Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion: The Law of Inertia Vocab


The pulling force exerted on every object by every other object


Any increase to the "rate of change" in an object's velocity which results in an increase in the object's speed


A decrease in the "rate of change" in an object's velocity which results in a decrease in speed and is synonymous with the term "negative acceleration

Net force

Exists when the forces acting on an object are unequal or unbalanced

Balanced force

Forces acting on an object that are equal in size and opposite in direction

Kinetic energy

Energy possessed by an object due to its motion, mass and velocity

Potential energy

Energy possessed by an object due to its mass, position or condition

Thermal energy

The total amount of kinetic energy in the particles of a substance


The property of matter that resists changes in speed and direction


Standard unit of measure which identifies the amount of a particular force acting on an object


Force that opposes motion between two surfaces in contact with each other. Works in the opposite direction of motion and can produce tremendous heat.


The speed and direction of a moving object