
according to the ____________ metaphor, experiences are stashed in the brain like photographs in an album


Clark's nutcrackers apparently recall the location of something like___________ food caches


forgetting is deterioration of

6 months

Kamil and Balda found that Clark's nutcrackers could recall the location of food caches for up to


the term _________ memory refers to learned behavior that can be expressed, usually in words


Endel Tulving said that ___________ memories have to do with "knowledge of the world

free recall

jack and jill go up a hill to fetch a pail of water. jack falls down and breaks his crown and jill thinks he may have suffered a concussion. to test his memory, she asks him if he remembers what happened. jill is measuring forgetting by the method known a


another term for episodic memory is ____________ memory


memories that cannot be expressed are called


riding a bicycle is an example of __________ memory

prompted recall

it turns out that jack can't remember anything that happened from the time he and jill started up the hill. jill takes jack up the hill again and finds that he remembers seeing the well before. jill is measuring forgetting by using

prompted recall

one measure of forgetting is called delayed matching to sample. this procedure could be considered a form of


to measure forgetting, Ebbinghaus used the ______________ method


the first person to demonstrate the relationship between forgetting and degree of learning was probably


forgetting can be measured as a flattening of the generalization gradient, a procedure called gradient


forgetting can be studied by requiring the subject to match a stimulus presented earlier, a procedure called

put on extinction after the retention interval

when measuring forgetting using the extinction method, the behavior studied is


the first person to argue that the passage of time does not cause forgetting was probably

five decades

Harry Bahrick's studies of forgetting have involved retention intervals of up to


the "man who couldn't forget" was studied by

chess masters and ordinary players forgot about the same amount

the Chase and Simon study comparing class masters and ordinary players showed that when chess pieces were arranged in random order,

previous learning

meaningful material is forgotten less readily than nonsense material. this shows the importance of

proactive interference

when what we learned on monday interferes with our ability to recall what we learned the following tuesday, we speak of

paired associate

in _____________ learning, two stimuli, A and B, are presented, the task is then to recall B when presented with A

the War of the Ghosts

Sir Frederick Bartlett's classical study of forgetting, used the story

disagree with it

the work of Levine and Murphy suggests that people are more likely to forget what they read if they

retroactive interference

a study of immobilized cockroaches showed the importance of ______________ in forgetting


the Jenkins and Dallenback study of forgetting after sleep suggests that forgetting is a function of


when forgetting occurs because the environment during recall is different from the environment during training, is said to be


Loftus found that eyewitness reports are influenced by the words used to ask about the event. in one experiment, she found that use of the word "smashed" produced higher estimates of car speed than use of the word


the names of the great lakes can be recalled with help of the acronym


a system for learning with flashcards is known by the acronym


forgetting is a deterioration in learned performance following a period without practice. T/F


declarative knowledge is also called explicit knowledge. T/F


the "savings method" is one way of measuring forgetting. T/F


the measure of forgetting called gradient degradation has to do with extinction. T/F


the length of the retention interval is unrelated to the degree of forgetting. T/F


the Jenkins and Dallenback study of forgetting after sleep suggests that forgetting is a function of learning. T/F


the name Benton Underwood is associated with paired associate learning. T/F


marjory memorized her part in the school play thoroughly in her apartment, but found that she couldn't remember her lines at rehearsal. her trouble is consistent with the effects of context cues. T/F


in one of Rovee-Collier's experiments with babies and mobiles, after a retention interval there was no sign of forgetting when the context was the same as that during training. T/F


the period between the end of a learning experience and its recall is called the _________ interval

semantic; episodic

declarative memories include _________ and ________ memories


when the task is to identify stimuli to which the subject was exposed earlier, the measure of forgetting used is called


studies of interference often involve learning pairs of words. this procedure is called paired ________ learning


bob is introduced to matilda at a party. a few minutes later he is introduced to harriet. when he meets matilda again he can't recall her name. this is most likely an example of ____________ interference


when performance varies with an organism's physiological condition it is said to be