de-christianized by all sorts of unconsci

What does James Smith offer as a danger of worldview?

Presents danger of reductionism

Why must worldview be more than a cognitive process?

If worldview I solely cognitive, human as "thinking mind" is too simplistic

What does James Sire add to his definition of worldview that is helpful and significant?

Worldview as commitment of the heart...

What is the difference between a theoretical and non-theoretical presupposition?

Theoretical- Thought out presupposition. Stated well.
Non Theoretical- One that is not well thought out, you believe it because you do.

What comparison is used (analogy) to describe culture for human beings?

Culture is for humans what water is for fish: the environment we live in and think is normal

Review and be able to identify the seven basic questions that comprise one's worldview.

Prime reality, metaphysics, anthropology, human history and eschatology, epistemology, ethics, personal vision

Culture is what human beings make of the world

Culture is what human beings make of the world

Who is the author of Culture Makers?

Andy Crouch

Is culture inherently evil?

Culture is not inherently bad or evil, it is good and necessary. There are negative elements in culture

What is the Latin word from which "culture" comes and what does it mean?

Cultura or "agriculture

How does this idea correlate with the idea that humankind is created in the image of God?

Culture is what we make of the world. It is something we make "from the ground" - garden tenders

What are the deep trends of Western culture?

Individualistic and analytic, attention to object and its attributes, separate from context- difficulty in understanding others

If one is a believer in Jesus Christ, where do they belong in the narrative or 2nd order story of Scripture?

ACT 1: Creation

What influence does culture have on our brains?

When we are born, we are given cultural scripts that impact how the brain is wired- influences perceptions

Is relevance in culture important? Why?

We must be relevant or we will have no impact

How does Jesus define "eternal life" in John 17:3?

Know God, know me

What is the suggested procedure for critical participation in culture?

Intentionally identify God-ordering/creative possibility of your vocation or life situation
Identify the areas within that vocation distorted by idolatry
Be the redeeming influence as an agent of new creation

Ultimately, what are we (if Christian) called to be in relationship with culture?

We are called to faithfully improvise the biblical story in today's world- embracing its trajectories

In what sense are followers of Jesus sent - for what reason?

As you have sent me, so I send them out into the world..."
That all will know there is only one God (reason for living)
That all will know I am the Messiah (the story redeemer)

What are the four possibilities for the basic explanation of the universe?

Theism, pantheism, deism, naturalism

What are the questions of ancient cosmology? What questions are not asked?

Why do things work as they do, what is my place?" not, "How did matter get here?

What are the remarkable differences between the Genesis story and other ancient cosmologies?

Ontology of order and peace, God outside of material universe

What phrase best describes the relationship of Genesis to other stories of creation?

Creation is orderly, intentional, and good

What is true of poetry in the ancient world - what was its function?

In ancient world, the most profound truths often expressed through poetry so it could be easily remembered

What was the purpose of most creation myths in relation to the common person?

Most ancient myths of beginning functioned to subjugate people to particular servant roles.

What does the word "image" mean in the ancient context in which "image of God" was written?

Shocking claim in ancient cultural setting. Rather than low view of humanity as in pagan worldviews- all human beings created as image of God was a stunning, exalting, and unique claim

What tension is resolved in the days of creation? How?

No longer desolate, no longer uninhabited

What is the human job description according to Genesis?

To work out the purposes of God in his creation-

What does the Genesis story clearly tell us?

Each part of creation is good as it conforms to God's creational design . It is God's story.

What is the relationship of God resting to humanity forming and filling?

Humankind is given the responsibility to continue God's creative work until fulfilled in ultimate "rest

What is shalom as it relates to creation?

Life as it was intended from the beginning

What does creatio tertia mean?

Forming and filling to stamp God's glory onto creation

What is the first thing in the Genesis story that is "not good?" How is this resolved?

It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him

What ontological reality is always beyond our ability to understand?


What is the meaning of redemption when considered in the context of the creation/Fall

Divine activity that neutralizes and overcomes the decreational forces which threaten life and creation- it is an act of restoration of God's good creation

How have we been taught to think?

We have been taught to think "scientifically" (causation, composition, systemization)

What is imagistic language? What purpose does it serve?

Deeply meaningful, imagery beyond words - purpose to create feeling and emotion

What was the purpose of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Genesis story?

Reminder of creaturely status:
Central importance of trust and obedience
No relationship without choice
Call to serve one greater, life submitted to higher purpose than self

What is the analogy of imagistic language provided in this presentation?

Van Gogh's The Starry Night vs photo from Hubble telescope

Why does God hate sin? Is God arbitrarily offended?

God is not arbitrarily offended. God hates sin because it violates shalom

What was the sequence of temptation in the Eden story?

Doubt... unbelief... imagination

What is meant when one says "self-actualization is the original sin?

Sin is the breaking of shalom in any form. Leaving God's plan to follow your own.

What are the consequences of sin when considering the ordering of creation?

Rebellion against structure of reality and the one who created it (Corrupts, pollutes, misdirects, twists creation)

How does NT Wright define sin?

It is a "refusal to live

What is the uncomfortable reality about the stories in the OT that applies to our lives?

There is a greater story than our own. Bulk of promises to Abraham fulfilled after death

What is the Covenant dynamic of God's will? What is the purpose of God's law?

God's loving instructions (law) are always a gift because of God's covenant love, never a means to gaining God's love.

Review the five hopeful notes concerning sin.

1. Sin does not belong to fabric of creation - it can be removed
2. Even before end, God keeps sin from running its destructive course
3. Power of the good news of life under God's good reign is greater than power of sin
4. Jesus (as wisdom of God in the

What is the pattern of Abram's call - and who would ultimately benefit?

Called, sent on a journey of faith, blessed (ultimately for the sake of others)

What is the livable faith construct according to Brueggeman?

Orientation, disorientation, new orientation. Forms a livable faith!

What is the foundational paradigmatic story in the Old Testament?

The Exodus

What is the purpose of the four gospels?

They told the story of the awaited Messiah in their specific ideas of who he was

Was there a time in the Old Testament when all of God's promises were fulfilled? If so, when?

No. several were left unfulfilled

What tension is left unresolved in the Old Testament story?

A child will be born." The return of God's glory

In what sense is the story of Jesus unexpected?

The Jews had interpreted the old testament prophecies to expect an earthly king. He was not leading armies or waging war on the romans, but trying to teach the Jews how to live better.

What is the motivation God gives for the new covenant in Jesus in Ezekiel 36?

Not for your sake- but for mine." To sanctify his name which had been profaned. He wanted the Nations to know that he was Yahweh

What is the invitation of Jesus in Matthew 11:28-30 (according to The Message)

He invites his listeners to come to him and rediscover the purpose of their lives.

What are our basic needs and how are they addressed in the teachings of Jesus?

Identity, purpose, security, community, freedom and peace

Why is Philippians 2:5-11 so central to our understanding of Jesus and the life he offers?

It is about self-emptying for others, which is what he did. He died on a cross for us.

What does Jesus come to bring us?

Jesus came to give us new life, not more of what is killing us! Remember - justice and love in their true sense

How might the cross be seen as an invitation to life?

It is our invitation to follow him. Live a life of self-sacrifice as Jesus did

How might John 13 serve as a parable of the cross?

We are called to do the same.
Take off your entitled power, assume role of servant, be willing to give life to others...

What does NT Wright say is our role - the "fully human role" in creation?

live fully into the story that Jesus modeled and gave his life to give

What is the meaning of abduction?

Inference to the best explanation

How does the Christian map provide an intellectual illuminative narrative?

Deep structure of universe- symbiotic nature

What does T.S. Eliot suggest as the Christian dilemma?

The problem of leading a Christian life in a non-Christian society is now very present to us...And as for the Christian who is not conscious of his dilemma- and he is in the majority- he is becoming more and more de-christianized by all sorts of unconsci

What does James Smith offer as a danger of worldview?

Presents danger of reductionism

Why must worldview be more than a cognitive process?

If worldview I solely cognitive, human as "thinking mind" is too simplistic

What does James Sire add to his definition of worldview that is helpful and significant?

Worldview as commitment of the heart...

What is the difference between a theoretical and non-theoretical presupposition?

Theoretical- Thought out presupposition. Stated well.
Non Theoretical- One that is not well thought out, you believe it because you do.

What comparison is used (analogy) to describe culture for human beings?

Culture is for humans what water is for fish: the environment we live in and think is normal

Review and be able to identify the seven basic questions that comprise one's worldview.

Prime reality, metaphysics, anthropology, human history and eschatology, epistemology, ethics, personal vision

Culture is what human beings make of the world

Culture is what human beings make of the world

Who is the author of Culture Makers?

Andy Crouch

Is culture inherently evil?

Culture is not inherently bad or evil, it is good and necessary. There are negative elements in culture

What is the Latin word from which "culture" comes and what does it mean?

Cultura or "agriculture

How does this idea correlate with the idea that humankind is created in the image of God?

Culture is what we make of the world. It is something we make "from the ground" - garden tenders

What are the deep trends of Western culture?

Individualistic and analytic, attention to object and its attributes, separate from context- difficulty in understanding others

If one is a believer in Jesus Christ, where do they belong in the narrative or 2nd order story of Scripture?

ACT 1: Creation

What influence does culture have on our brains?

When we are born, we are given cultural scripts that impact how the brain is wired- influences perceptions

Is relevance in culture important? Why?

We must be relevant or we will have no impact

How does Jesus define "eternal life" in John 17:3?

Know God, know me

What is the suggested procedure for critical participation in culture?

Intentionally identify God-ordering/creative possibility of your vocation or life situation
Identify the areas within that vocation distorted by idolatry
Be the redeeming influence as an agent of new creation

Ultimately, what are we (if Christian) called to be in relationship with culture?

We are called to faithfully improvise the biblical story in today's world- embracing its trajectories

In what sense are followers of Jesus sent - for what reason?

As you have sent me, so I send them out into the world..."
That all will know there is only one God (reason for living)
That all will know I am the Messiah (the story redeemer)

What are the four possibilities for the basic explanation of the universe?

Theism, pantheism, deism, naturalism

What are the questions of ancient cosmology? What questions are not asked?

Why do things work as they do, what is my place?" not, "How did matter get here?

What are the remarkable differences between the Genesis story and other ancient cosmologies?

Ontology of order and peace, God outside of material universe

What phrase best describes the relationship of Genesis to other stories of creation?

Creation is orderly, intentional, and good

What is true of poetry in the ancient world - what was its function?

In ancient world, the most profound truths often expressed through poetry so it could be easily remembered

What was the purpose of most creation myths in relation to the common person?

Most ancient myths of beginning functioned to subjugate people to particular servant roles.

What does the word "image" mean in the ancient context in which "image of God" was written?

Shocking claim in ancient cultural setting. Rather than low view of humanity as in pagan worldviews- all human beings created as image of God was a stunning, exalting, and unique claim

What tension is resolved in the days of creation? How?

No longer desolate, no longer uninhabited

What is the human job description according to Genesis?

To work out the purposes of God in his creation-

What does the Genesis story clearly tell us?

Each part of creation is good as it conforms to God's creational design . It is God's story.

What is the relationship of God resting to humanity forming and filling?

Humankind is given the responsibility to continue God's creative work until fulfilled in ultimate "rest

What is shalom as it relates to creation?

Life as it was intended from the beginning

What does creatio tertia mean?

Forming and filling to stamp God's glory onto creation

What is the first thing in the Genesis story that is "not good?" How is this resolved?

It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him

What ontological reality is always beyond our ability to understand?


What is the meaning of redemption when considered in the context of the creation/Fall

Divine activity that neutralizes and overcomes the decreational forces which threaten life and creation- it is an act of restoration of God's good creation

How have we been taught to think?

We have been taught to think "scientifically" (causation, composition, systemization)

What is imagistic language? What purpose does it serve?

Deeply meaningful, imagery beyond words - purpose to create feeling and emotion

What was the purpose of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Genesis story?

Reminder of creaturely status:
Central importance of trust and obedience
No relationship without choice
Call to serve one greater, life submitted to higher purpose than self

What is the analogy of imagistic language provided in this presentation?

Van Gogh's The Starry Night vs photo from Hubble telescope

Why does God hate sin? Is God arbitrarily offended?

God is not arbitrarily offended. God hates sin because it violates shalom

What was the sequence of temptation in the Eden story?

Doubt... unbelief... imagination

What is meant when one says "self-actualization is the original sin?

Sin is the breaking of shalom in any form. Leaving God's plan to follow your own.

What are the consequences of sin when considering the ordering of creation?

Rebellion against structure of reality and the one who created it (Corrupts, pollutes, misdirects, twists creation)

How does NT Wright define sin?

It is a "refusal to live

What is the uncomfortable reality about the stories in the OT that applies to our lives?

There is a greater story than our own. Bulk of promises to Abraham fulfilled after death

What is the Covenant dynamic of God's will? What is the purpose of God's law?

God's loving instructions (law) are always a gift because of God's covenant love, never a means to gaining God's love.

Review the five hopeful notes concerning sin.

1. Sin does not belong to fabric of creation - it can be removed
2. Even before end, God keeps sin from running its destructive course
3. Power of the good news of life under God's good reign is greater than power of sin
4. Jesus (as wisdom of God in the

What is the pattern of Abram's call - and who would ultimately benefit?

Called, sent on a journey of faith, blessed (ultimately for the sake of others)

What is the livable faith construct according to Brueggeman?

Orientation, disorientation, new orientation. Forms a livable faith!

What is the foundational paradigmatic story in the Old Testament?

The Exodus

What is the purpose of the four gospels?

They told the story of the awaited Messiah in their specific ideas of who he was

Was there a time in the Old Testament when all of God's promises were fulfilled? If so, when?

No. several were left unfulfilled

What tension is left unresolved in the Old Testament story?

A child will be born." The return of God's glory

In what sense is the story of Jesus unexpected?

The Jews had interpreted the old testament prophecies to expect an earthly king. He was not leading armies or waging war on the romans, but trying to teach the Jews how to live better.

What is the motivation God gives for the new covenant in Jesus in Ezekiel 36?

Not for your sake- but for mine." To sanctify his name which had been profaned. He wanted the Nations to know that he was Yahweh

What is the invitation of Jesus in Matthew 11:28-30 (according to The Message)

He invites his listeners to come to him and rediscover the purpose of their lives.

What are our basic needs and how are they addressed in the teachings of Jesus?

Identity, purpose, security, community, freedom and peace

Why is Philippians 2:5-11 so central to our understanding of Jesus and the life he offers?

It is about self-emptying for others, which is what he did. He died on a cross for us.

What does Jesus come to bring us?

Jesus came to give us new life, not more of what is killing us! Remember - justice and love in their true sense

How might the cross be seen as an invitation to life?

It is our invitation to follow him. Live a life of self-sacrifice as Jesus did

How might John 13 serve as a parable of the cross?

We are called to do the same.
Take off your entitled power, assume role of servant, be willing to give life to others...

What does NT Wright say is our role - the "fully human role" in creation?

live fully into the story that Jesus modeled and gave his life to give