Test For Biology 10/13 - Eva Miller


Is a group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring.


Is a group of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the same area.


An assemblage of different populations that live together in a defined area.


The scientific study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their physical environment.


All the organisms that live in a place, together, with their physical environment.

Biotic Factor

Any living part of the environment with which an organism might interact, including animals, plants, mushrooms, and bacteria.

Abiotic Factor

Any nonliving part of the environment, such as sunlight, heat precipitation, humidity, wind or water currents, soil type, and so on.


Organism that is able to capture energy from sunlight or chemicals and use it to produce its own food from inorganic compounds; also called a producer.

Primary Producer

First producer of energy-rich compounds that are later used by other organisms.


Process used by plants and other autotroph to capture light energy and use it to power chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and energy-rich carbohydrates such as sugars and starches.


Organism that obtains food by consuming other living things; also called a consumer.


Organism that relies on other other organisms for its energy and food supply; also called a heterotroph.


Organism that obtains energy by eating animals.


Organism that obtains energy by eating only plants.


Animal that consumes the carcasses of other animals.


Organism that obtains energy by eating both plants and animals.


Organism that breaks down and obtains energy from dead organic matter.


Organism that feeds on plant and animal remains and other dead matter.

Biogeochemical Cycle

Process in which elements, chemical compounds, and other forms of matter are passed from one organism to another and from one part of the biosphere to another.


Chemical substance that an organism needs to sustain life.