Male Repro Anatomy

Rete testis

Network of tubules which carry system from the seminiferous tubules to the efferent ducts

Efferent Ducts

connect the rete testis to the epididymis


Behind the testis, carries sperm to the vas deferens


Carries the duct for sperm transport during copulation, serves for elimination urine through the urethra

What are the functions of the male repro system?

-Produce & maintain supply of sperm
-Detect females in estrus
-Inseminate females & fertilize the female gamete


Process in which sperm are produced through stem cells through mitosis & miosis, occurs in the seminiferous tubules. Sperm are then stored in the testes.

What are pheromones?

Chemical substances produced and released into the environment from a mammal that affects the behavior or physiology of another

What are the functions of the spermatic cord?

-Provide vascular, lymphatic, and neural connection to the body
-Provide a heat exchanger: bring blood back and forth between body and testicles to cool down
-House the cremaster muscle: raises & lowers the testis to keep sperm at the ideal temp (1-2 C) b

What is the pampiniform plexus?

One single artery surrounded by a network of veins, make up a majority of the spermatic cord, running from the back of the testical up to the caudal end of vena cava. Temperature control.


Produce sperm (spermatozoa), 1-25 billion per day.
Contains 300 compartments called lobules.
Produce hormones (Testosterone, Inhibin, Estrogen)

Layers of Testes

-Tunica Albuginea (Tough thin tissue that encases testis to give strength)
-Tunica dartos (Muscle layer in the skin of scrotum used for thermal regulation)
-Mediastinum (Central connective tissue core)
-Rete tubules (Sperm transported out)
-Seminiferous T

Thermal properties of scrotum

-Move away from body to cool, move close to warm
-Tunica dartos cause contraction
-External cremaster muscle- covers outside of spermatic cord & pulls scrotum closer to body

Journey of Sperm

1. Produced in seminiferous tubules (testes)
2. Created in stem cells, starts as germ cells
3. Nurtured by Sertoli Cells in Seminiferous tubules
4. Goes to rete testis
5. Goes to efferent ducts
6. Epididymus, head-body-tail
7. Vas deferens
8. Then to semi