From Daleo's Review Session

X-band RADAR

3 cm


10 cm

Short Pulse RADAR

Range: 0-3 NM

A object that appears stationary on a relative motion radar

has the same course and speed as your ship

3 cm RADAR is used inshore because

it gives you a more detailed picture

Sea Clutter

sensitivity control

Using a True Motion RADAR in an area with significant set and drift, you are on a constant heading. What will an object stationary object do on your RADAR screen?

It will stay where it is as you move: True Motion RADAR shows what is truly happening.

As you increase range of RADAR

you increase pulse length

On a chart a RADAR range is plotted in an



Decreases the normal RADAR range you are able to see

SARTs appear on


Vertical Band Width

The wider it is, the more you can see. It increases the RADAR's range and helps avoid target switching (this is when the RADAR is unable to recognize multiple objects on the same bearing).

Minimum Detection Range

is not influenced by shadowing from the ship's strcture

If the Gyro Compass fails

You can still use the RADAR in Heads Up display

Heads Up display


Course Up display


North Up display


AIS gives you

target information and can be helpful in target/collision avoidance

Radar Horizon Distance formula

D= 1.22*squrt of the height

Rudder Pitch Formula

(engine speed x 6080)/(RPM x 60)
(I think this is right but I couldn't find it in my notes. If you remember something different, let me know.)

Slip Formula

((Engine Speed - Observed Speed)/(Engine Speed))*100
100% - Efficiency

Engine Speed Formula

(RPM x 60 x Pitch)/(6080)

Pivot point

1/3 of the vessel length from the bow

turning diameter

approximately 3 ship's lengths

Shallow water truing

turns are wider so you need more space

things to communicate when being relived at the helm

- Gyro Heading
- Speed
- Course Over Ground
- Weather Conditions
- Traffic Conditions
- How the ship has been steering

Right/Left Rudder

Apply right/left rudder instantly the desired amount requested

Right/Left full rudder

put the rudder over to the right/left very close to the maximum amount. On most ships this is 30 degrees.

Right/left hard rudder

put the rudder over to the maximum angle the rudder can achieve. On most ships this is 35 degrees

Meet Her

Stop the swing of the vessel

Ease rudder to _____

decrease rudder angle to ______

Steady or steady as you go

keep vessel of given course

Rudder amidships

Rudder angle to zero

shift your rudder

move rudder to the opposite direction at the same amount

Mind your Rudder

Warning to helmsman to watch ordered course carefully

Nothing to the right/left of

steer nothing beyond the given course

How does she head?

Helmsman is supposed to state the current heading of vessel

Keep her so

maintain the present course