ATP 5-19 - Risk Management?

What ATP covers Risk Management?

ATP 5-19

What is Risk Management?

Risk Management is the process of identifying, assessing, and controlling risks arising from operational factors and making decisions that balance risk costs with mission benefits.

How many steps are in the Risk Management process?


What are the 5 Steps of the Risk Management process?

Step 1. Identify hazards.
Step 2. Assess hazards to determine risks.
Step 3. Develop controls and make risk decisions.
Step 4. Implement controls.
Step 5. Supervise and evaluate.

How many 'types' of risk are there?


What are the 2 Types of Risk?

1. Tactical
2. Accident

What is Tactical Risk?

Tactical risk is risk concerned with hazards that exist because of the presence of either the enemy or an adversary. It applies to all levels of war and across the spectrum of operations.What is Accident Risk?

What is Accident Risk?

Accident risk includes all operational risk considerations other than tactical risk. It includes risks to the friendly force. It also includes risks posed to civilians by an operation, as well as an operations impact on the environment. It can include act

environmental conditions.
What are the three steps of Identifying Hazards?

Identify hazards to people, property, and mission.
Consider all aspects of past, present, and future problem areas.
Conditions change quickly, consider all METT-TC involved in the operations.

What are some Hazard considerations?

Complexity and difficulty of the mission or task.
Terrain and environment.
Weather and visibility.
Equipment on hand and status.
Time available for preparation.
Time available for execution.

What is a Hazard?

Any existing or potential condition that can cause injury, illness, or death; damage to, or loss of equipment and property; or degradation of the mission.

What is a Risk?

The chance of hazards or bad con-sequences; exposure to injury or loss. The risk level is expressed in terms of hazard probability and severity.

What is Probability?

The likeliness that an event will occur

What are the levels of Probability in Risk Management?

Frequent - occurs often.
Likely - Occurs several times.
Occasional - occurs sporadically.
Seldom - Unlikely, but could occur.
Unlikely - Probably won't occur.

What is Severity?

Severity is the expected result of an event or degree of impairing factors.

What are the degrees of Severity?

What is Residual

What is Residual Risk?

Residual Risk is the level of risk remaining after controls have been implemented. Controls are altered until the residual risk is at an acceptable level or until it cannot practically be further reduced.